All posts by napachiro4joe

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Napa Chiropractor, 11-18-2019

Mental Attitude: Trouble with Your Teen? Maybe Change Your Tone. In a study involving over 1,000 mom/teen
pairs, researchers observed that children were more likely to successfully complete a task when their mothers gave
instructions using a supportive tone. The authors of the study write, “If parents want conversations with their teens to have
the most benefit, it’s important to remember to use supportive tones of voice. It’s easy for parents to forget, especially if
they are feeling stressed, tired, or pressured themselves… These results nicely illustrate how powerful our voice is and
that choosing the right tone to communicate is crucial in all of our conversations.”
Developmental Psychology, September 2019
Health Alert: Cancer Risk Increases for Those Overweight Before Age 40. An analysis of data from the Me-Can
study, which involved over 220,000 European adults, revealed that individuals who are overweight before age 40 have an
elevated risk for several cancers, including endometrial cancer (70%), male renal-cell cancer (58%), and male colon
cancer (29%). International Journal of Epidemiology, October 2019
Diet: High-Fiber Diet Linked to Lower Heart Risk Among Diabetes Patients. Past research has shown that type 2
diabetics with high blood pressure have an elevated risk for heart disease. A new study that involved 200 hypertensive
type 2 diabetics revealed that those who consumed a high-fiber diet for six months experienced improvements with
respect to their cholesterol and blood lipid levels, systolic blood pressure, and blood glucose readings.
American College of Cardiology, October 2019
Exercise: Health Benefits of Yoga. Yoga is generally a safe way to increase physical activity that is linked to several
health benefits. According to current research, yoga may reduce stress, relieve anxiety, help manage depression, improve
quality of life in those with chronic conditions or acute illnesses, stimulate brain function, and help prevent heart disease.
Medical News Today, September 2019
Chiropractic: Neuromuscular Technique for Chronic Neck Pain. During a ten-week clinical trial involving 40 patients
with mechanical neck pain, those treated with a combination of therapeutic exercise and a manual therapy technique to
reduce trigger points experienced greater improvements in neck muscle strength and endurance than participants in a
therapeutic exercise-only group. This finding is important as the deep neck muscles are typically deconditioned in patients
with mechanical neck pain and improving neck muscle strength and endurance is important for reducing pain, disability,
and the risk for future episodes of neck pain. Doctors of chiropractic often use a combination of manual therapy
techniques and exercise to treat patients with both acute and chronic neck pain.
Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, July 2019
Wellness/Prevention: Healthy Lifestyle May Dramatically Cut Cancer Risk. The World Cancer Research Fund notes
that 30-50% of all cancer cases could be prevented by maintaining a healthy weight, getting regular exercise, eating a
plant-based diet, not smoking, and limiting fast food, sugar-sweetened drink, red meat, and alcohol intake.
Visceral Medicine, August 2019
Quote: “Whether it’s the best of times or the worst of times, it’s the only time we’ve got.” ~ Art Buchwald

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Napa Chiropractor, 11-11-2019

