Mental Attitude: Anxiety Late in Life Linked to Alzheimer’s. Using data from the Zaragoza Dementia and Depression
Study, researchers report that seniors with clinically significant late-life anxiety have up to a 400% greater risk for
Alzheimer’s disease when compared to older adults without an anxiety disorder.
Journal of Affective Disorders, February 2019
Health Alert: Opioid Deaths Up Fourfold in Last 20 Years. Researchers from Stanford University School of Medicine,
Harvard University, and the University of Toronto report that opioid-related deaths in the United States have jumped
fourfold in the last two decades, with Eastern states being hit the hardest. According to the data, the highest rates of
opioid-related deaths occurred in Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Massachusetts, Maryland, Maine, New
Hampshire, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. The researchers hope that identification and characterization of opioid “hot spots”
will allow for better-targeted policies that address the current state of the opioid epidemic and the needs of the population.
JAMA Network Open, February 2019
Diet: Can a Cup of Hot Cocoa Ease the Fatigue of Multiple Sclerosis? Dark chocolate contains flavonoids that are
known to be powerful antioxidants with anti-inflammatory and immune system benefits. In a recent study involving 40
adults with multiple sclerosis (MS), those who drank one cup of a high-flavanoid hot cocoa each day for six weeks
experienced less pain, a 45% reduction in fatigue, and an 80% improvement in their walking speed. Researcher Dr. Shelly
Coe adds, “Our study establishes that the use of dietary interventions is feasible and may offer possible long-term benefits
to support fatigue management.” Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, March 2019
Exercise: Fitness Protects Against Lung Cancer. A new study that followed nearly 5,000 older men for a decade found
that not only are physically fit men less likely to develop lung cancer, but they are significantly more likely to survive the
disease should it occur. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, April 2019
Chiropractic: Mid-Back Adjustments for Neck Pain? In a study involving 30 patients with chronic neck pain,
researchers observed that spinal manipulative therapy applied to the mid-back resulted in improvements in both neck pain
and the range of motion of the upper limbs. While neck pain is commonly associated with dysfunction in the cervical
spine, past research has demonstrated that the thoracic spine plays a limited role in cervical rotation and flexion, which
may explain why mid-back adjustments benefited the chronic neck pain patients in this study.
Journal of Physical Therapy Science, February 2019
Wellness/Prevention: Reduce CTS Risk. Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a condition that occurs when pressure is
placed on the median nerve as it passes through the wrist. To reduce your risk for CTS, the NYU School of Medicine
recommends the following: minimize repetitive hand movements, keep wrists straight, alternate between activities or
tasks, and avoid holding an object the same way for long periods. NYU School of Medicine, March 2019
Quote: “Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.” ~ Albert Einstein
I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.