WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Napa Chiropractor, 12-27-2021

Health Alert: Cancer Increases Suicide Risk. An umbrella review that included six systematic reviews and
six meta reviews concluded that the risk of suicide among cancer patients is 1.5-1.7 times higher than the
general population, with an even greater risk in the first year following diagnosis.
Journal of Affective Disorders, December 2021
Diet: Polyphenol-Rich Foods Good for Seniors with Leaky Gut. With age, the integrity of the endothelial
layer of the intestines can be compromised, which may allow bacteria and harmful substances to enter the
bloodstream. In a recent study, seniors who increased their intake of apples, cocoa, dark chocolate, green tea,
cranberries, oranges, pomegranate, and other polyphenol-rich foods experienced improvements in intestinal
function within eight weeks. Clinical Nutrition, September 2021
Exercise: Exercise May Benefit Rectal Cancer Patients During Treatment. High-intensity interval training
(HIIT) is a form of exercise that involves short intervals of near-maximal effort such as sprinting or stair
climbing separated by intervals of moderate-intensity exercise, such as jogging or fast walking. In a recent
study, researchers observed that rectal cancer patients who participated in an HIIT exercise program while
undergoing chemoradiation therapy were three times more likely to experience complete remission.
Clinical Colorectal Cancer, May 2021
Chiropractic: Chiropractic Adjustments Are Effective for Acute Neck Pain. A systematic review of data
from six studies concluded that spinal manipulative therapy—the primary form of treatment provided by
doctors of chiropractic—is an effective treatment for acute neck pain whether delivered alone or in combination
with other therapies. Journal of Clinical Medicine, October 2021
Mental Attitude: Suicidal Thoughts More Common Among Nurses. Questionnaires completed by 7,000
nurses and 5,200 members of the general workforce revealed that 5.5% of nursing professionals had suicidal
thoughts in the last year compared with 4.3% of the overall working adult population. The researchers add that
the nurses with suicidal thoughts were also less likely to seek professional help.
American Journal of Nursing, October 2021
Wellness/Prevention: Quit Smoking Before Age 45 and Reduce Lung Cancer Risk. New researcher
suggests that smokers who quit before age 45 can cut their risk for lung cancer by up to 87%, while those who
quit before age 35 may eliminate their risk entirely. JAMA Oncology, October 2021
Quote: “Prediction is very difficult, especially about the future.” ~ Niels Bohr

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.

LY HEALTH UPDATE from your Napa Chiropractor, 12-20-2021

Health Alert: Asthma Can Increase Risk for Depression and Anxiety. Asthma is a chronic inflammatory
condition that affects the airways of about 10% of children and 7-8% of adults. A recent study found that
individuals with asthma have up to a three-times increased risk for anxiety and depression compared with the
general population. Brain, Behavior, & Immunity, October 2021
Diet: Proximity to Fast Food Increases Diabetes Risk. Researchers monitored more than 4 million military
veterans for over five years and found an association between increased risk for type 2 diabetes and living in a
neighborhood with more fast-food restaurants within walking distance. However, living near a supermarket was
linked to a lower risk for diabetes. JAMA Network Open, October 2021
Exercise: Try Burpees! Burpees are a body weight exercise that is a pushup followed by a leap in the air that
returns to a pushup position. This form of exercise can provide the following benefits: burns extra calories,
offers a full body workout, builds cardio fitness, and burns fat. WebMD, October 2021
Chiropractic: Myofascial Release and Manipulative Therapy for Acute Low Back Pain. Among a group of
71 patients with acute low back pain, those treated with either myofascial release or manipulative therapy
experienced a reduction in leg length inequality and a decrease in thoracic kyphosis. Doctors of chiropractic
often utilize these techniques in the management of low back pain. Life, August 2021
Mental Attitude: Short Sleep Linked to Depression. Using data from the National Health and Nutrition
Examination Survey, researchers report that individuals who sleep six hours a night or less have an 86% higher
risk for depression than those who sleep seven to eight hours a night.
Journal of Affective Disorders, January 2022
Wellness/Prevention: Breast Cancer Symptoms. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that
women can experience different breast cancer symptoms, and some don’t have any signs or symptoms at all.
The following are common warning signs of breast cancer: new lump in the breast or underarm, thickening or
swelling of a part of the breast, irritation or dimpling of breast skin, redness or flaky skin in the nipple area or
the breast, pulling in of the nipple or pain in the nipple area, nipple discharge other than breast milk, any change
in the size or the shape of the breast, and pain in any area of the breast. If you have any symptoms that are of
concern you should see your doctor immediately. Regular mammograms are also advised for early detection
and treatment. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, November 2021
Quote: “We learn from failure, not from success!” ~ Bram Stoker

