WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Napa Chiropractor 7-4-2022

Health Alert: Excessive Drinking Can Reduce Disease-Free Years. According to a study that analyzed data
from twelve cohort studies with over 120,000 total participants, individuals who drink more than 14 units of
alcohol a week (approximately seven to eight bottles of beer or glasses of wine, or 14 single servings of spirits)
may experience up to six fewer years of life free from chronic disease.
The Lance Regional Health, Europe, May 2022
Diet: Negative Effects of a High-Fat Diet. A recent animal study found that within 16 weeks, rats on a highfat diet developed hypertension, insulin resistance, and a decreased sensitivity of the tubuloglomerular feedback
(TGF) mechanism, which is important for kidney function.
American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology, May 2022
Exercise: Many Kids in Daycare Don’t Get Enough Exercise. Investigators observed 96 childcare centers
and 131 Head Start programs and found the majority failed to provide kids with the recommended 180 minutes
a day of physical activity of any intensity, including 60 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous intensity exercise.
Pediatrics, May 2022
Chiropractic: Mobilization and Exercise for Shoulder Pain. Among a group of 23 patients with shoulder
pain lasting longer than six weeks, those treated with a combination of glenohumeral mobilization with
movement and shoulder exercises—an approach often used by doctors of chiropractic—experienced meaningful
improvements in shoulder pain, disability, and range of motion within one month.
Journal of Manual and Manipulative Therapeutics, February 2022
Mental Attitude: Age Determines Risk Factors for Dementia. Using data from the Framingham Heart Study,
researchers report the following are age-associated risk factors for dementia: hypertension at age 55, heart
disease at age 65, and a history of diabetes or stroke after age 70. Lead author Dr. Emer McGrath writes,
“Dementia is a complicated disease and risk prediction scores need to be tailored to the individual…Our
findings support the use of age-specific risk prediction scores for dementia instead of a one-size-fits-all
approach.” Neurology, May 2022
Wellness/Prevention: Vitamin D, Sleep, and Post-Stroke Depression. Following a review of health records
of 223 stroke patients, researchers report that individuals with vitamin D deficiency and poor sleep who suffer a
stroke have an increased risk for post-stroke depression when compared with stroke patients with good sleep
hygiene and healthy vitamin D status. Journal of Affective Disorders, July 2022
Quote: “Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one’s definition of
your life; define yourself.” ~ Harvey Fierstein

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.