WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Rio Vista Chiropractor, 2-24-2025

Health Alert: Lung Cancer Expected to Nearly Double by 2050. Globally, lung cancer is the most common
cancer diagnosis and the leading cause of cancer-related death. Despite efforts to promote smoking cessation
and reduce air pollution, experts predict the number of new lung cancer cases diagnosed in 2050 will jump to
4.62 million from 2.48 million in 2022. Additionally, annual deaths from lung cancer are expected to reach 3.55
million in 2050, up from 1.8 million in recent years. Cancer Epidemiology, December 2024
Diet: Drink Plenty of Water. A meta-analysis of data from 18 clinical trials found that drinking at least eight
cups of water a day can help prevent kidney stones, aid in weight loss, ease headaches, lower the risk for
migraines and urinary tract infections, and help maintain healthy blood sugar and blood pressure readings.
JAMA Network Open, November 2024
Exercise: Handgrip Strength as a Tool for Predicting Fitness. Handgrip strength is a tool used by
researchers to estimate an individual’s overall fitness level. Following an analysis of data concerning 2.4
million adults from 69 countries, researchers report that low hand grip strength is associated with an elevated
risk of early death, cardiovascular disease, and physical disability. The findings confirm that handgrip strength
is a useful tool for assessing physical fitness. Journal of Sport and Health Science, December 2024
Chiropractic: Obesity Can Prolong Low Back Pain. Not only does carrying excess weight increase the risk
of low back pain, but a recent study also found that being overweight or obese can raise the likelihood of it
becoming chronic and recurring in the future. BMC Public Health, September 2024
Mental Attitude: Managing Seasonal Depression. Seasonal depression is a recurring mood disorder
characterized by feelings of sadness and low energy that occur during specific seasons, typically in the fall and
winter, due to reduced sunlight exposure. Symptoms include sadness, fatigue, changes in sleep and appetite, and
difficulty concentrating. Managing seasonal depression may take a multi-factorial approach including cognitive
behavioral therapy, light therapy, vitamin D supplements, spending time outdoors, social engagement, exercise,
healthier dietary choices, and in some cases, medication. Dallas Morning News, December 2024
Wellness/Prevention: Healthy Pregnancy Diet Boosts a Child’s Emotional Regulation. According to a
recent study, children born to women who ate a healthy diet and exercised during pregnancy had fewer
behavioral problems and exhibited better self-control and attentional focus than their peers.
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, October 2024
Quote: “You don’t always win your battles, but it’s good to know you fought.” ~ John Greenleaf Whittier
Joseph T. Megna, D.C.
(707) 226-5200

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Rio Vista region.

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Rio Vista Chiropractor, 2-17-2025

Health Alert: Secondhand Smoke May Raise Multiple Sclerosis Risk. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease of
the central nervous system in which the immune system attacks the brain and spinal cord resulting in symptoms
such as numbness, tingling, mood changes, memory problems, pain, fatigue, blindness, and paralysis. Brain
imaging of children who carry genes linked to MS revealed that exposure to secondhand smoke in the home is
associated with reduced brain volume and gray matter, which may exacerbate inflammation and immune
dysfunction, increasing the risk for developing MS in adulthood.
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, December 2024
Diet: Ultra-Processed Foods Could Elevate Risk for Osteoarthritis. Ultra-processed foods are food products
that include added sugars, fats, and salt to enhance flavor and prolong shelf life. In a recent study, researchers
reviewed dietary data and magnetic resonance imaging of 666 individuals and identified an association between
higher ultra-processed food intake and fat infiltration into the thigh muscles, which may raise the risk for
osteoarthritis of the knee. Radiological Society of North America, December 2024
Exercise: Exercise Can Enhance Brain Function for 24 Hours. In a recent experiment involving middleaged
and older adults, researchers observed that a single bout of exercise can improve performance on cognitive
assessments the following day, especially if participants followed physical activity with a good night’s sleep.
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, December 2024
Chiropractic: Sedentary Time and Chronic Back Pain. Using data from the UK Biobank study, researchers
observed that sitting for six or more hours a day can increase the risk for developing chronic back pain by 33%.
On the other hand, limiting sedentary activities to two hours a day may reduce the risk for chronic back pain by
up to 29%. BMC Public Health, October 2024
Mental Attitude: Limiting Screen Time Could Help Kids Better Manage Emotion and Attention. New
research suggests that the more time a child aged 3 to 6 years spends interacting with screens, the less likely
they’ll get sufficient quality sleep at night, increasing their risk for emotion- and attention-related issues.
Early Child Development and Care, December 2024
Wellness/Prevention: Phone-Based Coaching Helps Young Adults Quit Vaping. A recent study found that a
vaping cessation program that included phone-based coaching helped nearly half of young adults aged 18 to 24
years quit using electronic cigarettes, even though this demographic would seem less inclined to talk on the
phone. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, December 2024
Quote: “Creativity takes courage.” ~ Henri Matisse

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Rio Vista region.