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Napa Chiropractor, 12-13-2021

Health Alert: An Example of the Importance of Reading Product Labels Carefully. According to a new
report, confusion over labeling may have led bakers in Missouri and Rhode Island in 2018-19 to use non-edible
luster dust to add sparkle to their cake decorations, which contained potentially harmful levels of copper, lead,
and other metals. Emergency physician Dr. Robert Glatter writes, “From a public health standpoint, clear and
concise labeling indicating that nonedible products are not safe for human consumption is necessary to prevent
illness and unintentional metal-based poisonings.” Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, October 2021
Diet: Eat a Big Breakfast and a Small Dinner? There’s an old saying: “Breakfast like a king; lunch like a
prince; dinner like a pauper.” A recent study found that there may be truth to this as researchers found that
individuals were less likely to gain weight if they consumed their largest meal earlier in the day and not in the
late afternoon or evening. Open Biology, October 2021
Exercise: Stretch! Among a group of 205 runners who completed a half marathon, twelve experienced anterior
knee pain immediately following the event. Further analysis showed that insufficient stretching of the hamstring
was the most common risk factor for anterior knee pain following the long-distance run.
Journal of Clinical and Orthopedics and Trauma, October 2021
Chiropractic: Low Back Pain Among Young Athletes. Questionnaires completed by 7,000 child and teen
athletes from a variety of sports revealed that 5% had low back pain with the greatest risk among 13- to14-yearolds, females, and basketball, handball, and volleyball players. The findings may assist in the development of
programs and strategies to prevent low back pain in youth athletic programs. Doctors of chiropractic are trained
to evaluate and treat young athletes who suffer from musculoskeletal pain, including low back pain.
Spine, September 2021
Mental Attitude: 1 in 16 Adults May Be Chronic Liars. Based on a study in which researchers monitored the
interactions of 630 adults over a three-month time frame, about 6% of adults tell six or more lies per day.
Communication Monographs, October 2021
Wellness/Prevention: Reducing Atrial Fibrillation Risk. The current research suggests the following to
reduce the risk for atrial fibrillation: reduce alcohol intake, engage in moderate-intensity exercise, limit
sedentary time, lose excess weight, stop smoking, and address obstructive sleep apnea and hypertension, if
present. American Journal of Cardiology, December 2021
Quote: “You cannot teach a man anything, you can only help him find it within himself.” ~ Galileo

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Napa Chiropractor, 12-6-2021

Health Alert: Hotter Temperature May Affect Kidney Health. An analysis of data from hospitals in Brazil
collected between 2000 and 2015 found that the risk for kidney disease rises by 1% for every 1.8-degree
Fahrenheit increase in daily mean temperature. The Lancet Regional Health – Americas, October 2021
Diet: Warning Labels on Food and Beverages Could Reduce Healthcare Costs. Researchers estimate that
implementing warning labels on sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB) and restaurant menus regarding the negative
effects of a poor diet and obesity could lead to population-wide health improvements that could reduce
healthcare costs by $1.83 billion in the following decade.
Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, October 2021
Exercise: Exercise with Standard Treatment Improves Depression Outcomes. A meta-analysis that
included 22 studies concluded that combining exercise with standard treatment for depression results in better
outcomes, especially in cases of severe depression. Journal of Affective Disorders, December 2021
Chiropractic: Low Back Pain May Increase Risk for Neck/Shoulder Pain from Smartphone Use.
Assessments of 50 teenagers, half with a history of low back pain, showed that those with back pain exhibited
greater curvature in the thoracic spine after 30 minutes of seated smartphone interaction. This exaggerated
posture can place greater stress on the neck and upper back, which increases the risk for musculoskeletal pain in
those sites. International Journal of Environmental Research Public Health, August 2021
Mental Attitude: Financial Stress Burdens Many Moms. Using data from the United States National Health
Interview Survey, researchers report that 25% of pregnant women and new moms skipped doctor appointments
due to cost, 60% reported that healthcare was unaffordable, and 54% said they were experiencing general
financial stress. Study co-author Dr. Michelle Moniz writes, “Financial hardship is highly prevalent among
pregnant and postpartum women… Findings from the current study call for targeted policy interventions to
alleviate financial strain and remove financial barriers to healthcare access for privately insured families.”
JAMA Network Open, October 2021
Wellness/Prevention: Smoking and Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain. In addition to an elevated risk for heart
disease and some cancers, smoking has also been linked to a 23% increased risk for chronic musculoskeletal
pain. However, the risk falls over time among those who quit. Pain Physician, December 2021
Quote: “Success consists of getting up just one more time than you fall.” ~ Oliver Goldsmith

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.