Mental Attitude: Earning Ability May Be Tied to Heart Risk. Researchers tracked the earnings and heart health of
nearly 9,000 adults in the United States for thirty years and found that those who experienced a drop in their income in the
first decade of the study had an elevated risk for heart attack, fatal coronary heart disease, heart failure, and stroke over the
following twenty years. Meanwhile, participants who saw their income increase by more than 50% during the initial phase
of the study had a 20% reduced risk for cardiovascular disease. JAMA Cardiology, October 2019
Health Alert: Smoking Linked to Prostate Cancer. A review of data concerning 73,668 male military veterans revealed
smoking is associated with a 15% increased risk for prostate cancer.
Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases, October 2019
Diet: Mediterranean Diet May Protect Hearing. The Mediterranean diet focuses on eating fruits, vegetables, nuts, fish,
olive oil, and whole grains, while avoiding red and processed meats, dairy, saturated fats, and refined sugars. An analysis
of data concerning 3,135 older women found that those who most closely followed a Mediterranean-style diet were less
likely to experience high-frequency hearing loss during the following six years.
American Journal of Epidemiology, October 2019
Exercise: Exercise Helps Cancer Patients Ward Off Heart Damage from Chemotherapy. An article recently
published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology notes that cancer treatment can impair heart function and
structure, which can cause or accelerate the development of cardiovascular disease. Because of this, the article
recommends that individuals under treatment for cancer should be given a tailored exercise prescription to protect their
heart based on their history, cancer treatment, response to exercise, and personal preferences. Author Dr. Flavio D’Ascenzi
adds, “Physical activity before, during, and after cancer treatment can counteract the negative effects of therapies on the
cardiovascular system. In addition, it can relieve symptoms such as nausea and fatigue and help prevent unwanted
changes in body weight.” European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, October 2019
Chiropractic: Deep Neck Muscles and Headaches. In this study, researchers used ultrasonography to measure activity
in the deep neck muscles of 22 cervicogenic headache patients and 22 healthy subjects. They observed that the deep neck
muscles in the healthy subject group were thicker than those of participants in the cervicogenic headache group. The
findings suggest that atrophy of deep neck muscles may play a role in cervicogenic headaches, and clinicians should keep
this in mind when developing a treatment plan for patients with this condition. Doctors of chiropractic commonly treat
patients with cervicogenic headaches using spinal manipulative therapy and therapeutic exercise. Cranio, October 2019
Wellness/Prevention: Sleep Tips for Kids. To help kids get a good night’s sleep, the National Sleep Foundation
recommends the following: remove TVs, computers, and gadgets from your kid’s bedroom; avoid large meals before
bedtime; develop a regular bedtime routine; set firm bedtimes and wake times; make sure the bedroom is quiet, dark,
relaxing, and temperate; help kids quiet down a few hours before bedtime; and finish heavy studying, texting, or video
games earlier in the evening. National Sleep Foundation, October 2019
Quote: “Don’t be seduced into thinking that that which does not make a profit is without value.” ~ Arthur Miller

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Napa Chiropractor, 11-4-2019

Mental Attitude: Depression and Anxiety Can Affect Cardiac Rehabilitation. Among a group of 4,800 cardiac
rehabilitation patients, researchers observed that those with moderate depression or anxiety were significantly more likely
to quit cardiac rehabilitation than patients who experienced mild symptoms of the same disorders or those who didn’t
have any symptoms. The findings suggest that clinicians should screen for depression and anxiety at the beginning of
rehabilitation to identify patients who need extra help—such as stress management, cognitive behavioral therapies,
meditation, and mindfulness—to keep their recovery on track. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, October 2019
Health Alert: Vitamin D Supplement During Pregnancy May Reduce Gestational Diabetes Risk. Past research has
identified a relationship between deficient vitamin D levels and an increased risk for gestational diabetes. In a study
involving nearly 5,000 pregnant women, researchers observed that participants with below-average vitamin D status who
took a daily vitamin D supplement lowered their risk for gestational diabetes by 17%.
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, October 2019
Diet: Vitamins C and E May Protect the Liver. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) occurs when fat
accumulates in the liver from causes other than excessive alcohol consumption, and it can increase the risk for cirrhosis,
chronic kidney disease, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and some cancers. Among a group of 789 adults in their
late 50s, researchers observed that those with a higher dietary intake of both vitamin C and vitamin E were significantly
less likely to develop NAFLD than participants with a diet low in vitamins C and E.
Digestive and Liver Disease, July 2019
Exercise: Chair Yoga Benefits Those with Advanced Dementia. For seniors with moderate to severe dementia who are
unable to participate in regular exercise due to cognitive impairment, problems with balance, or fear of falling, new
research suggests that engaging in a chair-based yoga program can improve both mental health and quality of life.
American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease & Other Dementias, October 2019
Chiropractic: Manual Therapy Benefits Patients with Shoulder Pain. Subacromial impingement syndrome occurs
when the rotator cuff tendons become inflamed or irritated as they pass through the subacromial space, which can lead to
pain, weakness, and reduced range of motion in the shoulder. In a study involving 26 patients with acute subacromial
impingement syndrome, researchers observed that those treated with manual therapy for four weeks experienced
significant improvements with respect to pain, function, and range of motion. Doctors of chiropractic often utilize a
combination of manual therapy and exercise to treat patients with subacromial impingement syndrome and
musculoskeletal conditions of the shoulder. Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, September 2019
Wellness/Prevention: How to Lower Your Resting Heart Rate. Harvard Medical School notes that the normal range
for a resting heart rate (RHR) is 60 to 90 beats per minute and an increase in RHR over time can be a sign of a future heart
issue. To help lower your RHR, the school recommends exercising every day; practicing stress-reducing techniques, such
as meditation; avoiding tobacco products; and losing any extra weight. Harvard Medical School, September 2019
Quote: “Contentment is the only real wealth.” ~ Alfred Nobel

