All posts by napachiro4joe

Weekly Health Update from your Napa Chiropractor

Mental Attitude: Loneliness Could Be Early Sign of Alzheimer’s. Subtle feelings of loneliness experienced by seniors may be an early warning sign of impending Alzheimer’s disease. Researchers examined the relationship between late-life loneliness and Alzheimer’s disease among 43 women and 36 men with no signs of dementia and found that healthy seniors with an elevated brain level of amyloid (a protein fragment has been associated with Alzheimer’s disease) were 7.5 times more likely to feel lonely than those with lower levels of amyloid build-up. The findings suggest that screening lonely seniors could lead to the earlier detection and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. JAMA Psychiatry, November 2016
Health Alert: Lack of Sleep May Widen Your Waistline. A review of eleven publishes studies revealed that sleep-deprived individuals consumed an average of 385 more calories per day than those who get enough sleep. Senior study author Dr. Gerda Pot writes, “Reduced sleep is one of the most common and potentially modifiable health risks in today’s society in which chronic sleep loss is becoming more common. More research is needed to investigate the importance of long-term, partial sleep deprivation as a risk factor for obesity and whether sleep extension could play a role in obesity prevention.”
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, November 2016
Diet: Can Diet Impact Migraines? Eating processed foods high in nitrites or monosodium glutamate (MSG) and drinking too much alcohol are potential migraine headache triggers. After performing a literature review of more than 180 studies, investigators found that eating more natural foods such as fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, and fresh meat while avoiding processed foods high in nitrites or MSG and managing caffeine consumption is an effective way to prevent such headaches.
The Journal of Head and Face Pain, October 2016
Exercise: Exercising While Pregnant Beneficial for Offspring. Exercise during pregnancy appears to protect offspring from age-related health risks. Researchers examined markers of oxidative stress, inflammation, and insulin sensitivity in mice that were born to mothers that either exercised or didn’t exercise during pregnancy. They found that the offspring of mothers that exercised had better stress resistance and improved insulin sensitivity, even into adulthood, than the mice born to sedentary mothers. The researchers write, “Our findings highlight pregnancy as a sensitive period when positive lifestyle interventions could have significant and long-lasting beneficial effects on offspring metabolism and disease risk.” American Physiological Society’s, November 2016
Chiropractic: Chronic Back Pain Affects Balance. In this study, thirteen subjects with chronic, recurrent, non-specific low back pain and 13 subjects without low back pain participated in a series of experiments to measure the effect of chronic low back pain on standing balance. The investigators found that individuals with low back pain exhibit altered late brain processing of posture with altered kinematic and muscle responses, and these responses correlated with reports of pain-related fears and activity interference. The findings demonstrate that chronic back pain can negatively affect the ability of the brain to manage balance.
Neuroscience, October 2016
Wellness/Prevention: Tips for Keeping Your Baby Safe During Sleep. The American Academy of Pediatrics offers the following suggestions to parents to help keep their infant safe during sleep: always put your baby to sleep on his or her back until they turn a year old; keep the crib clear of any objects, such as pillows, bumper pads, toys, and blankets; when your baby falls asleep in a swing or car seat, move them to a crib as soon as possible; make sure your baby’s crib mattress is firm; don’t let your baby sleep in your bed; never let your baby sleep on a couch or chair; and if you swaddle your baby, make sure it’s not too tight and stop swaddling when your baby starts to roll over. American Academy of Pediatrics, November 2016
Quote: “A man who does not think for himself does not think at all.” ~ Oscar Wilde

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.

