Weekly Health Update from Your Napa Chiropractor

Mental Attitude: Sense of Purpose in Life May Boost Longevity and Heart Health. New research suggests that having a sense of purpose might protect your heart and add years to your life. Scientists analyzed studies involving 136,000 individuals and found that those who felt strongly that their lives had meaning or that they were “useful” to others had a lower risk for heart disease and premature death than those whose lives felt less meaningful. Co-author Dr. Alan Rozanski writes, “The current findings are important because they may open up new potential interventions for helping people to promote their health and sense of well-being.” Psychosomatic Medicine: Journal of Biobehavioral Medicine, December 2015
Health Alert: The World Appears to Be a Safer Place. Since 1990, there has been a significant declining trend in the rates of death and disability due to injury. The reduction in injuries can be taken as good news, but 4.8 million deaths globally in 2013 is still a large number, and efforts to reduce death and disability from injury worldwide must continue. Injury Prevention, December 2015
Diet: Diets Are Becoming Sweeter. Investigators analyzed global nutrition and discovered that sales of sugar-sweetened drinks are rising around the world in terms of calories sold per person per day, as well as volume sold per person per day. This finding is concerning for researchers as it is well known that greater added sugar intake can increase an individual’s risk for obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, December 2015
Exercise: Does Physical Activity Reduce Cardiovascular Risks in Seniors? Though guidelines suggest the cardiovascular systems of those over 75 years old would benefit from regular physical activity, few studies have actually evaluated this relationship. Using ten years of data collected from 4,207 men and women, researchers found the more physically active the participant, the lower their risk for a heart attack or stroke. In one example cited by the authors of the study, the risks for heart attack and stroke were essentially cut in half among those who habitually walked at a 3 mph (~4.82 kmh) pace when compared with those who normally walked at a 2 mph (~3.21 kmh) pace. Circulation, November 2015
Chiropractic: Diabetics More Likely to Have Musculoskeletal Pain. Taiwanese researchers reviewed records concerning nearly 40,000 patients and found that young adults with type 2 diabetes were nearly 40% more likely than non-diabetics to experience musculoskeletal (MSK) pain during a ten-year time period. The most common causes for MSK-related doctor visits among diabetic patients were associated with lower back pain, pelvic pain, and pain in the limbs. Previous research had shown poor blood sugar control can lead to damage to the bones and nerves, which can increase a diabetic’s risk for musculoskeletal pain, particularly in the limbs. Additionally, other studies have found an association between the development of lower back pain (LBP) and reduced physical activity, high body-mass index, and a sedentary lifestyle, all of which are common among type 2 diabetics.
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, November 2015
Wellness/Prevention: Smoking and Poor Nutrition Affect Fertility. For couples having difficulty getting pregnant, eating more fruits and vegetables along with not smoking may be good advice. Researchers followed the weekly activities of couples undergoing fertility treatment and found male smoking increased the risk of pregnancy loss, female smoking caused an adverse effect on ovarian reserve, and eating more servings of fruits and vegetables was associated with a greater likelihood of fertilization.
Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology, December 2015
Quote: “Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.” ~ André Gide

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.