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Napa Chiropractor, 10-28-2019

Mental Attitude: Risk Factors for Depression in Old Age. Researchers monitored 11,553 seniors for four
years and observed that 22.3% developed depressive symptoms during this time. Further analysis identified the
following late-life risk factors for depression: inadequate sleep, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, arthritis, and
chronic digestive disorders. The risk for depression was also slightly higher among women and those living in
rural areas. BMJ Open, September 2019
Health Alert: Don’t Let Children Wander Alone in Parking Lots. Observations of 125 young children and
their parents as they navigated a parking lot revealed that half of kids got out of the vehicle before an adult, 67%
of children lacked proper supervision at some point during the walk, and nearly 90% walked beyond an arm’s
reach of an adult. Researcher Dr. David Schwebel writes, “The safety risks in parking lots are already
dangerous. We observed that parents pay less attention to their children in these parking lots, even further
elevating the risk.” Journal of Safety Research, August 2019
Diet: Added Sugars Linked to Hypertension. High blood pressure, or hypertension, is common among
seniors and is linked to a number of negative health outcomes. In a study that looked at the dietary intake of 128
older adults, researchers identified an association between higher added-sugar intake and elevated blood
pressure readings. Nutrients, September 2019
Exercise: Sedentary Lifestyle Doubles Early Mortality Risk. Following a two-decade study involving a
group of 23,146 men and women, researchers concluded that participants who led a sedentary lifestyle were
2.7-times more likely to die from cardiovascular disease and twice more likely to die from any cause than those
who regularly exercised. World Congress of Cardiology, August 2019
Chiropractic: Neck Angles, Muscles, Pain and Smartphone Use. According to a new study in which
researchers monitored neck muscle activity at various neck flexion angles while participants used their
smartphone, bending the neck forward more than 15 degrees is associated with increased muscle activity in the
neck. The findings suggest that individuals, especially those with neck pain, should limit neck flexion while
using electronic devices. Ergonomics, August 2019
Wellness/Prevention: Prevent Painful Kidney Stones. The National Kidney Foundation reports that about
10% of people will develop a kidney stone during their lifetime. To help prevent kidney stones, the foundation
recommends the following: drink enough water, especially when exercising; pair oxalate-rich foods with
calcium-rich foods; and cut back on dietary salt. National Kidney Foundation, September 2019
Quote: “Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.” ~ Jim Rohn

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Napa Chiropractor, 10-21-2019

Mental Attitude: Depression and Vitamin D Status. The results of a recent study involving military personnel
suggest there’s a link between vitamin D deficiency and an elevated risk for depression, particularly for those
stationed at higher latitudes. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, September 2019
Health Alert: Parental Asthma May Increase ADHD Risk in Kids. An analysis of data concerning the first
twenty years of life of nearly one million Danes suggests that children born to asthmatic mothers may have up to a
41% increased risk for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), while having a father with asthma is
associated with a 13% elevated risk for ADHD. The study authors conclude, “These results support theories
regarding shared genetic and environmental risk factors having a role in the development of ADHD.”
Brain, Behavior, & Immunity, August 2019
Diet: Ketogenic Diet Helps Controls Seizures in Infants. The ketogenic diet triggers ketosis, which is a metabolic
process in which the body breaks down fats and proteins and transforms them into energy for the body. This
particular diet has been documented to be an effective treatment for school-aged kids and adults with epilepsy, but
what about younger children? In a recent study involving 109 children with epilepsy under the age of three,
researchers observed that nearly 20% achieved complete seizure control after three months on a ketogenic diet and
almost 40% experienced significant seizure reduction (greater than 50%), with more favorable results among kids
whose epilepsy had a genetic origin. Scientific Reports, August 2019
Exercise: A Brisk Walk Is Better Than a Slower Walk… Researchers observed that adults with metabolic
syndrome—a cluster of conditions associated with an elevated risk for heart disease, stroke, and diabetes—who
engaged in a walking program that focused on taking 12,000 steps a day at a pace of 103 steps per minute burned
more fat and experienced greater improvements with respect to their high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, fasting
glucose, and triglyceride levels than participants who walked 12,000 steps a day at a slower pace.
BMC Public Health, September 2019
Chiropractic: Office Workers and Musculoskeletal Disorders. Among a group of 400 office employees working
at an insurance company, researchers observed that musculoskeletal complaints were quite common, particularly in
the neck (57.2%), lower back (46.2%), shoulders (38.5%), and upper back (28.5%). Further analysis identified the
following risk factors for work-related musculoskeletal pain: awkward posture, body mass index, job demand, upper
arm use, and infrequent rest breaks. Doctors of chiropractic can effectively treat many of these musculoskeletal
conditions and can offer stretching and ergonomic advice to reduce the risk of recurrence. Work, August 2019
Wellness/Prevention: Caring for a Torn Nail. Tearing a nail can be very painful. To treat a torn nail, the
University of Wisconsin suggests the following: trim or file any sharp edges and trim off the detached part of a large
tear, soak your finger or toe in cold water for 20 minutes after trimming, and apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly
and cover the area with a nonstick bandage. University of Wisconsin, August 2019
Quote: “The best intelligence test is what we do with our leisure.” ~ Laurence J. Peter

