Health Alert: Alcohol Contributes to Cancer Cases and Deaths. Excessive alcohol consumption is a risk factor
for several cancers, and a recent study that analyzed information from the United States Cancer Statistics database
estimates that alcohol may be the primary driver of 4.8% of cancer cases and 3.2% of cancer deaths, or about 75,000
cases and 19,000 deaths per year in the United States. Cancer Epidemiology, January 2021
Diet: Fruits and Veggies Are Good for Kids’ Bones. The current research suggests that there’s an association
between a high intake of fruits and vegetables during childhood and stronger, healthier bones.
Nutrition, Exercise, & Lifestyle, February 2021
Exercise: Exercise-Related Benefits for College Students. A survey of 866 university students revealed that
regular exercise may provide the following benefits in young adults: earlier bedtime, faster bed-to-sleep time, and
improved sleep quality; a positive outlook on life; and reduced anxiety, anger, and depression.
Health, Education, & Behavior, February 2021
Chiropractic: Facet Joint Orientation Plays Role in Spondylolysis. Spondylolysis is a spinal condition that
involves a fracture or defect of the posterior portion of the vertebra that can lead it to slip forward, causing pain.
Advanced imaging of 68 junior athletes with back pain revealed that abnormal coronal (side to side) orientation of
the facet joint at the L4-5 level increased loading on the L5 pars interarticularis when bending backwards and
rotating, increasing the risk for spondylolysis. Doctors of chiropractic are skilled at detecting and treating
spondylolysis with conservative care and sometimes co-managing cases with specialists.
Journal of Physical Therapy and Science, December 2020
Mental Attitude: Many Adults Struggle with Mental Health Problems in Midlife. An analysis of data
concerning over 28,000 adults revealed that midlife was the period of time in which 1 in 5 experienced their highest
levels of psychological distress, such as depression and anxiety. Study co-author Dr. George Ploubidis explains,
“Midlife tends to involve a ‘peak’ in career, with middle-aged adults acquiring increasing responsibility as the
‘decision-makers’ in society, which is accompanied by reduced leisure time, and elevated job-related stress. Middle
age is also often associated with changes to family structure, which may be linked with mental health, such as empty
nest syndrome and rising rates of divorce. As people approach their 50s, they are also more likely to be parents and
simultaneously care for aging parents.” Psychological Medicine, January 2021
Wellness/Prevention: How to Reduce Breast Cancer Risk. To reduce the risk of breast cancer, the Mayo Clinic
recommends the following healthy habits: limit alcohol consumption, don’t smoke, exercise, limit duration of
hormone therapy, eat a healthy diet, and maintain a healthy weight. Mayo Clinic, February 2021
Quote: “A man’s friendships are one of the best measures of his worth.” ~ Charles Darwin
I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.