Weekly Health Update from your Napa Chiropractor

Mental Attitude: Menopause “Brain Fog” Is Real. Women commonly complain of forgetfulness, difficulty concentrating, and thinking clearly when going through menopause. Researchers often refer to this as “brain fog.” In a new study, investigators used standard tests to gauge memory skills, along with functional MRI scans to track brain activity, in 200 men and women as they performed memory-focused tasks. The researchers found that women with lower levels of estradiol—a form of estrogen produced by the ovaries that naturally lowers during menopause—performed worse on tests involving memory.
Journal of Neuroscience, October 2016
Health Alert: Can High Cholesterol Cause Arthritis? High cholesterol may harm more than just the cardiovascular system. Using mice, researchers have found that high cholesterol levels trigger mitochondrial oxidative stress on cartilage cells, causing the cells to die, ultimately resulting in the development of osteoarthritis. The research team also found that the development of osteoarthritis slowed when the mice received treatment to lower their cholesterol levels. Dr. Thoru Pederson, the Editor-in-Chief of The FASEB Journal comments, “Just when we thought all the angles on osteoarthritis had been uncovered, a new lead like this comes along.” The FASEB Journal, October 2016
Diet: Are You Getting Enough Iron? Iron is an essential nutrient for optimal health. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recommends the following dietary sources: lean cuts of pork, beef, chicken, turkey and fish; pinto and kidney beans, soybeans, and lentils; breakfast cereals fortified with iron; rice enriched with iron; spinach and other vegetables that are dark green and leafy; and iron-enriched breads that contain whole grains. Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, October 2016
Exercise: Exercise Can Help Those with Type 1 Diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease that causes the body’s immune system to attack the insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas. As a result, type 1 diabetics need to take insulin by injection or via a small tube inserted under the skin and attached to an insulin pump. In a new small study involving six type-1 diabetics, investigators found that aerobic workouts led to better blood sugar control, less insulin use, and fewer high blood sugar events. Cell Transplantation, October 2016
Chiropractic: Musculoskeletal Pain Common Among Cancer Surgeons. A survey of 176 oncology surgeons reveals that fatigue, discomfort, stiffness, and back pain are commonly reported by such practitioners. Furthermore, nearly 20% of the surgeons surveyed reported occupational injuries that required treatment. The researchers conclude that changes to workplace ergonomics and surgery duration should be considered to aid in reducing such symptoms.
Journal of American College Surgeons, September 2016
Wellness/Prevention: Prevent Raking Injuries. Raking leaves can often leave you with an aching back. Each year, over 76,000 Americans injure themselves while raking leaves or using other manual garden tools. University of Pennsylvania researchers advise the following to help prevent injury: warm up and cool down before doing yardwork by performing trunk rotations and shoulder and wrist stretches; clear away debris to avoid falling; use a rake of appropriate size for your height and strength; wear gloves to avoid blisters; be sure to wear shoes that are skid-resistant so you don’t slip and fall; avoid twisting motions, and don’t throw leaves over your shoulder; ease strain on your back muscles by raking towards you; bend at the knees with your back straight to pick up leaves or bags; and take breaks as raking is an aerobic activity. Penn Medicine, October 2016
Quote: “The language of friendship is not words, but meanings.” ~ Henry David Thoreau

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.

