Health Alert: Asthma Meds Weaken Bones? Researchers have identified a potential link between oral
corticosteroid usage by patients with asthma and an elevated risk for osteoporosis and serious bone fractures.
Thorax, October 2020
Diet: High Flavanol Diet May Lower Blood Pressure. Evaluations of health and diet data concerning over 25,000
adults revealed that those with the highest intake of flavanols—compounds found in many fruits and vegetables, as
well as wine, tea, and chocolate, that have antioxidant properties—had a blood pressure reading 2 to 4 mmHg lower
than those who consumed the lowest amount of flavanols. Scientific Reports, October 2020
Exercise: Exercising One Arm Can Benefit the Other. New research suggests that if an arm becomes
immobilized due to injury, it can lose up to 28% of its muscle mass within four weeks. However, a recent
experiment found that performing eccentric exercises with the opposite arm could significantly reduce muscle loss in
the affected extremity. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Sports Science, September 2020
Chiropractic: Spinal Pain in High School Students. Examinations of 273 teenagers revealed that about one in six
(16.12%) had spinal pain. Further analysis showed the following characteristics are associated with an elevated risk
for spinal pain in teens: physical inactivity, obesity, central adiposity, and misalignment of the lumbar spine. Doctors
of chiropractic often approach spinal pain in adolescents with a combination of manual therapies, specific exercises,
and healthy lifestyle advice. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, October 2020
Mental Attitude: Healthcare Usage in Early Infancy May Signal Autism, ADHD Risk. A review of the
electronic health records of nearly 30,000 children revealed an association between an increased frequency of doctor
and hospital visits during the first year of life and a later diagnosis of either autism spectrum disorder or attentiondeficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Lead author Dr. Matthew Engelhard adds, “This study provides evidence that
children who develop autism and ADHD are on a different path from the beginning… We have known that children
with these diagnoses have more interactions with the healthcare system after they’ve been diagnosed, but this
indicates that distinctive patterns of utilization begin early in these children’s lives. This could provide an
opportunity to intervene sooner.” Scientific Reports, October 2020
Wellness/Prevention: Cancer Screenings May Encourage a Healthier Lifestyle. An analysis of data from five
published studies revealed that individuals are more receptive to lifestyle interventions on the importance of a
healthy diet and exercise following a colorectal and breast cancer screening.
Cancer Causes & Control, November 2020
Quote: “Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.” ~ Will Rogers
I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.