Mental Attitude: Smell Your Partner’s Shirt to Reduce Stress. In this study, investigators observed that women who
smelled their partner’s shirt had a reduced response to stress in comparison with those who smelled a stranger’s scent.
Senior author Dr. Frances Chen comments, “Our research suggests that something as simple as taking an article of
clothing that was worn by your loved one could help lower stress.”
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, January 2018
Health Alert: Common Drug May Lead to Reduced Fertility of Offspring. Paracetamol, also known as
acetaminophen, is commonly taken by pregnant women to help relieve pain, but a new study suggests that this medication
may lead to reduced fertility among female offspring. Investigators found that rodents given paracetamol during
pregnancy, at doses equivalent to what pregnant woman usually take for pain relief, produced female offspring with fewer
eggs. Lead investigator Dr. David Kristensen writes, “Although this may not be a severe impairment to fertility, it is still
of real concern since data from three different labs all independently found that paracetamol may disrupt female
reproductive development in this way, which indicates further investigation is needed to establish how this affects human
fertility.” Endocrine Connections, January 2018
Diet: Many Babies in the US Start Solid Foods Too Soon. Researchers analyzed the food intake of nearly 1,500 babies
in the United States and found that about 16% of parents fed their child complementary foods before the age of four
months, and about 38% provided their son or daughter solids or other drinks by five months of age. Lead investigator Dr.
Chloe Barrera warns, “Introducing babies to complementary foods too early can cause them to miss out on important
nutrients that come from breast milk and infant formula.” Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, January 2018
Exercise: Can Exercise Help Slow Cognitive Decline? Seniors with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) have an elevated
risk for developing dementia. However, a review of data from eleven published studies indicates that adults with MCI can
improve their cognitive function by engaging in an aerobic exercise routine.
International Journal of Nursing Studies, January 2018
Chiropractic: Walking is Good for Chronic Back Pain. For patients with chronic low back pain, a daily walk may be
just what the doctor ordered. A review of findings from nine published studies indicates that daily walks can help reduce
both pain and disability in patients with chronic back pain. Since walking is easy to perform and highly accessible, the
authors recommend that walking be included in treatment recommendations for patients with chronic low back pain.
Musculoskeletal Science and & Practice, December 2017
Wellness/Prevention: Get Healthy. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration recommends the
following to achieve a healthier lifestyle: don’t smoke or abuse drugs; limit alcohol intake; make healthy food choices;
exercise regularly; maintain a healthy weight; manage your blood pressure; get enough sleep; and maintain a strong
relationship with your healthcare provider and ask your them about any health concerns.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, January 2018
Quote: “Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.” ~ Stephen Hawking
I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.