Weekly Health Update from your Napa Chiropractor

Mental Attitude: Work Ethic Remains Unchanged. Contrary to popular belief, baby boomers don’t have a stronger work ethic than their children or grandchildren. Using 105 different measures, including hours worked and commitment to family and work, investigators found no significant difference in work ethic between baby boomers (born between 1946 and 1964), generation X (1965 to 1980), and millennials (1981 to 1999). The findings suggest that human resource departments should not worry about the work ethic of younger employees. Journal of Business and Psychology, October 2016
Health Alert: High Blood Pressure May Elevate Dementia Risk. The American Heart Association (AHA) warns that high blood pressure (hypertension)—especially during middle age—may open the door to dementia. While the precise mechanism is not yet known, researchers speculate that hypertension damages blood vessels in the brain, impairing its ability to control blood flow, which is essential for normal brain function. Researcher Dr. Costantino Iadecola comments, “People with high blood pressure tend to have more dementia… Although scientifically we don’t have evidence, treating blood pressure is going to be important. It not only saves the brain, but also the heart and the kidney. So in the absence of evidence, the best thing to do is to control blood pressure.” Hypertension, October 2016
Diet: To Sauté or Not to Sauté? Sautéing is a healthy and simple way to prepare your vegetables. The American Heart Association gives the following tips on how to do it: add a tablespoon or two of broth or water to a skillet and place over medium heat; wait for the water or broth to begin to bubble; add sliced vegetables to the skillet; and cook them for five minutes, stirring continuously and adding extra liquid if needed. American Heart Association, October 2016
Exercise: Can Minimalist Shoes Be Good for Your Feet? Running in a minimalist shoe may be good for increasing foot strength. Researchers compared the effects of wearing traditional running shoes to a minimalist shoe with five separate toes and minimal to no cushioning or support. After a six-month running program, those wearing the minimalist shoes experienced an increase in mean volume of the forefoot and rearfoot of 11.9% and 6.6%, respectively, while those wearing traditional running shoes experienced no such gains. The findings suggest that transitioning to this type of shoe may help strengthen the muscular components of the foot core system, indicating its potential application in a rehabilitation program for injured and weak foot muscles. Hong Kong Polytechnic University, September 2016
Chiropractic: Pediatric Neck Pain Safely and Effectively Treated with Chiropractic Care. Spinal pain in the pediatric population is a significant health issue that is becoming more common A recent analysis involving 50 pediatric neck pain patients found that the average duration of chiropractic care was five visits over 19 days with significant improvement recorded in 96% of cases and no documented adverse effects. The findings support the use of chiropractic manipulation in the management of neck pain in the pediatric population. Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association, September 2016
Wellness/Prevention: Keeping Dust Mites Out of Your Bed. If you wake up sneezing and sniffling, you may have dust mites in your bed. The National Sleep Foundation recommends the following to prevent dust mites: run a dehumidifier in your bedroom, as dust mites thrive in humid conditions; buy dust-proof covers for your pillows and mattress; wash bedding in very hot water and dry it in the hot cycle every week; and dust and vacuum your bedroom weekly.
National Sleep Foundation, October 2016
Quote: “It’s not the load that breaks you down, it’s the way you carry it.” ~ Lou Holtz

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.

Weekly Health Update from your Napa Chiropractor

Mental Attitude: Traffic Pollution Increases Parkinson’s Risk. Taiwanese researchers report that among a sample of over 55,000 adults, those exposed to the greatest amounts of traffic-related air pollution had a 17-36% greater risk for developing Parkinson’s disease than those with the least air pollution exposure. Environment International, November 2016
Health Alert: Batteries in E-Cigarettes May Explode. A new report claims that e-cigarette devices are randomly and unexpectedly exploding, burning and maiming users as well as bystanders. It’s believed the explosions are caused by the powerful lithium-ion batteries that charge the heating coil used to help create inhalable vapor. In some of the devices, these batteries are overheating, causing either a fire or an explosion. New England Journal of Medicine, October 2016
Diet: Can Omega-3 Fatty Acids Help Prevent Lupus? Michigan State University researchers have found that an essential fatty acid called docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) can stop a known trigger of lupus—a systemic autoimmune disease in which the body’s immune system attacks the body’s skin, joints, and organs. It is considered a genetic disease and can be triggered by inhaling crystalline silica toxicants or other environmental factors, such as sun exposure. The researchers discovered that DHA blocked the activation of lupus 96% of the time when it was triggered by crystalline silica. DHA can be found in fatty, cold-water fish and is produced by the algae that fish eat and store in their bodies. Fish oil supplements can also supply this essential fatty acid. Lead researcher Dr. James Pestka adds, “What we do know is this study is a clear indication that eating DHA can prevent this one type of environmental triggering of lupus.” PLOS ONE, August 2016
Exercise: Don’t Forget to Stretch Before and After Exercise. Do you take the time to stretch? Do you know how to properly stretch before and after a workout? The American Council on Exercise offers these stretching recommendations: breathe in deeply, then slowly exhale as you stretch the desired muscle to tension; hold the stretch for up to 30 seconds, then relax and repeat the stretch a few more times; when holding a stretch, move as little as possible, which can help prevent you from injuring yourself; don’t stretch a muscle that isn’t properly warmed up; and don’t stretch a muscle to the point that it becomes painful.
American Council on Exercise, October 2016
Chiropractic: Low Back Pain Common in Children. A new study recently investigated the prevalence of and risk factors associated with non-specific low back pain in children. The study included 444 students with an average age of about 15 years, and the results revealed that non-specific low back pain affected 22.3% of participants, leading to school absenteeism in 13% of cases. The investigators also found the following risk factors associated with low back pain in teens: number of hours spent on computer games, improperly worn backpacks, being overweight, and shoulder imbalance.
Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, September 2016
Wellness/Prevention: Prevent Corns and Calluses. Corns and calluses are thick, hardened layers of skin that develop when your skin attempts to protects itself from increased friction and pressure. Choosing the right shoes can help prevent the development of uncomfortable corns and calluses on your feet. The American Podiatric Medical Association recommends the following prevention tips: make sure you only wear shoes that fit properly; consult your podiatrist if you have a foot deformity or problem that requires special shoes; and wear gel pad inserts inside your shoes to ease pressure points.
American Podiatric Medical Association, October 2016
Quote: “Do your own thing on your own terms and get what you came here for.” ~ Oliver James

