All posts by napachiro4joe

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Napa Chiropractor, 5-30-2022

Health Alert: Many Families Face Financial Hardship When Having a Baby. According to a recent study, the
combination of insurance premiums and out-of-pocket medical costs related to pregnancy and birth may account for
20-30% of a low-income family’s annual income. Obstetrics and Gynecology, March 2022
Diet: Avocados Benefit the Heart. Using data from the Nurses’ Health Study and the Health Professionals Followup Study, researchers report that eating two or more servings of avocado per week (1 serving = 1/3 of an avocado)
may reduce the risk for cardiovascular disease by up to 16% and coronary heart disease by up to 21%.
JAMA, April 2022
Exercise: The Power of Lifelong Exercise. Examinations of 46 older men revealed that those with a lifelong
history of physical activity had a greater number of stem cells than those with a sedentary lifestyle. The findings are
important because these cells aid muscle regeneration, long-term muscle growth, and nerve degeneration protection.
Journal of Physiology, February 2022
Chiropractic: Degenerative Lumbar Spinal Stenosis Linked to Knee and Hip Arthritis. Lumbar spinal stenosis
is a debilitating condition associated with the degeneration of the spine, which can have a wide range of symptoms
including back pain, leg pain, numbness and tingling in the legs, and reduced physical function. A recent systematic
review and meta-analysis of ten studies found that lumbar spinal stenosis can often co-occur with osteoarthritis of
the hip or knee, suggesting that patients with one of the conditions should be examined for the others as they may
need to be co-managed for the patient to achieve a satisfactory outcome. Doctors of chiropractic commonly treat
these conditions using a multimodal approach including manual therapies, physical therapy modalities, rehabilitative
exercises, and nutritional recommendations. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, February 2022
Mental Attitude: Could Day Care Increase Behavioral Issues in Kids? Following a review of data concerning
nearly 1,300 school children, researchers report that the more time a child spends in day care, the more likely they
are to have aggressive behaviors, experience attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms, and exhibit signs of
anxiety and depression. However, many of these problem behaviors decreased by the time children reached the age
of 13. PLOS ONE, March 2022
Wellness/Prevention: Improve Your Sleep. To improve sleep, the National Sleep Foundation recommends the
following: go to bed at the same time every night and wake at the same time every morning; exercise regularly;
practice relaxation techniques such as meditation or deep breathing; avoid alcohol and caffeine before bedtime; don’t
watch TV or use other screens in the bedroom; and use a white noise machine or earplugs to block out noise.
National Sleep Foundation, March 2022
Quote: “Character is power.” ~ Booker T. Washington

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Napa Chiropractor, 5-23-2022

Health Alert: Sleep-Disordered Breathing May Raise Risk for Lung Cancer. Sleep-disordered breathing is a
group of conditions characterized by abnormal sleeping patterns, which includes obstructive sleep apnea. Following
a review of data from seven studies, researchers report that sleep-disordered breathing may elevate the risk for lung
cancer diagnosis by up to 28%. For comparison, smoking cigarettes increases the risk for lung cancer by 3,000%.
European Journal of Cancer Prevention, May 2022
Diet: Cranberries Benefit Cardiovascular Health. Among a group of 45 healthy men, those who consumed a 100
mg cranberry extract daily for one month experienced significant improvement in flow-mediate dilation, which
signals improvement of both heart and blood vessel function, compared with participants given a placebo.
Food & Function, March 2022
Exercise: Exercise Can Reduce Depression Symptoms. Iowa State University researchers report that individuals
with major depression who engage in a 30-minute moderate-intensity aerobic exercise session may experience an
improvement in mood that may last as long as 75 minutes post-workout, and it can also improve the effect of
standard therapy. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, July 2022
Chiropractic: Non-Operative Treatments for Lumbar Spinal Stenosis with Claudication. Neurogenic
claudication is the medical term used to describe the symptom of pain induced by walking, and it is caused by
damage to the neurological system as a result of spinal stenosis. A recent literature review found that a multimodal
treatment approach that includes manual therapy, exercises, and patient education is an effective non-surgical
treatment for the management of lumbar spinal stenosis with neurogenic stenosis. Doctors of chiropractic utilize
manual therapies and rehabilitation exercises when treating patients with lumbar spinal stenosis.
BMJ Open, January 2022
Mental Attitude: Napping May Increase Alzheimer’s Risk. New research suggests that older adults who nap in
excess of 60 minutes per day may have up to a 40% increased risk for Alzheimer’s disease. Study author Dr. Aron
Buchman adds, “More studies are needed to better understand the relationship between napping and Alzheimer’s
disease. But it’s possible that improving sleep may be a way of modifying the course of Alzheimer’s disease and its
manifold manifestations.” Alzheimer’s & Dementia, March 2022
Wellness/Prevention: Sleep Apnea Can Speed Aging, But Using a CPAP Can Help. A study that included 24
sleep apnea patients revealed the condition accelerates aging on a genetic level. However, the researchers observed
that using a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) device for four hours a night for one year not only slowed
the trend but reversed it in some participants. European Respiratory Journal, January 2022
Quote: “Our goal should be to understand our differences.” ~ James D. Watson

