Health Alert: Lack of Sleep Raises Dementia Risk. Using data from the National Health and Aging Trends
Study, researchers estimate that older adults who sleep five or fewer hours a night are two times more likely to
be diagnosed with dementia or die in the following five years than participants who sleep an average of seven to
eight hours a night. Aging, February 2021
Diet: Mediterranean Diet Linked to Reduced Obesity Risk. A review of data from 143 studies concluded
that the Mediterranean diet—an eating pattern focused on eating fruits, vegetables, nuts, fish, olive oil, and
whole grains while avoiding red and processed meats, dairy, saturated fats, and refined sugars—is associated
with a reduced risk for obesity in adults. Public Health Nutrition, February 2021
Exercise: Home Gym Essentials. Fitness experts from Self magazine recommend the following essential items
for building an affordable home gym: an exercise mat, resistance bands, kettlebells, dumbbells, a full-length
mirror, a jump rope, and a gym ball. Self, March 2021
Chiropractic: Spinal Manipulation for Tension-Type Headaches. Tension-type headache patients treated
with the combination of spinal manipulation and exercise experienced greater improvements with respect to
headache frequency and severity than those treated with either myofascial release of the suboccipital muscles or
exercise alone. Doctors of chiropractic commonly use a combination of spinal manipulation and specific
exercises when managing patients with tension-type and other forms of headache.
Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, January 2021
Mental Attitude: Early Life Mental Health Issues Can Affect Physical Health in Adulthood. An analysis
of long-term health data concerning over 1,000 individuals whom researchers monitored for several decades
revealed that participants with a history of anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues as children
experienced sharper declines in sensory, motor, and mental function as they aged. The findings suggest that
improving the mental health of kids and teens may provide life-long benefits. JAMA Psychiatry, February 2021
Wellness/Prevention: Health & Wellness Tips for All. The Guadalupe Regional Medical Center offers
several small tips for improving one’s health and wellness: schedule a wellness check and stick to it, get yearly
eye exams, eat at least one fruit and vegetable at every meal, spend one entire day on you, schedule regular
dental exams and cleanings, drink at least two glasses of water per day, give up soft drinks, and get physically
active. Guadalupe Regional Medical Center, March 2021
Quote: “Fast is fine, but accuracy is everything.” ~ Wyatt Earp
I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.