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.

Weekly Health Update from your Napa Chiropractor

Mental Attitude: Anger Plus Heavy Exertion May Result in a Heart Attack. Intense anger along with heavy physical exertion may be a trigger for a first heart attack among some people. According to a study that involved more than 12,000 men and women, both intense activity and intense emotions double one’s heart attack risk over the following hour, and the risk increases about threefold when individuals are upset and exert themselves at the same time. Circulation, October 2016
Health Alert: Obesity Linked to Liver Cancer. Having a large waistline, a high body mass index (BMI), and type 2 diabetes may raise the risk of liver cancer. Researchers examined data on 1.57 million adults and found that individuals with type 2 diabetes were 2.6 times more likely to be diagnosed with liver cancer than the general population. The researchers also found the risk of liver cancer increases 8% for every two inches (5.08 cm) added to the waistline and the risk is also increased for those with a higher BMI. They conclude these findings provide substantial support for adding liver cancer to the list of obesity-associated cancers. Cancer Research, October 2016
Diet: A Specific Amino Acid Improves Immune Response Against Cancer. An amino acid called L-arginine may help fight cancer. In a new study, researchers found that L-arginine, an amino acid that is consumed through diet, boosts the activity of T cells—immune cells that play a crucial role in the defense against viruses, bacteria, and cancer cells. The investigators found that when levels of L-arginine increased, T-cells survived longer and were more effective at fighting tumors. They conclude that their finding may lead to improved cellular immunotherapies. Cell, October 2016
Exercise: Exercising at Work. Taking advantage of a workplace gym is a great way to get active. The American Council on Exercise suggests the following to get the most out of a workplace gym: schedule exercise on your daily calendar; pack daily workout clothes and get to work early, if necessary; bring toiletries if the gym has showers; ask a co-worker to exercise with you; and keep a clean shirt or fresh change of work clothes at your desk in case you need them.
American Council on Exercise, October 2016
Chiropractic: Patients with Modic Changes Respond to Spinal Manipulation. Modic change is a term used to describe alterations to the vertebral endplate and body related to spinal degeneration. In a recent study, researchers used magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and outcome data from 44 patients with a cervical disk herniation to evaluate their response to spinal manipulative therapy (SMT). The researchers found that even though patients with modic changes reported higher pain and disability than those without signs of degeneration, they still benefited from a course of SMT. The findings support the use spinal manipulation in the management of patients with degenerative changes in the spine.
Journal of Manipulation and Therapeutics, September 2016
Wellness/Prevention: Smartphone App Could Be Used to Test for Atrial Fibrillation. Researchers tested more than 13,000 adults in Hong Kong for atrial fibrillation (AF) between May 2014 and April 2015 with a smartphone app combined with a hand-held wireless heart rate monitor and detected 101 cases of AF that had not been previously diagnosed. Experts report that AF is linked with a heightened risk of stroke, heart failure, and death, and its prevalence is increasing among those over the age of 65. Heart, October 2016
Quote: “We don’t receive wisdom; we must discover it for ourselves after a journey that no one can take for us or spare us.”
~ Marcel Proust