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Napa Chiropractor, 5-16-2022

Health Alert: Beware of Trucks and SUVs When Going for a Walk. An analysis of single-vehicle pedestrian
crashes found that the risk of a pedestrian being killed by a right-turning vehicle was 89% higher for pickups and
63% higher for SUVs than standard cars. These findings suggest the need to examine the visibility designs of larger
vehicles to reduce blind spots when making turns. Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, March 2022
Diet: Proven Benefits pf Intermittent Fasting. For Care Education and Research notes the following benefits of
intermittent fasting (restricting eating to a limited window each day or not eating one or two days a week, for
example): weight loss, less inflammation in the body, slows cellular aging, increases fat burning, improves insulin
sensitivity, improves mental concentration, increases brain function and health, increases energy, improves heart
health, reduces the risk for some cancers, and improves gut health and immune function. Consult with your doctor
before starting any diet. For Care Education and Research, March 2022
Exercise: Benefits of Exercise. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention lists the following benefits of
exercise: aids in weight loss and weight management; reduces high blood pressure; reduces the risk for type 2
diabetes, heart attack, stroke, and several forms of cancer; reduces arthritis pain and associated disability; reduces the
risk for osteoporosis and falls; and reduces symptoms of depression and anxiety.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, March 2022
Chiropractic: Does Spinal Manipulation Affect Brain Function? Individuals with chronic low back pain are
known to exhibit abnormal brain function in areas of the brain associated with regulating emotions and pain, as well
as processing cognitive tasks involving memory formation. In a recent experiment, researchers observed that patients
with chronic low back pain experienced improved function in these areas of the brain following the application of
spinal manipulative therapy, the primary form of treatment provided by doctors of chiropractic.
Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, February 2022
Wellness/Prevention: Preventing Stress Fractures. Stress fractures are small breaks in bones that typically result
from overuse from repetitive activities, such as running. To reduce your risk for a stress fracture, the American
Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons recommends the following: increase the intensity and duration of workouts
slowly, diversify your workout by engaging in cross-training, consume a nutritious diet rich in calcium and vitamin
D, wear proper shoes and athletic gear, take a break from exercise if you experience swelling or pain, and see your
healthcare provider if symptoms continue. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, March 2022
Wellness/Prevention: Signs of Toenail Fungus. The American Podiatric Medical Association lists the following
signs and symptoms associated with toenail fungus: darker white or more yellow toenails than usual, a strong odor,
accumulation of debris below the toenail, thick and difficult to cut toenails, and painful toenails.
American Podiatric Medical Association, March 2022
Quote: “The key to life is accepting challenges.” ~ Bette Davis