Weekly Health Update from your Napa Chiropractor

Mental Attitude: The Companionship of a Dog May Ease a Child’s Fears. Dog ownership may lower a child’s anxiety levels. In a study involving nearly 640 children, researchers found that only 12% of children with dogs tested positive for anxiety, compared with 21% of those without dogs. The researchers speculate that having a dog may reduce a child’s anxiety, particularly social and separation anxieties, by triggering conversations and helping break the ice with new people. Preventing Chronic Disease, November 2015
Health Alert: Fewer Teens Using Cigarettes and Alcohol! The 2015 Monitoring the Future survey finds cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption continues to decline among teens. Among 10th graders, researchers observed a 54.9% reduction in cigarette use in just the past five years. The rate of binge drinking (described as having five or more drinks in a row within the past two weeks) among high school seniors fell from 31.5% in 1998 to 17.4% this past year and just over a third of seniors have been drunk in the past year compared with more than half in 2001. National Drug Control Policy Director Michael Botticelli writes, “This year’s Monitoring the Future data continue the promising trends from last year with declining rates of adolescent substance use, and support the value of evidence-based prevention, treatment, and recovery… I encourage parents, teachers, coaches, and mentors to have a conversation with the young people in their lives about making the healthy decisions that will keep them on a path toward a successful future.”
National Institutes of Health, December 2015
Diet: Fruits and Veggies Can Lower Hypertension Risk! Using multi-decade data concerning over 200,000 men and women, researchers have found an association between fruit and vegetable consumption and blood pressure. They observed that those who consumed four or more servings per day of fruits and vegetables had a 5-8% lower risk for developing hypertension. The researchers also observed a reduction in hypertension risk among participants who consumed four or more servings per week of broccoli, carrots, tofu, soybeans, raisins, or apples. Hypertension, December 2015
Exercise: How Strong Is Your Handgrip? The strength of your handgrip may indicate your risk for future cardiovascular disease. Researchers analyzed data regarding 4,221 adults collected during the 2011-2012 cycle of National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey and found those with above-average grip strength for their age were more likely to have a healthy cardiovascular profile than their peers with weaker grips. American Journal of Preventative Medicine, December 2015
Chiropractic: Working Postures That Increase Musculoskeletal Pain Risk. Among a sample of 789 workers across a variety of industries, researchers found prolonged exposure to awkward postures could increase an individual’s risk of developing a musculoskeletal (MSK) condition. These postures include: kneeling/crouching (low-back pain), neck flexion and rotation (neck pain), trunk flexion (low-back pain), and arm elevation (neck and shoulder pain). Future studies aim to identify exposure limits for each posture in an effort to curb work-related MSK disorder risk. Ergonomics, December 2015
Wellness/Prevention: Weight Loss Can Benefit Knee Cartilage. Obesity is a significant risk factor for the development of osteoarthritis of the knee. A new study shows that losing a large amount of weight can slow the loss of knee cartilage in obese individuals. The study included over 500 overweight and obese participants and found that cartilage degenerated much slower in those who lost more than 10% of their body weight during the four-year study. Researcher Dr. Alexandra Gersing adds, “Significant weight loss not only slows the loss of knee joint cartilage, it also reduces the risk of osteoarthritis. Along with moderate exercise, weight loss is one of the best ways to prevent the disease.” Radiological Society of North America, November 2015
Quote: “Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration, the rest of us just get up and go to work.” ~ Stephen King

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.

Weekly Health Update from your Napa Chiropractor

Mental Attitude: No Biological Differences Between Male and Female Brains. The evaluation of more than 1,400 MRI scans suggests that biologically unmistakable sex differences don’t extend to the structure of the brain. Though the brain is home to a mix of masculine and feminine characteristics, researchers found the brains of males and females tend not to stand apart in terms of gray matter, white matter, or connections inside the brain. Lead author Dr. Daphna Joel writes, “Our results undermine the entire concept of boy/girl brains.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, November 2015
Health Alert: Coal Burning Pollution Very Damaging to Health. Using data gathered from 450,000 people in the United States, investigators found that particles from burning coal contribute five times more to the risk of death from heart disease than other air pollution particles of the same size. According to the World Health Organization, air pollution kills approximately three million people worldwide each year. The authors of the analysis write that coal emissions are a major factor in this public health crisis, and these emissions must be reduced to lower the number of deaths caused by air pollution.
Environmental Health Perspectives, December 2015
Diet: Caffeinated Energy Drinks May Raise Teens’ Diabetes Risk. Highly caffeinated “energy shots” appear to trigger short-term insulin resistance in teens. In a recent study, researchers observed that teens who drank a highly caffeinated energy shot experienced a 25% increase in both blood sugar and insulin levels that was not observed when they consumed a decaffeinated version. Researchers speculate that the high dose of caffeine might directly interfere with insulin’s ability to control sugar levels, or it might hamper the function of insulin by promoting the release of hormones, like adrenaline, that work counter to insulin. World Diabetes Congress, December 2015
Exercise: Reduces Age-Related Arterial Stiffening! The hardening or stiffening of the arteries can increase an individual’s risk for cardiac events like a heart attack or stroke. Among a sample of 470 healthy adults, those with the highest cardiorespiratory fitness levels over a period of two years experienced less arterial stiffening than those who exercised the least. This finding adds to the large body of research that associates physical fitness with a reduced risk for cardiovascular disease. Journal of Clinical Hypertension, December 2015
Chiropractic: Head Posture and Muscle Endurance Associated with Neck Pain in Teens. Portuguese researchers analyzed the posture and neck muscle function of 35 teens with neck pain and 35 of their asymptomatic peers. They found a distinct difference in cervical posture between the two groups and also detected less neck flexor and extensor endurance among the teens with neck pain. Manual Therapy, October 2015
Wellness/Prevention: Keep Safe While on the Road. When traveling in your car, whether it’s for your daily commute or a long trip, it’s important to protect yourself. The American Red Cross recommends: never drive when impaired, use your seatbelt, make sure to stay alert and are well-rested, never use cell phone while driving, pay attention when driving in a work zone, follow the speed limit and road rules, respect other drivers, make sure all your lights work, keep your windows/windshield clean, and turn on head lights at dusk and any time you need to use your windshield wipers.
American Red Cross, December 2015
Quote: “Many people lose the small joys in the hope for the big happiness.” ~ Pearl S. Buck

