WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Napa Chiropractor, 9-26-2022

Health Alert: Legalization of Pot Linked to Increase in Car Crash Injuries and Deaths. According to a recent
study, states that have legalized recreational marijuana have seen an increase in the rates for car crashes with injuries
(6%) and fatal crashes (4%) that has not been observed in states that did not legalize the drug. Lead researcher Dr.
Charles Farmer adds, “It’s becoming more and more clear that the legalization of marijuana doesn’t come without
cost. But marijuana legalization is still a novelty, and there’s hope that these early trends can be turned around.”
Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, July 2022
Diet: Keto and Mediterranean Diets Good for Glucose Control. According to a recent study, both the ketogenic
and Mediterranean diet are effective for improving glucose control and improving high-density lipoprotein (the good
cholesterol) levels; however, participants found that the Mediterranean eating pattern was easier to sustain on a longterm basis. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, May 2022
Exercise: Exercise May Improve Thinking Speed. A study that included 758 participants found that women with
higher cardiorespiratory fitness performed better on thinking speed assessments than their sedentary peers. However,
no such observation was noted in men. Neurology, July 2022
Chiropractic: Early Chiropractic Care Reduces Opioid Use for Patients with Low Back Pain. A review of
insurance claims for around 41,000 adults with back pain revealed that those who sought chiropractic care initially
were 12% less likely to receive a subsequent opioid prescription and 46% less likely to use opioids in the long term.
Because only 6% of the patients in this study sought chiropractic care first, the findings suggest that encouraging
patients to consult with a chiropractor for new-onset back pain could significantly reduce long-term opioid use and
misuse. Journal of Chiropractic Medicine, June 2022
Mental Attitude: Childhood Loneliness May Lead to Drinking Problems in Adulthood. Interviews with more
than 300 college students found that those who experienced loneliness before age twelve were more likely to report
higher present day stress levels and problematic drinking behaviors. Addictive Behaviors Reports, July 2022
Wellness/Prevention: Special Brain Scans May Aid in Early Parkinson’s Disease. With the aid of a new
technology called quantitative magnetic resonance imaging (qMRI), researchers are now able to detect changes to a
part of the brain called the striatum, which helps the body move voluntarily and is known to deteriorate with
Parkinson’s disease. When qMRI becomes clinically available, it will help doctors detect Parkinson’s in its earliest
stages. Science Advances, July 2022
Quote: “Listen once in a while. It’s amazing what you can hear.” ~ Russell Baker

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Napa Chiropractor, 9-19-2022

Health Alert: Underactive Thyroid May Increase Dementia Risk. A review of the medical records of over
15,000 older adults revealed that a history of hypothyroidism is associated with an 80% elevated risk for dementia,
and the risk is even greater among those on hormone-replacement medications. Neurology, July 2022
Diet: Inflammatory Diet Linked to Frailty. Frailty is a condition characterized by weakness, slowness, physical
inactivity, self-reported exhaustion, and unintentional weight loss that is associated with an increased risk for poor
health outcomes. Using data from the Framingham Heart Study Offspring study, researchers have observed an
association between a pro-inflammatory diet—an eating pattern characterized by a high intake of sugar,
polysaturated vegetable oils, trans fats, dairy products, feed lot-raised meat, red meat, processed meat, alcohol,
refined grains, and artificial food additives—and an elevated risk for frailty.
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, July 2022
Exercise: Active Teens Sleep Better and Have Healthier Hearts. Assessments of 352 adolescents revealed that
those who regularly engage in physical activity not only experience better quality sleep, but they also have better
cardiovascular function than their sedentary peers. Sleep & Breathing, August 2022
Chiropractic: Manual Therapies and Tinnitus. Following a study that showed that manual therapies are an
effective intervention for patients with suspected cervicogenic somatosensory tinnitus, researchers conclude that in
the absence of ENT (ear, nose, and throat) pathologies, patients seeking care for ringing in the ears should be
examined for musculoskeletal dysfunction in the head and neck. Doctors of chiropractic commonly use manual
therapies to manage patients with musculoskeletal disorders. HNO, August 2022
Mental Attitude: People Appreciate Hearing from You. A recent series of experiments found that individuals
who reach out to acquaintances, friends, and family generally underestimate the impact their gesture would have on
others, especially when the recipient has no reason to expect it.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, July 2022
Wellness/Prevention: Achieve Healthier Skin. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends the
following skin care routine to keep your skin young and healthy looking: wear sunscreen daily; don’t smoke; inspect
your skin regularly for signs of skin cancer; determine your skin type, and use products formulated for that type; use
mild warm water and a gentle cleanser when washing your face; wash your face before bed, when you wake, and if
your face is sweaty; and find ways to manage stress, such as exercising.
American Academy of Dermatology, July 2022
Quote: “The beginning of wisdom is the definition of terms.” ~ Socrates

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Napa Chiropractor, 9-12-2022

Health Alert: The Cost of Forever Chemicals… Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are
chemicals used to imbue heat-, oil-, stain-, grease-, and water-resistant properties to products such as food
containers, clothes, and furniture and have been linked to several poor health outcomes. Because these chemicals
linger in the body, they’re known as forever chemicals. According to a recent study, these chemicals may cost the
United States health care system an estimated $63 billion dollars a year in medical costs and productivity losses due
to the top conditions linked to PFAS exposure, including hypothyroidism and childhood obesity. Senior author Dr.
Leonardo Trasande writes, “Our results strongly support the recent decision by the Environmental Protection
Agency to lower the safe allowable level of these substances in water… Based on our estimates, the cost of
eradicating contamination and replacing this class of chemical with safer alternatives is ultimately justified when
considering the tremendous economic and medical risks of allowing them to persist in the environment.”
Exposure and Health, July 2022
Diet: Most Don’t Eat Enough Fruit and Vegetables. An analysis of data on eating patterns from health and
nutrition surveys conducted between 1988 and 2018 found that more than half of all participants failed to meet
recommendations of 1.5-2 servings of fruit and 2-3 servings of vegetables per day.
Journal of Renal Nutrition, July 2022
Exercise: Walking Suggestion for PAD Patients. New research suggests that for patients with peripheral artery
disease (PAD), walking at a pace that induces leg discomfort results in better long-term walking performance than
strolling at a comfortable pace or not walking at all. Journal of the American Heart Association, July 2022
Chiropractic: Manual Therapy Combo Benefits Cervicogenic Dizziness Patients. For individuals with dizziness
caused by dysfunction in the cervical spine, researchers report that the combination of functional massage and
manipulative therapy—treatments provided in a chiropractic setting—is an effective intervention for improving
mechanosensitivity of the cervical muscles, neck-related disability, and dizziness symptoms. Life (Basel), July 2022
Mental Attitude: Anxiety Triggers. Healthline reports that the following are common triggers of anxiety: jobrelated stress; travel, drug or medication withdrawal, medication side effects, trauma, phobias, chronic pain or
illness; depression, and caffeine. Healthline, July 2022
Wellness/Prevention: University Students Could Benefits from Less Phone Use. Questionnaires completed by
400 college students revealed that using a cellphone for six or more hours a day is linked to an elevated risk for eye
strain, neck pain, back pain, weight gain, depression, loneliness, and mood disorders.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, July 2022
Quote: “Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter.” ~ Izaak Walton

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.