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Napa Chiropractor, 5-9-2022

Health Alert: Cholesterol Issues in 30s Linked to Alzheimer’s Risk. Researchers analyzed data on nearly 5,000
people who underwent thorough exams during three specific age periods: 35-50, 51-60, and 61-70. They found that
individuals who developed Alzheimer’s disease later in life were more likely to have had lower levels of high-density
lipids (HDL) or “good” cholesterol and higher levels of triglycerides as early as age 35 than those who did not
develop dementia later in life. The findings suggest that people should start taking control of their health and
lifestyle sooner, such as attending annual wellness visits in their 30s, getting more exercise, and following a healthier
diet to help lower the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s & Disease, March 2022
Diet: Risk Factors for Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma is a rare form of cancer that
occurs when a tumor grows at the rear of the nose. A literature review found that a high intake of processed meat,
salted fish, and processed vegetables are each associated with an elevated risk for the disease.
European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, May 2022
Exercise: Staying or Getting Active Lowers Risk for Ischemic Stroke. Among a group of 11,089 middle-aged
and older adults, researchers observed that those who regularly exercised were 46% less likely to experience an
ischemic stroke in the next two decades. Meanwhile, those who were initially inactive and then started to regularly
exercise cut their risk for this type of stroke by 23%. International Journal of Stroke, April 2022
Chiropractic: Back and Neck Pain Linked to Workplace Absenteeism. An analysis of data from a study that
included 1,471 adults found that back pain- and neck pain-related difficulties with walking, standing, or sitting
account for up to 43% of all days of missed work. Past studies have demonstrated that prolonged sitting, physical
inactivity, and poor ergonomics are risk factors for work-related back and neck pain.
European Spine Journal, January 2022
Mental Attitude: Did You Bump Your Head? Signs You Need Emergency Care. If you or a loved one has
suffered head trauma, the American College of Emergency Physicians recommends seeking emergency care if there
are any of the following signs: headaches that worsen despite taking over-the-counter medications; weakness,
numbness, or decreased coordination; slurred speech; trouble walking; increased confusion or agitation; repeated
vomiting; loss of consciousness for more than one minute; unequal pupil sizes; convulsions or seizures; or unusual
changes in sleep patterns or mood. American College of Emergency Physicians, March 2022
Wellness/Prevention: Make Sure Kids Buckle Up. To keep kids safe once they graduate to wearing a seatbelt
restraint in the car, SafeKids recommends the following: establish a rule that your child always wears a seat belt
during every car ride, have children ride only in the backseat until the age of 13, be a role model by always wearing
your seat belt, make sure children always ride with both the lap belt and shoulder belt, and show your child how to
sit upright with good posture when riding in the car. SafeKids March 2022
Quote: “The most wasted day of all is that on which we have not laughed.” ~ Nicolas Chamfort

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Napa Chiropractor, 5-2-2022

Health Alert: Triglycerides Increase Stroke Risk? Researchers monitored 870 patients with a history of stroke
and found that those with high triglycerides suffered repeat strokes at double the rate of those with normal
triglycerides levels. Despite their findings, the research team is uncertain if triglycerides are fully to blame and will
conduct further research to determine if lowering blood lipid levels with diet and exercise could reduce this risk.
Neurology, March 2022
Diet: Simple Ways to Lower Sodium Intake. Since high intake of sodium is associated with cardiovascular
disease, experts note that it’s important to limit one’s salt consumption. Tufts University lists these simple ways to
help reduce salt in your diet: cook at home more often, limit prepared foods, and read nutritional food labels.
Tufts University, March 2022
Exercise: Exercise Is a Key for Cancer Survival. The American Cancer Society notes that regular exercise and a
healthy diet are keys to long-term cancer survival and to decrease the risk for recurrence.
CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians, March 2022
Chiropractic: Chiropractic Care Benefits Those with Osteoarthritis. For patients with osteoarthritis that affects
the spine, hips, or extremities, a recent study found that soft tissue therapy, spinal manipulation, and other common
chiropractic treatments are effective for reducing pain and improving joint function.
Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, February 2022
Mental Attitude: Suicides on the Rise in Preadolescent Children. The National Poison Data System reports that
in the last 20 years, suicidal ingestions by children aged 10 to 12 years increased by 450%. When asked about this
finding, study co-author Dr. David Sheridan notes, “This study was not designed to look at what is causing this rise
or what the factors are… I think the goal is to highlight this is happening, to fuel more research to hopefully get to
the bottom of what you’re asking, which I think is a really important thing.” JAMA Pediatrics, March 2022
Mental Attitude: Mindfulness Meditation Can Help Internal Conflicts. Mindfulness meditation is the practice of
slowing down racing thoughts, letting go of negativity, and calming your mind and body. A study involving 121
volunteers found that those who performed mindfulness meditation were significantly better at coping with an action
crisis. The research team notes, “This study provides the first evidence supporting that mindfulness is not only a
predictor of action crises but might also influence how people cope with them once they occur… Our findings also
highlight the importance of noticing—through meditation for instance—our cognitive and emotional states in goal
pursuit and treat ourselves with compassion when things are not going as planned.”
Social Psychological Bulletin, March 2022
Quote: “Tough times don’t last. Tough people do.” ~ Gregory Peck
I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Napa Chiropractor, 4-25-2022

