Weekly Health Update from your Napa Chiropractor

Mental Attitude: Pet Dogs Help Children Feel Less Stressed. Pet dogs can provide valuable social support for kids when they’re
stressed. Researchers randomly assigned children to experience stressors, such as public speaking or a mental task, with either their
dog or a parent present for social support, or no one at all. They found that children who had their pet dog with them reported feeling
less stressed compared with having a parent for social support or having no social support. Furthermore, saliva tests revealed reduced
cortisol levels among children who spent more time with their dog. Social Development, May 2017
Health Alert: Nearly 30% of Prescription Drugs Have Safety Issues After FDA Approval. Safety issues emerge with nearly a
third of prescription drugs after they’ve been approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). An analysis of data
on drugs approved by the FDA between 2001 and 2010 found that 32% of drugs had safety issues after approval. More specifically, of
the 222 drugs approved during the study period, three were withdrawn, 61 received boxed warnings, and 59 prompted safety
communications. The medications that were most likely to have post-approval safety issues included biologics, psychiatric drugs, and
medicines approved through the FDA’s accelerated approval process. JAMA, May 2017
Diet: Too Much Salt in a Teen’s Diet Can Lead to Unhealthy Changes to Blood Vessels. A study that involved 775 teenaged
participants measured the elasticity of a major artery located in the upper arm as well as the speed that blood traveled in major arteries
in the neck and groin. After analyzing the amount of sodium consumed on self-reported diet records, the researchers found that the
adolescents who consumed the most salt had measurable changes in their blood vessels linked to early signs of cardiovascular disease
in adults. The findings suggest that adolescents who consume too much salt may place themselves at higher risk for future a heart
attack or stroke. Pediatric Academic Society, May 2017
Exercise: Running Can Reduce Cellular Aging. Telomeres are the protective caps at the ends of chromosomes, which are
considered a marker of biological age. As we age, telomere length usually shortens. In this study, researchers analyzed data
concerning 5,823 adults who were a part of the 1999-2002 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey and found that those
who ran for 30 to 40 minutes a day, five days a week had telomere lengths more akin to people up to nine years their junior. Lead
researcher Dr. Larry Tucker adds, “If you want to see a real difference in slowing your biological ageing, it appears a little exercise
won’t cut it. You have to work out regularly at high levels. We know that regular physical activity helps to reduce mortality and
prolong life, and now we know part of that advantage may be due to preservation of telomeres.” Preventive Medicine, May 2017
Chiropractic: Chronic Pain Affects Quality of Life. Chronic pain can result in significant clinical and social consequences. A recent
study set out to investigate the influence of chronic pain on health-related quality of life, work productivity, depression, and anxiety
among individuals in a community setting. The researchers found that roughly a third of those with either multisite pain or neuropathic
pain reported depressive symptoms. Furthermore, those suffering from either chronic multisite or neuropathic pain reported their
condition significant interferences with their daily activities and physical function, as well as their performance at work. The findings
confirm that chronic pain is a multifaceted health condition that requires a multidisciplinary treatment approach. Chiropractic care
focuses on improving quality of life and function among sufferers with these types of conditions. Family Practice, April 2017
Wellness/Prevention: Coping with a Stomach Virus. A gastrointestinal virus can cause your stomach to become sensitive to many
foods, which can lead to nausea or a general worsening of symptoms. The American Academy of Family Physicians suggests the
following easy-on-your-tummy foods: bananas, rice, plain potatoes, plain applesauce, plain dry toast, saltine crackers, and clear broth.
American Academy of Family Physicians, May 2017
Quote: “Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.” ~ Charles R. Swindoll

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.