WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Rio Vista Chiropractor, 5-8-2023

Health Alert: Asthma and Eczema Increase Arthritis Risk. Following a review of data concerning nearly 1.4
million adults, researchers report that individuals with either asthma or eczema are up to 58% more likely to develop
osteoarthritis, and the risk is even greater for those with both conditions.
Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, March 2023
Diet: Pregnancy and Proper Nutrition. Dietary assessments of 2,450 women during pregnancy revealed that 90%
did not consume adequate nutrients via diet alone. Furthermore, researchers note that nearly all affordable dietary
supplements do not contain the appropriate doses of key nutrients to make up for these deficiencies. Lead author Dr.
Katherine Sauder writes, “This research will inform pregnant patients and their doctors about key nutrients they may
be missing in their diet and help them choose prenatal vitamins that can provide the nutrients they need… Dietary
supplement manufacturers can also use these results to inform better dosing in their products.”
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, April 2023
Exercise: Strength Training Can Reduce Blood Pressure. A recent literature review concluded that just eight-toten weeks of strength training is sufficient to reduce systolic blood pressure by 10 mmHg and diastolic blood
pressure by 4.79 mmHg. Researcher Dr. Giovana Rampazzo Teixeira explains, “In clinical practice and gyms or
fitness centers, strength training can be a treatment option for people with high blood pressure as a nonpharmacological intervention as long as you know enough about the key variables and take the subject’s goals into
account.” Scientific Reports, March 2023
Chiropractic: Back Surgery Is Not for Everyone. In a recent paper published in the Medical Journal of Australia,
the authors noted that while spinal surgeries have increased over time, the current data does not support surgical
intervention for low back pain outside of cases of lumbar radiculopathy that doesn’t respond to non-surgical care and
when low back pain is associated with cancer, infection, or gross spinal instability. Otherwise, treatment guidelines
strongly emphasize utilizing conservative, non-surgical approaches to manage low back pain, of which chiropractic
care is an excellent choice. Medical Journal of Australia, January 2023
Mental Attitude: Serious Pediatric Mental Health Issues in Kids Has Increase in the Last Decade. Between
2009 and 2019, the number of children hospitalized for mental health-related issues in the United States increased
26%. During the same time frame, the rate of attempted suicide, suicidal ideation, and self-injury among American
kids and teens rose between 31-64%. Journal of the American Medical Association, March 2023
Wellness/Prevention: A Good Walk Even Once a Week Has Longevity Benefits. Using data from the United
States National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, researchers report that logging 8,000 steps just one day a
week can lower the risk for early death by 15%. Neurology, March 2023
Quote: “The beginning is always today.” ~ Mary Wollstonecraft

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Rio Vista region.