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Napa Chiropractor, 10-14-2019

Mental Attitude: Posting Selfies May Cause Negative Social Perception. In this study, college students were
asked to rate the Instagram profiles of students from another university. The participants rated those who posted
posed photos taken by someone else as more likeable, more successful, having greater self-esteem, and being more
outgoing. However, students who posted a lot of selfies were regarded as less likeable, less successful, less
adventurous, and more insecure. Journal of Research in Personality, August 2019
Health Alert: Older Americans Often Not Equipped to Stay Safe During Hurricanes. Interviews with over
2,200 adults over the age of 50 revealed that less than one-third had an emergency kit that could sustain them at
home or that they could take with them in the event of an evacuation, and only one-quarter had a backup power
supply in the event of a power failure. University of Michigan, September 2019
Diet: Nuts May Lower Risk of Fatal Heart Attack and Stroke. Over the course of a twelve-year study involving
5,432 adults, researchers observed that participants who ate nuts at least twice a week had a 17% reduced risk of
death from cardiovascular disease. Study author Dr. Noushin Mohammadifard explains, “Nuts are a good source of
unsaturated fat and contain little saturated fat… They also have protein, minerals, vitamins, fiber, phytosterols, and
polyphenols which benefit heart health.” European Society of Cardiology, August 2019
Exercise: Complex Exercises May Be Better for the Brain… Researchers found that participants who played
badminton for ten minutes scored better on executive function assessments than they did after taking a ten-minute
run. The findings suggest that engaging in more complex forms of exercise may have a greater benefit on the brain
than jogging and other simple exercise routines. PLoS One, September 2019
Chiropractic: Mobilization and Stretching Are Both Useful for Frozen Shoulders… Adhesive capsulitis (AC),
also known as frozen shoulder, is described as a painful restriction of the shoulder’s range of motion, and about 3%
of adults will develop the condition in their lifetime. In this study, researchers observed that both scapular
mobilization and manual posterior capsule stretching are effective for improving range of motion in the shoulder
joint of patients with stage III AC. Doctors of chiropractic are trained to offer both types of treatment for patients
with AC and often use both in order to achieve optimal results.
Journal of Musculoskeletal & Neuronal Interactions, September 2019
Wellness/Prevention: Reduce the Risk for Norovirus Infection. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC) notes that Norovirus is the most common cause of foodborne diarrhea and vomiting. To help reduce the risk
for such an infection, the CDC suggests the following: wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water, carefully
wash fruits and vegetables before eating them, cook oysters and shellfish thoroughly before consumption, do not
prepare food or care for others when you are sick, clean and disinfect surfaces regularly, and wash soiled laundry
thoroughly. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, August 2019
Quote: “Happiness is a direction, not a place.” ~ Sydney J. Harris

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Napa Chiropractor, 10-7-2019

