Health Alert: Fully Legalizing Marijuana May Result in More Automobile Collision Deaths. Since the
legalization of recreational marijuana in Alaska, California, Colorado, Massachusetts, Nevada, Oregon, and
Washington, researchers note there has been a 14-22% increase in car crash-related deaths. Lead author Dr.
Samantha Marinello writes, “Overall, this study provides evidence of the potential harms and benefits of legalizing
recreational markets… Therefore, there is a need for policies and public health initiatives to reduce driving under the
influence.” Social Science & Medicine, January 2023
Diet: High-Salt Diet Linked to Hardened Arteries. According to an analysis of data concerning more than 10,000
middle-aged adults, each 1,000 mg rise in sodium excretion is associated with a 3-4% increased likelihood for worse
results on assessments of arterial health. Study author Dr. Jonas Wuopio adds, “The results show that the more salt
people eat, the higher the burden of atherosclerotic plaques in the arteries of the heart and neck. The increase in
blood pressure due to a high salt intake seems to be an important underlying mechanism for these findings.”
European Heart Journal Open, March 2023
Exercise: Physical Activity Helps Preserve Cognitive Function. Following a review of data from the Behavioral
Risk Factor Surveillance System, researchers report that engaging in physical activity for at least 240 minutes a week
can reduce the risk for subjective cognitive decline by 48%. Journal of Affective Disorders, May 2023
Chiropractic: Jaw Pain, Neck Pain, and Headaches. A retrospective study that included 300 patients with neck
pain and/or temporomandibular joint pain identified an association between higher levels of neck pain and a risk for
tension-type headache, while higher levels of both neck and jaw pain are more closely linked to migraines.
Chiropractic care has been demonstrated to be an effective intervention for these various conditions.
Acta Odontologica Scandinavica, March 2023
Mental Attitude: Harsh Discipline May Cause Mental Health Issues Later in Life. New research that looked at
long-term outcomes of 7,500 children revealed that those regularly shouted at, isolated, physically punished, or
treated unpredictably based on the parent’s mood at age three were 50% more likely at age nine to have mental
health challenges considered to be high risk. Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences, March 2023
Wellness/Prevention: Experiencing Hearing Loss? The Mayo Clinic notes that signs of hearing loss include
muffled speech/sounds; trouble understanding words, particularly in a crowd or noisy environment; difficulty
hearing consonants; frequently asking a speaker to repeat what they said; needing to listen to the TV/radio at ever
higher volumes; social isolation; and tinnitus. If you regularly experience these symptoms, contact your healthcare
provider to arrange for a hearing test. Mayo Clinic, April 2023
Quote: “Learning never exhausts the mind.” ~ Leonardo da Vinci
I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Rio Vista region.