WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Rio Vista Chiropractor, 4-15-2024

Health Alert: Hypertension and Stoke Risk. An analysis of data concerning nearly one million middle-aged
adults revealed that stage 1 hypertension (blood pressure 130-139/80-89 mmHG) is linked to a 1.4 times
increased risk for stroke in men and a 2.4 times elevated risk for stroke in women in the following decade. The
findings highlight the importance of maintaining healthy blood pressure readings during midlife.
Journal of Clinical Neuroscience, March 2024
Diet: Fructose Overconsumption Can Have Lifelong Effect on Offspring’s Health. A recent animal study
found that the offspring of rats fed a high-fructose diet experienced disturbances to their autonomic nervous,
cardiovascular, and metabolic systems early in life that elevated the risk for metabolic disorders and poor
cardiovascular health in adulthood. International Journal of Obesity, November 2023
Exercise: Tai Chi Can Help Reduce Blood Pressure. Among a group of 349 pre-hypertensive adults, those
who practiced tai chi for one year experienced greater improvement in their blood pressure and were less likely
to progress to hypertension than participants in an aerobic exercise group. JAMA Network Open, February 2024
Chiropractic: Neck Pain Affects Walking Ability. Examinations of 14 older adults with chronic neck pain
and 36 seniors without neck pain revealed that when walking with head movement, chronic neck pain is
associated with a slower, more laborious, and asymmetrical gait. The authors of the study speculate this
alteration in walking ability may be the result of structural instability and proprioception impairments in the
cervical spine. Doctors of chiropractic often address chronic neck pain and its associated symptoms with a
multimodal approach that includes manual therapies and specific exercises.
Frontiers in Medicine, February 2024
Mental Attitude: Childhood Bullying Can Result in Long-Term Mental Health Issues. In a recent study
that monitored nearly 10,000 boys and girls from age 11 until 17 found that those subjected to bullying at age
11 who developed interpersonal trust issues by age 14 were 3.5 times more likely to be diagnosed with
significant mental health problems by age 17. Nature Mental Health Month and Year, February 2024
Wellness/Prevention: Vitamin D Status and Pregnancy. A systematic review that included 42 studies found
that vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy is linked to an increased risk for miscarriage, preterm labor,
preeclampsia, and postpartum depression and healthy vitamin D status during pregnancy is associated with a
reduced risk for gestational diabetes and low birth weight.
Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation, March 2024
Quote: “Truth is the cry of all, but the game of few.” ~ George Berkeley

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Rio Vista region.