Health Alert: Many People May Not Recognize a Heart Attack. The top five most common heart attack
symptoms include chest pain/discomfort; shortness of breath; arm and shoulder pain and discomfort; feeling
weak, lightheaded, or faint; and jaw, neck, and back pain. A survey of 393 adults revealed that only 11.5%
recognized all five symptoms and the majority (71.65%) only recognized chest pain/discomfort as a possible
sign of heart attack. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, December 2020
Diet: Plant-Based Diet Boosts Metabolism? During a 16-week experiment, overweight/obese participants
who adopted a low-fat, plant-based diet that included fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes experienced
an 18.7% increased after-meal calorie burn, something that was not observed in individuals who ate their usual
diet. The members of the plant-based diet group also reported more significant drops in fat mass and visceral
fat. JAMA Network Open, November 2020
Exercise: Walking Benefits the Hearts of Postmenopausal Women. In a study that looked at a decade of data
concerning over 83,000 middle aged and older females, researchers observed that the more steps a participant
averaged per day, the lower her risk for high blood pressure. Hypertension, November 2020
Chiropractic: How to Reduce Work-Related Injuries. Work-related musculoskeletal conditions are
unfortunately too common among workers in nearly all industries. The Icahn School of Medicine at Mount
Sinai offers the following tips to help reduce work-related injuries: modify your work to reduce the amount of
reaching and bending you perform daily; avoid slouching and bending in awkward positions; include stretching
and movement to strengthen your posture while working; reduce repetitive or prolonged activities when
possible; take frequent breaks during your shift; and remember to use proper mechanics when lifting.
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, November 2020
Mental Attitude: Two Foods That May Reduce Risk for Early-Onset Dementia. A comparison of diet
assessments of 54 recently diagnosed early-onset dementia (EOD) patients and 54 cognitively healthy
individuals revealed that a diet rich in leafy green vegetables and fish may be associated with a reduced risk for
EOD. Nutrients, November 2020
Wellness/Prevention: Low Sodium Diet May Lower Risk for Stomach Cancer. The current research
suggests that adopting a low-sodium diet can reduce a middle-aged adult’s risk for gastric cancer by up to 24%.
Cancer Medicine, December 2020
Quote: “Those who try to obliterate the past are injuring the present.” ~ Helen Dunmore
I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.