Health Alert: Menopause Linked to Sleep Apnea and Painful Joints. Researchers report that
postmenopausal women are 4.5 times more likely than premenopausal women to report sleep apnea, and they
are also at increased risk for joint pain. Menopause, March 2022
Diet: Plant-Based Diet May Protect the Brain. An analysis of diet and cognitive performance data concerning
over 4,700 adults found that consuming a plant-based diet may slow cognitive decline.
American Heart Association, March 2022
Exercise: Exercise May Protect the Aging Brain. In a study that included 51 older adults, researchers
observed that spending more time engaged in physical activities of any intensity improved function in areas of
the brain important for executive function skills, which can help seniors remain independent. Lead author Dr.
Marissa Gogniat notes, “We’ve always been told it’s good to exercise, but I think this is some evidence that
exercise can actually change your brain… And that impacts the way you’re able to function in your daily life.”
Sport Sciences for Health, January 2022
Chiropractic: Sleep Quality and Low Back Pain. Among a group of 215 patients with low back pain,
researchers observed an association between poor sleep quality and higher pain intensity six months later. On
the other hand, participants with higher pain intensity at the start of the study were more likely to have poor
sleep 24 weeks later. The findings support the concept that back pain and poor sleep have a bi-directional
relationship, and concurrent treatment to address both sleep and back pain may be necessary for some patients
to achieve lasting relief. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, December 2021
Mental Attitude: Steps to Prevent Dementia. Stanford Medicine reports that the following lifestyle behaviors
may reduce one’s risk for dementia: not smoking; staying at a healthy weight; getting plenty of exercise, eating
healthy food; managing health problems including diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol; staying
mentally alert by learning new hobbies, reading, or solving crossword puzzles; and staying involved socially by
attending community activities, church, or support groups. Stanford Medicine, March 2022
Wellness/Prevention: Get Your Eyes Checked. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends
seeing an eye doctor promptly if you are suffering from the following: difficulty seeing properly, redness of
your eye(s), draining or eye pain, double vision, small specks that seem to “float” in front of your eyes, halos
that appear to surround lights, and visions that appear to resemble flashes of light.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, March 2022
Quote: “Problems are cured by facing their cause.” ~ Vernon Howard

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Napa Chiropractor, 4-18-2022

Health Alert: Irregular Periods Linked to Greater Risk for Liver Disease. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
(NAFLD) is a condition that occurs when fat accumulates in the liver from causes other than excessive alcohol
consumption, and it is associated with a number of poor health outcomes. An analysis of data concerning
72,092 women under the age of 40 found that those with long or irregular periods were 49% more likely to
develop NAFLD over the following four to five years.
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, March 2022
Diet: Sulfur Amino Acids Are Bad for the Heart. The American Heart Association reports that a high intake
of sulfur amino acids—most commonly found in beef, chicken, and milk—may be associated with a 12%
increased risk of cardiovascular disease over a three-decade time period.
American Heart Association, March 2022
Exercise: Exercise Decreases Clot Risk in Patients with NAFLD. Patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver
disease (NAFLD) are at risk for several poor health outcomes, including blood clots. A recent study that
included 24 NAFLD patients found that participating in a 20-week aerobic exercise training program
significantly reduced the presence of a protein called plasminogen activator inhibitor, which helps clots remain
intact. Hepatology, December 2021
Chiropractic: Mobilization Decreases Pain in Knee Osteoarthritis Patients. For patients with moderate-tosevere knee osteoarthritis, a new study found that mobilization therapy—a form of treatment provided by
doctors of chiropractic—is effective for improving function, reducing pain, and lowering pain sensitivity.
European Journal of Physical Rehabilitation and Medicine, January 2022
Mental Attitude: Childhood Troubles Can Have Lifelong Consequences. Following a review of data from
the ESPRIT study, researchers report that experiencing five or more adverse childhood events—such as
emotional, physical, and sexual abuse, and emotional and physical neglect—is associated with a 52% increased
risk for dementia. Journal of Affective Disorders, May 2022
Wellness/Prevention: Healthy Mouth, Healthy Heart. Past studies have linked oral and cardiovascular
health. A new study that looked at saliva samples from 1,200 women identified 15 types of mouth bacteria that
were linked to either an elevated or reduced risk for hypertension. Senior author Dr. Michael LaMonte adds,
“This is an interesting finding… and it tells us there may be more to blood pressure control than we understand.
We need to keep an open mind.” Journal of the American Heart Association, March 2022
Quote: “I will go anywhere, provided it is forward.” ~ David Livingstone

