WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Rio Vista Chiropractor, 11-25-2024

Health Alert: A-Fib May Be More Common Than Thought. Atrial fibrillation (A-Fib) is a common heart
rhythm disorder that can lead to stroke, heart failure, and other cardiovascular complications. According to a
recent study by University of California, San Francisco researchers, the condition may affect three times more
people than current estimates—10.5 million American adults vs. 3.3 million American adults—due to factors
like the aging of the population and the increased incidence of high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity.
Journal of the American College of Cardiology, September 2024
Diet: Try Beans. Beans are a plant-based protein source that contain fiber, folate, iron, magnesium, potassium,
zinc, phosphorus, thiamine, and antioxidants. Healthday, September 2024
Exercise: Endurance Exercise Burns Fat, Even in Absence of Weight Loss. In a recent study, researchers
observed that middle aged men who engaged in high-volume endurance exercise—such as cycling more than
700 miles a week—lost a significant percentage of their body fat and experienced improvements in several key
markers of metabolic health. However, gains in lean muscle appear to have offset much of this weight loss. The
findings highlight the importance of looking at the overall health picture and not just focusing on the scale to
determine one’s progress to a healthier lifestyle.
American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism, September 2024
Chiropractic: Benefits of Manual Therapies in Managing Lumbar Disk Herniation. While studies on the
effect of manual therapies for musculoskeletal conditions typically focus on outcomes related to pain, disability,
or function, a recent study that included 32 lumbar disk herniation patients noted manual therapies may also
provide benefits with respect to reduced catastrophizing, kinesiophobia, anxiety, and depression, and increased
quality of life. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, September 2024
Mental Attitude: Many Children Have No Friends. According to a recent poll conducted by University of
Michigan Health C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital, about 1 in 5 parents of kids aged 6 to 12 years report their child
has few-to-no friends. University of Michigan Health, September 2024
Wellness/Prevention: Blood Test Could Identify Future Lung Trouble. Researchers have identified 32
specific blood proteins that are associated with an elevated risk for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
(COPD) and other severe lung conditions. It’s hoped such a blood test could identify individuals in the early
course of such diseases when timely treatment may reduce their risk for poor outcomes.
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, September 2024
Quote: “Friends are the sunshine of life.” ~ John Hay

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Rio Vista region.

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Rio Vista Chiropractor, 11-18-2024

Health Alert: Asthma and Type 2 Diabetes May Be Linked. According to a recent study, type 2 diabetes and
asthma may share underlying causes as having one condition raises an individual’s risk for the other. More
specifically, type 2 diabetics have an 83% elevated risk for asthma and the risk for type 2 diabetes is 28%
higher among asthmatics—and the risk is even greater for those with more severe symptoms.
European Association for the Study of Diabetes, September 2024
Diet: Low Levels of Manganese May Be Linked to Inflammatory Bowel Disease. In a recent study,
University of Michigan researchers observed that manganese deficiency is associated with increased intestinal
inflammation and injury, which may contribute to and exacerbate inflammatory bowel disease. The authors of
the study speculate that decreasing dietary manganese in Western diets may be a contributing factor for the
rising incidence of inflammatory bowel disease. Nature Communications, October 2024
Exercise: Exercise Reduces Several Menopause-Related Health Risks. Hormone fluctuations during
menopause have been linked to unfavorable changes in blood lipid levels, blood pressure, and fat distribution—
all of which can elevate the risk for cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. A recent meta-analysis of data from
40 studies concluded that an exercise routine that combines strength and endurance training can assist in
improving these readings, mitigate the increased risk for poor health outcomes commonly observed in older
women. The Conversation, September 2024
Chiropractic: One-in-Five Children and Adolescents Have Chronic Pain. A meta-analysis of data
concerning more than 1 million kids and teens from across 70 countries revealed that approximately 20% suffer
from persistent or recurring pain lasting longer than three months, most often linked to musculoskeletal
conditions, like back pain. Pain, October 2024
Mental Attitude: Smokers More Likely to Have Poor Mental Health. Using data from the Maryland 2020
Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Survey, researchers report that smokers are prone to worse mental
health and are 63% more likely than non-smokers to rate their mental health as “not good” on fourteen or more
days per month. Tobacco Use Insights, October 2024
Wellness/Prevention: Safer Sleep for Infants. Safe Kids Worldwide notes that more than 150 young children
die each year due to unsafe sleeping practices. To reduce the risk for suffocation and sudden unexpected infant
death syndrome, experts recommend placing infants to sleep on their back on a firm sleeping surface, avoiding
soft objects or bedding. Safe Kids Worldwide, September 2024
Quote: “If you do not know how to ask the right question, you discover nothing.” ~ W. Edwards Deming

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Rio Vista region.

