WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Napa Chiropractor, 11-16-2020

Health Alert: Glass-Topped Tables Pose Risks. Between 2009 and 2015, more than 3,200 individuals
required trauma care for injuries associated with glass-topped tables, with the majority involving young
adults and children under the age of seven. Experts note that at least half of these injuries were linked to
faulty design or construction, suggesting that improved safety standards could substantially reduce the risk
of injury associated with glass-topped tables. American Journal of Surgery, September 2020
Diet: Can a Healthy Diet Reduce Heart Risks in Obese Adults? New research that looked at long-term
health and dietary data concerning over 79,000 adults found that adopting a Mediterranean-style diet can
mitigate some, but not all, of the cardiovascular risks associated with obesity.
PLOS Medicine, September 2020
Exercise: Exercise Can Help Diabetics Live Longer. A survey of 4,859 adults found that diabetics who
met exercise guidelines of 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity a week had a 32% lower risk
for early death than those classified as physically inactive.
European Association for the Study of Diabetes, September 2020
Chiropractic: Spinal Manipulation for Lumbar Radiculopathy? For patients with subacute or chronic
lumbar radiculopathy, spinal manipulative therapy—a form of treatment provided by doctors of
chiropractic—may be an effective intervention for improving back and leg pain, perceived disability, spinal
range of motion, and performance on the straight leg raise test (a common diagnostic for radiculopathy).
American Journal of Medicine, September 2020
Mental Attitude: Marijuana Use During Pregnancy Has Mental Impact on Children. Using data from
the Adolescent Brain and Cognitive Development Study, researchers estimate that in utero exposure to
cannabis is associated with an elevated childhood risk for depression, anxiety, impulsivity, social problems,
and lower cognitive performance. JAMA Psychiatry, September 2020
Wellness/Prevention: Rest or Massage Helps Reduce Stress. According to a recent study, ten minutes of
either rest or massage are effective at psychological and physiological stress. Lead study author Dr. Maria
Meier writes, “We are very encouraged by the findings that short periods of dis-engagement are enough to
relax not just the mind but also the body.” Scientific Reports, September 2020
Quote: “Yesterday’s the past, tomorrow’s the future, but today is a gift. That’s why it’s called the present.”
~ Bill Keane
I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.