WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Napa Chiropractor, 12-14-2020

Health Alert: Heated Tobacco May Pose Threat to Heart Health. Tobacco products that heat but do not burn
tobacco to release a tobacco-flavored vapor that contains nicotine are marketed as a substitute for e-cigarettes or
traditional cigarettes. An analysis of nearly 50 human and rodent studies showed that such inhalants were associated
with high blood pressure, reduced dilation of blood vessels, stiffening of arteries, increased heart rate, and reduced
heart function. American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology, October 2020
Diet: Vitamin D May Delay Frailty? Frailty is a condition characterized by weakness, slowness, physical
inactivity, self-reported exhaustion, and unintentional weight loss. Past research has shown that low vitamin D levels
are associated with an increased risk for frailty among older adults. In a recent study, researchers observed that mice
given a supplement to achieve and maintain vitamin D levels at the higher end of the healthy range were
significantly less likely to become frail than those with low vitamin D status. Nutrients, October 2020
Exercise: Physical Activity Is Important for Kids’ Bone Development. An examination of 804 preteens found
that engaging in 1.5 hours of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity each day is important for healthy bone
development. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, July 2020
Chiropractic: Myofascial Release for Neck Pain. Tightness of the suboccipital muscles at the back of the skull is
often experienced by patients with chronic neck pain. A study that included 58 chronic neck pain patients found that
myofascial release therapy, a form of treatment provided by doctors of chiropractic, applied to the suboccipital
muscles is effective for reducing neck pain intensity and improving cervical mobility. Spine, November 2020
Mental Attitude: Mom’s Thyroid May Influence ADHD in Kids. An analysis of data concerning nearly 330,000
mother-child pairs revealed an association between low thyroid hormone levels during the first trimester of
pregnancy and up to a 28% greater risk for a diagnosis of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in her
child. American Journal of Perinatology, October 2020
Wellness/Prevention: Sleep Helps Ease Effects of Trauma. The results from a recent animal study showed that
rats that increased sleep time following a traumatic experience were less likely to develop ongoing fear symptoms
than rats that either maintained their sleep schedule or slept less. Lead author Dr. William Vanderheyden concludes,
“Basically, our study has found that if you can improve sleep, you can improve function… This highlights that there
is a time-sensitive window when—if you intervene to improve sleep— you could potentially stave off the negative
effects of trauma.” Scientific Reports, October 2020
Quote: “I can’t imagine a person becoming a success who doesn’t give this game of life everything he’s got.”
~ Walter Cronkite
I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.