Mental Attitude: A History of Exercise Reduces Postpartum Depression Risk… Postpartum depression affects
about one in five new mothers. A review of data from sixteen published studies found that women who exercise
before pregnancy, during pregnancy, and following the birth of their child had a lower risk for postpartum
depression than new moms with poor fitness levels. Medicine (Lithuania), September 2019
Health Alert: Is There a Link Between Blood Pressure and Breast Cancer? Past studies have demonstrated that
high levels of a protein called GRK4 can cause high blood pressure. In a recent study, researchers detected the
GRK4 protein in breast cancer cells but not in normal breast cells. Researcher Dr. Vesna D. Garovic writes, “While
previous studies have shown that breast cancer risk is increased in hypertensive women, this study adds to the
current knowledge by providing the molecular mechanisms that underlie this association.”
American Heart Association, September 2019
Diet: Pumpkin Pulp and Seeds Reduce Blood Pressure in Animal Study. Rats fed a diet that included pumpkin
pulp and seeds for eight weeks had blood pressure 20% lower than rats on a control diet. Researcher Dr. Soweto
Thomas notes, “With the animal model we can never really fully say that what we see is exactly what is going to
happen in a human trial… But there is a slew of dietary intervention studies that have shown that, overall, a healthy
diet can make real changes in someone’s health.” Journal of the American College of Cardiology, September 2019
Exercise: Exercise Can Boost Exam Grades. Among a group of 86 primary school students in the United
Kingdom, researchers observed that the children who were physically active tended to perform better on reading,
writing, and mathematics assessments than their sedentary peers.
Journal of Physical Activity Research, October 2019
Chiropractic: Conservative Care Offers Benefits to Chronic Back Pain Sufferers. Kinesiophobia, or fear of
movement, is common occurrence among patients with musculoskeletal pain and can increase the risk for prolonged
pain and disability. A review of data from 60 published studies revealed that manual therapies reduced fearavoidance beliefs among patients with chronic back pain. Doctors of chiropractic often utilize manual therapies and
other conservative treatment options to reduce pain and improve function in patients with chronic back pain and
other musculoskeletal disorders. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, August 2019
Wellness/Prevention: How to Treat Tonsillitis. Inflammation of the tonsils is called tonsillitis, which can
sometimes resemble the flu. Symptoms usually resolve in three to four days, but there are things that can be done to
relieve symptoms in the meantime. The National Health Service recommends the following when treating tonsillitis
at home: get plenty of rest, enjoy cool drinks to soothe the throat, take pain medicine, and gargle with warm
saltwater. National Health Service, September 2019
Quote: “May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.” ~ Nelson Mandela

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Napa Chiropractor, 9-30-2019

Mental Attitude: Too Much TV/Social Media Increases Depression Risk for Teens. New research that
looked at the mental health status of 4,000 Canadian teenagers suggests that adolescents who spend an aboveaverage amount of time on either social media or watching TV are more likely to experience depressive
symptoms. JAMA Pediatrics, July 2019
Health Alert: Improving Good Cholesterol Levels May Reduce Diabetes Risk. When it comes to reducing
the risk for type 2 diabetes, the results of a new study suggest that individuals should also pay attention to their
high-density lipoprotein (HDL or the “good” cholesterol) levels. In particular, a review of five years of data
concerning 5 million adults found that individuals with low HDL cholesterol readings had up to a 20%
increased risk for type 2 diabetes. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, August 2019
Diet: Tart Cherry Juice Is Good for the Brain. According to a new study involving 34 seniors, participants
who drank 16oz of tart cherry juice daily for twelve weeks experienced improvements related to both cognitive
function and subjective memory. Lead author Dr. Sheau Ching Chai writes, “The potential beneficial effects of
tart cherries may be related to the bioactive compounds they possess, which include polyphenols, anthocyanins
and melanin. They may also be related to tart cherry’s potential blood-pressure lowering effects, outlined in a
previous study we conducted in the same population, as blood pressure can influence blood flow to the brain.”
Food & Function, July 2019
Exercise: Kids with More Friends Are More Active. Among a sample of about 200 Canadian middle-school
students, researchers observed that kids with more friends tended to be more physically active.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, August 2019
Chiropractic: Headache and Low Back Pain Linked? A review of data from several studies, including one
that included over 400,000 participants, found that individuals with persistent low back pain have an elevated
risk for primary headache disorders. Both conditions are commonly treated in chiropractic offices, often with
spinal manipulation, exercises, and nutritional recommendations. Journal of Headache and Pain, July 2019
Wellness/Prevention: Relaxation Techniques to Reduce Stress. Stress is a normal part of life, but long-term
stress can lead to digestive issue, headaches, sleep disorders, and other health issues. The National Center for
Complementary and Integrative Health notes that relaxation techniques can help release tension and reduce
stress. Recommended relaxation techniques include the following: deep breathing, guided imagery, progressive
relaxation, meditation, and yoga. National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, July 2019
Quote: “We first make our habits, and then our habits make us.” ~ John Dryden

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Napa Chiropractor, 9-23-2019