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Napa Chiropractor, 4-11-2022

Health Alert: Vaping May Increase Risk of Diabetes. An analysis of data concerning over 600,000 adults
found that e-cigarette use may be associated with a 54% increased risk for prediabetes—a term used to describe
elevated blood sugar levels that have not yet reached the threshold for diabetes diagnosis. Senior researcher Dr.
Shyam Biswal adds, “There is a real concern that there’s a perception among the younger population that ecigarettes are a safer alternative [to smoking]… But more and more evidence is piling up that e-cigarettes are
not safe.” American Journal of Preventive Medicine, March 2022
Diet: Nordic Diet Helps Lower Cholesterol & Blood Sugar. Among a group of 200 overweight, middle-aged
adults, researchers observed that those who adopted the Nordic diet—an eating pattern rich in berries, veggies,
fish, whole grains, and rapeseed oil—experienced greater improvements in their cholesterol levels and glucose
regulation than participants who maintained their usual diet. Clinical Nutrition, December 2021
Exercise: How Many Steps Per Day? A systematic review that included 15 studies found that for adults over
the age of 60, an average of 6,000 to 8,000 steps per day is associated with a reduced risk of premature death.
Meanwhile, for adults under age 60, the optimal number of steps appears to fall in the 8,000 to 10,000 stepsper-day range. The Lancet Public Health, March 2022
Chiropractic: Musculoskeletal Complaints Common in Nurses. Questionnaires completed by 550 nurses
revealed that 88.1% experienced work-related musculoskeletal pain in the previous twelve months, with the low
back, shoulders, and neck as the most affected areas.
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, February 2022
Mental Attitude: Biggest Risk Factors for Dementia. The American Heart Association reports that 42% of
dementia cases in the United States can be attributed to these twelve factors: lower educational attainment,
hearing loss, traumatic brain injury, high blood pressure, excessive alcohol consumption, obesity, smoking,
depression, social isolation, not getting the recommended amount of physical activity, diabetes, and air
pollution. American Heart Association, March 2022
Wellness/Prevention: Steps to Prevent Colon Cancer. Colorectal cancer is the third-leading cause of cancer
in the United States, but steps can be taken to reduce one’s risk for this deadly condition, such as: attend
screenings starting at age 45 or sooner if you have a family history; eat a healthy diet full of fruit, vegetables,
and whole grains, while limiting beef, pork, lamb, and processed meats; get physically active; maintain a
healthy weight; avoid or limit alcohol; and don’t smoke. Cedars-Sinai, March 2022
Quote: “The strongest man in the world is he who stands most alone.” ~ Henrik Ibsen