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.

Weekly Health Update from Your Napa Chiropractor

Mental Attitude: Slow Walking Speed May Be a Sign of Approaching Alzheimer’s Disease. In a recent study, researchers found an association between slow walking speed and the presence of amyloid in key regions of the brain involved in motor function. The development of amyloid plaques in the brain is thought to trigger the disruption and destruction of nerve cells that causes Alzheimer’s disease. Research leader Dr. Natalia del Campo explains, “It’s possible that having subtle walking disturbances in addition to memory concerns may signal Alzheimer’s disease, even before people show any clinical symptoms.” Neurology, December 2015
Health Alert: Obesity Linked to More Severe Bone and Joint Injuries. An analysis of data regarding 300 patients treated for multiple orthopedic injuries found that obesity complicates the treatment of broken bones and other major joint injuries. The authors of the analysis found that the more obese a patient was, the more likely they’d require surgery to address their injury. They also found an association between obesity and longer hospital stays, and severely obese patients were more likely to be discharged to a continuing-care facility. Lead author Dr. Heather Licht adds, “Even when patients have the same severity of injuries, resource utilization is higher among patients with obesity, compared to non-obese patients.”
Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery, November 2015
Diet: Omega-3 Fatty Acids May Benefit Bipolar Disorder. Individuals with bipolar disorder tend to have lower plasma levels of certain omega-3 fatty acids. Because omega-3 fatty acids play a vital role in brain cell communication and are a major player in immune and inflammatory systems, researchers speculate that consuming more omega-3 fatty acid-rich foods may benefit bipolar individuals. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids include fish, grass fed meats, nuts, flax seed, and leafy vegetables.
Bipolar Disorders, November 2015
Exercise: What Is the Best Type of Exercise? Any exercise you can do on a regular basis is the best kind of physical activity. Walking is considered one of the optimal choices because it’s easy, safe, and inexpensive. It also doesn’t require training or special equipment, except for a pair of good walking shoes. Brisk walking can burn as many calories as running and is less likely to cause injuries than running or jogging. Additionally, walking is an aerobic and weight-bearing exercise, so it is great for your heart and helps prevent the weakening of the bones known as osteoporosis. American Academy of Family Physicians, December 2015
Chiropractic: Hip Mobilization with Movement Benefits Hip Osteoarthritis. Mobilization with movement (MWM) is often used in the treatment of hip osteoarthritis. However, there are very few studies evaluating the effectiveness of such manual therapies in the treatment of this common hip condition. A new study involving forty elderly patients with hip osteoarthritis found that pain, hip range of motion, and physical performance all improved immediately after receiving MWM. Manual Therapies, October 2015
Wellness/Prevention: Night / Shift Work May Increase Breast Cancer Risk. Women who work non-traditional hours over the course of a career may have a slightly greater risk for a breast cancer diagnosis than those who work “9-5.” Researchers combed through 25 studies regarding “breast cancer risk” and “night work” or “shift work” published during the last twenty years and found long-term night/shift work may be associated with a 9% greater risk for breast cancer.
Gynecology, Obstetrics, & Fertility, December 2015
Quote: “Life has no remote… get up and change it yourself!” ~ Mark A. Cooper

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.