Mental Attitude: Trees Promote Mental Well-Being? Questionnaires completed by nearly 47,000 citydwelling adults revealed that living in a neighborhood with more tree cover is associated with less
psychological distress and better general health. JAMA Network Open, July 2019
Health Alert: Diabetes Increases Heart Failure Risk. A review of health records concerning more than 12
million adults indicates that individuals with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes have an elevated risk for heart
failure, especially female diabetics. Diabetologia, July 2019
Diet: Too High / Too Low Blood Sugar Is Bad for the Heart. The results of a twenty-year study involving
nearly 10,000 Chinese adults suggest that having a resting blood glucose reading that is either too high (≥126
mg/dl) or too low (<60 mg/dl) is associated with double the risk for cardiovascular disease-related mortality. Chronic Diseases & Translational Medicine, June 2019 Exercise: Exercise During Pregnancy Can Boost Baby’s Health. Children born to women who engaged in aerobic exercise during pregnancy appear to have better motor skills at one month of age than kids whose mothers did not exercise during their pregnancy. The researchers speculate that exercise may aid fetal brain development by boosting the flow of blood and oxygen to the womb. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, August 2019 Chiropractic: Back Pain Linked to Pelvic, Hip, and Knee Dysfunction… Examinations of forty young adults, half of whom had low back pain, revealed that those with back pain were more likely to exhibit increased pelvic tilt, knocked knees, and reduced hip extension. Though the study was unable to determine the nature of the relationship between low back pain and such alterations, these findings highlight the importance of examining the whole patient and not just focusing on the area of chief complaint; otherwise, treatment may not yield a satisfactory outcome for the patient. Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, August 2019 Wellness/Prevention: Keep Your Teen Driver Safe. Safe Kids Worldwide reports that six teens are killed in motor vehicle accidents every day in the United States. To help prevent these accidents, the organization encourages parents of new drivers to do the following: be a good role model when driving; always use a seatbelt; set clear expectations about your family's driving rules; define zero-tolerance rules for speeding, alcohol, and texting; limit the number of passengers allowed in the car with your teen; make sure your teen gets enough practice in a variety of road conditions. Safe Kids, August 2019 Quote: “The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” ~ George Bernard Shaw I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Napa Chiropractor, 9-16-2019

Mental Attitude: Genetics Mostly to Blame for Autism. The results of a new study involving over two
million people from five countries suggest that autism spectrum disorder is 80% contingent on inherited genes.
Dr. Andrew Adesman, director of developmental and behavioral pediatrics at Cohen Children’s Medical Center
in New Hyde Park, New York notes, “Although families are often most concerned about environmental risk
factors for autism, the reality is that genetic factors play a much larger role overall… [However,] this does not
mean that we can completely ignore the environmental risk factors and their interaction with the genetic risk
factors.” JAMA Psychiatry, July 2019
Health Alert: Smokers Have Higher Risk for Metabolic Syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is characterized by
a cluster of conditions—increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist, and
abnormal cholesterol or triglyceride levels—that elevates a person’s risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. A
review of data from the 2008 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey found that smokers
have an elevated risk for metabolic syndrome, and the risk is even greater among smokers who also drink
alcohol, even at moderate levels. Substance Use & Misuse, August 2019
Diet: Eat More Veggies! According to an analysis of data from nine published studies, individuals with a
higher daily vegetable intake have up to a 39% lower risk for liver cancer than adults who seldom eat
vegetables. Food & Function, July 2019
Exercise: Diabetes Linked to Too Much Sitting. A review of data from nine published studies that included
nearly 450,000 adults concluded that higher total sitting time per day is associated with an elevated risk for type
2 diabetes, regardless of physical activity levels. American Journal of Preventative Medicine, August 2019
Chiropractic: Whole-Body Vibration Linked to Work Absence. Among a group of 2,302 industrial workers
whom researchers monitored for four years, those with the greatest exposure to whole body vibrations (from
operating heavy equipment, for example) had a greater risk for back pain-related work absence. The findings
suggest that introducing controls to limit vibration exposure on the job site could help reduce the impact of back
pain on the workforce. Occupation and Environmental Medicine, August 2019
Wellness/Prevention: Play It Safe with Lightning. Though it’s safer to be indoors during a thunderstorm, the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) notes that you can still be at risk for lightning-related injury
in the home. To keep safe, the CDC recommends avoiding contact with tap water, electronic equipment, corded
phones, windows, doors, porches, and concrete. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, July 2019
Quote: “Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers.” ~ Alfred Lord Tennyson

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.