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Napa Chiropractor, 4-4-2022

Health Alert: Potential Long-Term Effects of High School Football. Compared with middle-aged
individuals who did not play contact sports or any sport in high school, those who played high school football
were more likely to have sleep problems and to take medication for either chronic pain or headaches during the
last year. However, the study did not find that former high school football players had an increased risk for
depression, anxiety, anger, concentration problems, or memory problems.
Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine, March 2022
Diet: Stay Hydrated. Healthline reports the following benefits for remaining hydrated: helps maximize
physical performance, significantly affects energy levels and brain function, may prevent headaches, may help
relieve constipation, may help treat kidney stones, helps prevent hangovers, and can aid weight loss.
Healthline, February 2022
Exercise: Lift Weights for About an Hour a Week. A meta-analysis of 16 studies found that strength training
for between 40-60 minutes a week is the optimal dose for reducing the risk for cardiovascular disease.
BMJ, February 2022
Chiropractic: Is Standing Better for Guitar Players? Examinations of 25 guitar players revealed that
compared with standing, playing while sitting results in greater tilt of the torso, increased abduction of the right
shoulder, higher flexion of the left shoulder, and a higher radial deviation of the left wrist, which may increase
the risk for musculoskeletal pain in these areas. PLOS ONE, January 2022
Mental Attitude: Early Menopause May Increase Dementia Risk. According to a study that looked at the
long-term health histories of over 153,000 women, entering menopause before the age of 40 is associated with a
35% increased risk for dementia later in life when compared with women who begin menopause around age 50.
Researcher Dr. Wenting Hao notes that estrogen can activate antioxidants in the brain that clear out proteins
known to play a role in the development of dementia. American Heart Association, March 2022
Wellness/Prevention: Signs of a Stroke. The American Stroke Association notes the following are signs and
symptoms of a stroke: sudden numbness or weakness in the face, arm, or leg (especially on one side of the
body); sudden confusion or trouble speaking or understanding speech; sudden vision issues in one or both eyes;
sudden difficulty walking or dizziness; loss of balance or problems with coordination; and severe headache with
no known cause. If you notice any of these sudden and severe signs of stroke, summon emergency services
immediately. American Stroke Association, March 2022
Quote: “Discussion is an exchange of knowledge; an argument an exchange of ignorance.” ~ Robert Quillen

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Napa Chiropractor, 3-28-2022

Health Alert: Nearly 1 in 3 Adults Don’t Know the Most Common Heart Attack Symptom. According
to a recent study, only about 70% of adults in the United States and Canada can identify chest
pain/discomfort as a symptom of myocardial infarction. Other common heart attack symptoms include
shortness of breath; arm/shoulder pain/discomfort; feeling weak, lightheaded, or faint; and jaw, neck, and
back pain. Korean Circulation Journal, December 2021
Diet: Foods That Can Help Lower Your Cholesterol. Harvard Health notes that the following foods can
help reduce one’s low-density lipoprotein (the “bad” cholesterol) levels: oats; barley and other whole
grains; beans; eggplant and okra; nuts; vegetable oils; apples, grapes, strawberries, and citrus fruits; foods
fortified with sterols and stanols; soy; fatty fish; and fiber supplements. Harvard Health, February 2022
Exercise: HIIT Benefits Lung Cancer Patients. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a form of
exercise that involves short intervals of near-maximal effort such as sprinting or stair climbing separated by
intervals of moderate-intensity exercise, such as jogging or fast walking. A review of data from six studies
concluded that HIIT is an effective intervention for improving cardiorespiratory fitness in lung cancer
patients undergoing treatment, which may improve their chances for a successful outcome.
Supportive Care in Cancer, April 2022
Chiropractic: Stress is Associated with Neck Pain in College Students. A recent survey of university
students found that over a third (35.6%) have moderate neck pain and disability, and the risk for
bothersome neck pain in this group is increased by high levels of stress and excessive sedentary time.
Healthcare, November 2021
Mental Attitude: Worries Increase Heart Risk in Men. Following a review of data from the Normative
Aging Study that included 1,550 men, researchers report that higher anxiety levels during mid-life are
associated with a 10-13% increased risk for heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.
Journal of the American Heart Association, January 2022
Wellness/Prevention: Getting a Good Night’s Sleep While on Vacation. The National Sleep Foundation
recommends the following to get a good night of sleep while out of town: avoid making changes to your
sleep schedule, don’t eat a heavy dinner, avoid drinking too much alcohol, bring your own pillow, and
consider using lavender spray or a white noise machine. National Sleep Foundation, January 2022
Quote: “Time is the fairest and toughest judge.” ~ Edgar Quinet

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.