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Rio Vista Chiropractor, 2-3-2025

Health Alert: The Heart Has Its Own Nervous System. Challenging the notion that the heart is solely
governed by the autonomic nervous system, researchers from the Karolinska Institute have discovered that the
heart possesses its own internal nervous system capable of independently regulating its rhythm. These findings
could pave the way for new approaches to treating arrhythmias and other heart conditions.
Nature Communications, December 2024
Diet: Plant-Derived Compounds That Protect Brain Health. Phenolics and terpenes are compounds that
influence a plant’s color, flavor, and fragrance. According to a new study, these chemicals also possess
antioxidant properties, which may help protect the brain from neurodegenerative conditions such as
Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Food & Function, December 2024
Exercise: Physical Activity Helps the Muscles and Neurons Stay Young. Muscle biopsies from older adults
revealed that those who exercise regularly have motor neurons and muscle cells resembling those of younger
adults, compared to their sedentary peers. These findings highlight how an active lifestyle can promote healthy
aging. Aging Cell, November 2024
Chiropractic: Addressing Trigger Points Improves Low Back Treatment Outcomes. A myofascial trigger
point is a hyperirritable spot within skeletal muscle, often associated with chronic pain conditions. In a recent
study involving patients with chronic nonspecific low back pain, researchers found that combining spinal
manipulative therapy with trigger point treatment resulted in greater improvements in functional disability
compared to spinal manipulation alone. Chiropractors are not only highly skilled in spinal manipulative therapy
but also in various techniques to address trigger points that impact low back function.
Medicine (Baltimore), September 2024
Mental Attitude: Coping with Anxiety. For patients being treated for anxiety disorders, the Mayo Clinic
recommends positive lifestyle changes such as regular exercise, a nutritious diet, socializing, and stress
management to help manage the condition. Mayo Clinic, December 2024
Wellness/Prevention: Lung Cancer Is Unfortunately Common Worldwide. According to data from the
GLOBOCAN 2022 study, 1 in 28 people worldwide will develop lung cancer, with two-thirds of these patients
succumbing to the disease. Since a significant proportion of lung cancer cases occur in developing nations, the
overall incidence can be significantly reduced through measures such as reducing environmental pollution,
promoting smoking cessation and other healthy lifestyle practices, improving screening protocols, and
increasing access to treatment. Chinese Medical Journal, November 2024
Quote: “Fortune favors the prepared mind.” ~ Louis Pasteur

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Rio Vista region.

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Rio Vista Chiropractor, 2-10-2024

Health Alert: Some HRT Pills Pose Cardiovascular Risks. New research suggests that women taking
hormone replacement therapy (HRT) medications such as estrogen or progestin have a 21% elevated risk for
heart disease and a 61% increased risk for stroke. Additionally, postmenopausal women taking tibolone have a
46% greater risk for heart disease, and their risk for serious cardiovascular events like heart attack and stroke is
nearly doubled. The findings suggest that a woman’s cardiovascular profile should be taken into consideration
when evaluating the use of HRT to help manage postmenopausal health. BMJ, November 2024
Diet: Meal Planning Can Reduce Processed Food Consumption. Adults who participated in weekly group
classes focused on meal planning and healthier eating reduced their consumption of ultra-processed foods by
half, lowering their calorie intake by an average of 612 calories a day.
Obesity Science & Practice, December 2024
Exercise: People Do Walk More in Walkable Neighborhoods. A walkable neighborhood is a community
designed with safe, accessible pathways and nearby amenities such as shops, parks, and schools, allowing
residents to comfortably meet daily needs on foot. An analysis of data concerning nearly 11,000 twins revealed
that residents in walkable neighborhoods may walk an additional 19 minutes a week when compared to
counterparts in less pedestrian-friendly areas. American Journal of Epidemiology, October 2024
Chiropractic: Fitness Can Reduce Chronic Low Back Pain Risk. Following an analysis of two decades of
data from the National Health Interview Survey, researchers report that engaging in at least 65 minutes of
aerobic exercise and performing resistance training two or more times a week can significantly reduce the risk
for chronic low back pain. The benefits of exercise in reducing the risk for chronic low back pain appear to peak
at 300 minutes of aerobic exercise and five strength training sessions a week. Spine Journal, December 2024
Mental Attitude: Factors That Effect How Pain Is Experienced. Current research suggests that anxiety,
stress, and inflammation can lower an individual’s pain threshold, or the point at which a stimulus like heat or
pressure becomes painful. On the other hand, relaxation techniques can increase a person’s pain threshold.
The Conversation, December 2024
Wellness/Prevention: AI May Improve Breast Cancer Screening. Researchers have developed an artificial
intelligence (AI) agent capable of identifying early malignancies that may be missed by radiologists. With
further refinement, AI-assisted mammography readings may lead to earlier breast cancer diagnoses and
treatment, leading to better patient outcomes. Trends in Cancer, December 2024
Quote: “Genius is initiative on fire.” ~ Holbrook Jackson

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Rio Vista region.