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Rio Vista Chiropractor, 11-11-2024

Health Alert: Asthma and Pregnancy. An analysis of data concerning nearly 777,000 women revealed that
asthma is associated with a 12% increased likelihood of requiring fertility treatments to conceive and up to an
8% elevated risk for miscarriage. European Respiratory Society, September 2024
Diet: Ultra-Processed Foods Linked to Type 2 Diabetes Risk. Ultra-processed foods are food products that
include added sugars, fats, and salt to enhance flavor and prolong shelf life. According to a study that looked at
over a decade of health and diet data concerning more than 300,000 adults, for every ten percentage points that
ultra-processed foods comprise an individual’s total caloric intake, their risk for type 2 diabetes rises by 17%.
Current estimates show that roughly half of all calories consumed by the average American are from ultraprocessed
foods. The Lancet Regional Health—Europe, March 2024
Exercise: Both Moderate- and High-Intensity Exercise Benefit Parkinson’s Patients. For patients with
Parkinson’s disease, a recent study found that both moderate- and high-intensity exercise are effective for
improving motor symptoms, cardiorespiratory fitness, and fatigue levels.
Journal of Applied Physiology, March 2024
Chiropractic: Musculoskeletal Mimics of Lumbosacral Radiculopathy. If a patient experiences pain that
radiates into the leg, there are a number of potential causes beyond a disk herniation at the L5 of S1 level.
Mimics of lumbosacral radiculopathy include piriformis syndrome, exertional compartment syndrome, and
plantar fasciitis. Healthcare providers, including doctors of chiropractic, are trained in differential diagnosis to
distinguish a particular disease or condition from others with similar symptoms using the patient’s detailed
history, physical examination, and diagnostic tests. Muscle & Nerve, May 2024
Mental Attitude: Falling for Financial Scams May Signal Potential Alzheimer’s Disease. In a recent study,
researchers from the University of Southern California observed that seniors who scored poorly on an
assessment that gauges their vulnerability to finance exploitation had a thinner entorhinal cortex. The entorhinal
cortex is an area of the brain crucial for memory and emotional regulation. Past research has shown this portion
of the brain thins before most other Alzheimer’s symptoms are present. Cerebral Cortex, September 2024
Wellness/Prevention: Anemia Raises Preeclampsia Risk. Preeclampsia is a pregnancy complication
characterized by high blood pressure that can cause serious health problems for mothers and babies if left
untreated. In a recent study that included 337 expectant mothers, researchers observed that those with anemia
had an elevated risk for preeclampsia. It’s estimated that as high as 25% of women experience anemia during
pregnancy. Nutrition and Health, October 2024
Quote: “Today is the only day. Yesterday is gone.” ~ John Wooden

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Rio Vista region.

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Rio Vista Chiropractor, 11-4-2024

Health Alert: Obesity Raises Infection Risk. New research suggests that for every 5-point increase in body
mass index (BMI), an individual’s risk for severe viral or bacterial infection rises by at least 30%.
European Association for the Study of Diabetes, September 2024
Diet: Eating Unhealthy Food Is Bad for the Cardiovascular System. The Nutri-Score system requires food
manufacturers in several European countries to include a score on the front of the package to better inform
consumers about the healthiness of the product. An analysis of data concerning more than 345,000 adults
revealed a high intake of foods ranked low on the Nutri-Score scale is associated with an elevated risk for poor
cardiovascular outcomes like heart attack and stroke. The Lancet Regional Health—Europe, September 2024
Exercise: Isometric Vs. Isotonic Core Stabilization Exercise for Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain.
Core stabilization exercises are often recommended as part of a multimodal treatment plan for chronic low back
pain; however, it’s unclear whether isometric exercises (muscle contractions without movement, such as planks)
or isotonic exercises (muscle contractions with movement, such as performing sit-ups) offer superior results. A
recent study that included 41 patients under treatment for chronic low back pain revealed both types of exercise
are effective for reducing pain and disability. Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, February 2024
Chiropractic: Back Pain Has Less Impact on People Who Exercise. Among a group of 991 low back pain
patients, researchers observed that those who engaged in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical
activity a week—in line with current fitness guidelines—had less intense pain and a lower risk for activity
limitations. European Spine Journal, May 2024
Mental Attitude: Isolation May Rapidly Age Teen’s Brains. Cortical thinning commonly occurs with age,
but researchers have observed thinning can accelerate in periods of social isolation, potentially due to a
reduction in social interactions. Examinations of brain imaging of adolescent brains following pandemic
lockdowns revealed aging in teen brains sped up by 1.4 years for boys and 4.2 years for girls.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, September 2024
Wellness/Prevention: Protect Your Vision. Age-related macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy are
leading causes of vision loss for older adults, but the American Society of Retina Specialists notes one can help
keep their retinas healthy by not smoking, staying active, eating a nutritious diet, and getting regular eye exams,
especially if you have a family history for a serious eye condition.
American Society of Retinal Specialists, September 2024
Quote: “There is beauty and humility in imperfection.” ~ Guillermo del Toro

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Rio Vista region.