Mental Attitude: Connected Teens Become Healthier Young Adults? New research suggests that teens with
higher levels of connectedness—such as feeling engaged, supported, and cared for at home and school—are
significantly less likely to have mental health issues, experience violence, take sexual risks, and engage in
substance abuse in their 20s. Pediatrics, June 2019
Health Alert: Where Body Fat Collects Hints at Future Heart Troubles. An analysis of data concerning
nearly 162,000 postmenopausal women found that women whose body fat collects in their mid-section have
nearly twice the risk for heart disease or stroke as women whose body fat is mostly stored in their legs. Study
author Dr. Qibin Qi writes, “Our findings suggest that postmenopausal women, despite having normal weight,
could have a varying risk of cardiovascular disease because of different fat distributions around either their
middle or their legs.” European Heart Journal, July 2019
Diet: Kids Prefer Foods They Help Cook. Children who helped prepare snacks featuring foods they had
previously identified as “yucky” were more likely to rate such foods as “okay” or “yummy” than kids who did
not assist in the kitchen. Appetite, July 2019
Exercise: Exercise Reduces Pain in Diabetics. In this study, type 2 diabetics with limb pain experienced
improvements in both the number of painful body sites and pain intensity after participating in a twelve-week
exercise program. The findings are important as diabetics are nearly 25% more likely to report limb pain than
non-diabetics. Diabetic Research and Clinical Practice, July 2019
Chiropractic: Manual Therapy May Be Best Choice for Plantar Fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis is one of the most
common causes of foot and heel pain. In a recent study involving 63 plantar fasciitis patients, researchers
observed that participants treated with the combination of custom foot orthotics and manual therapy
experienced greater improvements in pain and function than the patients who only received one of the treatment
options. Doctors of chiropractic are known to use both approaches when treating patients with plantar fasciitis.
Sports, May 2019
Wellness/Prevention: Protect Your Eyes from Ultraviolet Rays. Sunglasses can help protect your eyes from
ultraviolet (UV) rays, which can contribute to the development of cataracts and macular degeneration. The
Mayo Clinic suggests that you choose sunglasses that block 99% to 100% of UVA and UVB rays, screen out
75% to 90% of visible light, have lenses that are perfectly matched in color, and do not have distortions or
imperfections in the lenses. Mayo Clinic, July 2019
Quote: “All human wisdom is summed up in two words; wait and hope.” ~ Alexandre Dumas
I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.
Monthly Archives: August 2019
WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Napa Chiropractor, 8-19-2019
Mental Attitude: Sunshine During Pregnancy Important for Child’s Learning? Vitamin D is produced in
the body as a result of exposure to ultraviolet B (UVB) rays. An analysis of data concerning over 422,000
mother-child pairs in Scotland revealed that kids born to women with lower levels of exposure to UVB rays
during pregnancy were more likely to have a learning disability later in life. Lead author Dr. Jill Pell notes,
“Learning disabilities can have profound life-long effects on both the affected child and their family. The
importance of our study is that it suggests a possible way to prevent learning disabilities in some children.”
Scientific Reports, June 2019
Health Alert: Many Doctors and Nurses Not Aware That Diabetes Raises Risk for CTS and Frozen
Shoulder. Type 2 diabetics have an increased risk for limited joint mobility (LJM) disorders of the upper
extremities, such as carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) and adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder). Surveys
completed by 245 nurse practitioners and 390 general practitioners revealed that more than half were unaware
that LJM is a complication associated with diabetes mellitus. BMC Family Practice, July 2019
Diet: A Specific Probiotic Supplement May Boost Obese People’s Health. In a study involving 32
overweight or obese volunteers, participants who took a probiotic supplement for three months that contained
the bacteria Akkermansia muciniphila lost an average of five lbs. (~2.26 kg) and experienced improved
cholesterol readings. Nature Medicine, June 2019
Exercise: Fitness Linked to Pain Sensitivity. Among a group of 1,036 adolescents, researchers observed that
teens who scored lower on physical fitness assessments were more sensitive to pain than their peers with higher
fitness scores. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, July 2019
Chiropractic: Nearly Half of Teens Have Musculoskeletal Pain. Surveys completed by 1,021 teenagers
revealed that 46.1% had pain in one or more body sites. The data show that teens with musculoskeletal pain in
at least one body site had lower quality of life scores and lower sleep quality than their pain-free peers.
Additionally, participants with pain in multiple sites reported lower quality of life and sleep quality scores than
those with pain in only one area. BMC Pediatrics, June 2019
Wellness/Prevention: Taming Bad Breath. The American Dental Association notes that individuals can
reduce their risk for bad breath by brushing twice a day, flossing daily, using a toothbrush or scraper to clean
your tongue, using mouthwash when needed, keeping saliva flowing with chewy foods, cleaning dentures
regularly, not smoking, and making regular dental visits. American Dental Association, July 2019
Quote: “A good laugh is sunshine in the house.” ~ William Makepeace Thackeray
I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.
WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Napa Chiropractor, 8-12-2019
Mental Attitude: Alcoholism Harms Even Those Who Don’t Have Drinking Problems. Researchers
gathered data from two nationwide surveys in the United States that included nearly 9,000 adults and found that
21% of women and 23% of men were harmed by someone else’s drinking in the past year. These harms include
threats, harassment, damaged property, vandalism, physical aggregation, money problems, relationship issues,
and driving issues. Study author Dr. Katherine Karriker-Jaffe warns, “Heavy drinkers should be aware of how
they might be impacting the lives of people around them.” Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, July 2019
Health Alert: Stay in School! An analysis of data gathered between 1971 and 2012 concerning more than
75,000 people found that failure to complete high school is associated with an increased risk for heart disease.
Study author Dr. Rita Hamad adds, “Overall, people with more education may have reduced heart disease
because they have higher incomes, allowing them to afford better food and healthcare… Or, it may be that they
have more resources and therefore less stress, which has been previously linked with heart disease.”
PLOS Medicine, June 2019
Diet: Breast Cancer Survivability? The current data suggests that eating a healthy diet with a high intake of
unrefined cereals, vegetables, fruit, nuts, and olive oil, and a moderate/low consumption of saturated fatty acids
and red meat is associated with increased survivability following a breast cancer diagnosis. Nutrients, July 2019
Exercise: This Combo Helps Maintain Muscle Mass in Older Obese Adults… New research suggests that
for older obese adults, adopting a fitness program that combines aerobic exercise and resistance training is
effective for increasing muscle protein synthesis and preserving muscle quality. Cell Metabolism, July 2019
Chiropractic: Neck Pain Linked to Digital Eye Strain? Computer vision syndrome (CVS), also known as
digital eye strain, is a common condition associated with prolonged viewing of screens at a short distance. In a
recent study, researchers observed that persistent neck pain patients were more likely to report CVS while using
a computer than individuals without neck pain, though the nature of the relationship is unclear at this time.
Applied Ergonomics, October 2019
Wellness/Prevention: Keep Safe During Severe Weather. Severe thunderstorms can cause great damage to
property, topple trees, and cause flooding. During severe thunderstorms, the National Weather Service urges
people to do the following: stay updated with a local news station or NOAA Weather Radio; stay away from
windows and large open rooms; do not take shelter under a tree or within a shed; if possible, go to a secure
location within your home; and take your pets with you. National Weather Service, July 2019
Quote: “The art and science of asking questions is the source of all knowledge.” ~ Thomas Berger
I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.
WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Napa Chiropractor, 8-5-2019
Mental Attitude: Food Insecurity Can Spur Migraines. The Department of Health and Human Services
defines food insecurity as, “The disruption of food intake or eating patterns because of lack of money and other
resources.” A recent study involving 15,000 young adults found that migraines are nearly twice as common
among those experiencing food insecurity. JAMA Neurology, June 2019
Health Alert: Watching TV for Over Four Hours a Day Is Really Bad for You. Researchers followed
nearly 3,600 adults for nine years and found that those who watched TV four or more hours per day had a 50%
higher risk for heart attack, stroke, and early death than participants who watched TV less than two hours a day.
Journal of the American Heart Association, June 2019
Diet: Diet Tied to Frailty in Older Adults. Frailty is a condition characterized by weakness, slowness,
physical inactivity, self-reported exhaustion, and unintentional weight loss. In a recent study involving 2,154
seniors, researchers found that those with a poor-quality diet were over 40% more likely to be considered as
frail four years later than older adults with healthier diets. Journal of the American Geriatric Society, July 2019
Exercise: How Does Exercise Improve Motor Skills? Exercise is well-known to improve motor skills, and
now researchers believe they know how. In the study, investigators compared the brains of mice that ran on a
treadmill for an hour a day for three weeks and mice that did not exercise. Investigators observed that the mice
in the treadmill group exhibited significantly more evidence of spinogenesis (development of dendritic spines in
neurons) and stronger neural connections in the motor cortex (area of brain that generate neural impulses that
control the execution of movement). Science Advances, July 2019
Chiropractic: Heart Rate Variability and Neck Pain. Heart rate variability is the measure of specific changes
in time between successive heart beats. Current research suggests that low heart rate variability is associated
with aging, decline, illness, and mortality. In a study involving 15 chronic neck pain patients and 15 healthy
controls, researchers found that neck pain patients are more likely to exhibit low heart rate variability,
particularly if they reported higher levels of pain intensity and disability. Further study is needed to determine
how heart rate variability plays a role in neck pain or vice versa.
Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, June 2019
Wellness/Prevention: Take a Walk! Taking a daily walk has been linked to several positive health benefits.
The results of a new study suggest that adults who take daily walks have better pain tolerance than those who do
not. Scandinavian Journal of Pain, June 2019
Quote: “Life isn’t a matter of milestones, but of moments.” ~ Rose Kennedy
I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.