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.

Weekly Health Updates from your Napa Chiropractor

Mental Attitude: Chatting Before Bedtime… The National Sleep Foundation recommends the following for enjoying a bedtime conversation with your partner without it affecting your sleep quality: talk about the events of the day or lighthearted topics; avoid emotional conversation that can work you up; put off disagreements until the next day; and don’t worry if you don’t feel like talking as sometimes just lying quietly and cuddling can aid in falling asleep. National Sleep Foundation, September 2016
Health Alert: “Smoke Waves” Threaten the Western United States. Persistent smoke waves from wildfires may increase in the future. Investigators examined levels of fine particulate matter in 16 Western states from 2004 to 2009 and estimated that incidents of two or more days of high pollution from wildfires will grow by 57% in frequency and 31% in intensity over the next 40 years. As a result, the smoke-wave season will likely lengthen by about 15 days in nearly two-thirds of the regions assessed. Study author Dr. Jia Coco Liu adds, “More people in the Western [United States] are likely to experience high-pollution episodes from wildfires, and the pollution episodes are likely to be more frequent, last longer, and be more intense.” Climatic Change, July 2016
Diet: Diet Can Assist in the Healing Process. Your body requires essential nutrients and calories to help heal itself, so the food you eat plays a significant role in healing. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recommends the following to help aid in recovery: eat enough calories and make sure you consume a balanced intake of protein, vegetables, fruits, dairy, and grains; drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated, and opt for low-fat milk, water, tea, 100% fruit juice, and other unsweetened beverages in place of sugary drinks; consult with a registered dietitian if you have wounds that require special care and dietary needs; and control diabetes to help promote better wound healing. Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, September 2016
Exercise: Regular Exercise Can Reduce Healthcare Costs. Researchers reviewed data on more than 26,000 Americans and found that the average adult with heart disease who exercised on a regular basis saved about $2,500 in healthcare costs in 2012. The researchers estimate that if just 20% of physically inactive heart disease patients exercised regularly, it could save the United States billions of dollars a year in healthcare costs. They also estimate that healthy individuals without heart problems who met recommended exercises guidelines saved about $500 per year in healthcare costs in 2012. Study author Dr. Khurram Nasir notes, “The message to the patient is clear: There is no better pill in reducing the risk of disease and healthcare costs than optimizing physical activity.” Journal of the American Heart Association, September 2016
Chiropractic: Restoring Normal Cervical Curvature Reduces Common Cause of Neck Pain. A study involving 40 patients examined the benefits of restoring cervical lordosis (normal neck curvature) and reducing anterior head translation (forward neck posture) in individuals with diskogenic cervical radiculopathy. Cervical diskogenic pain originates from a damaged intervertebral disk and can lead to arm pain due to nerve irritation or compression. In the study, researchers found that implementing a program to improve cervical curvature and head posture improved neck and arm pain in those with this condition. Restoring cervical lordosis and improving posture is a common treatment approach of chiropractors when managing such neck pain.
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, August 2016
Wellness/Prevention: Diabetes Can Be Tough on Skin. Skin problems are common among individuals with diabetes, but a daily preventative skin-care routine can offer some protection. The American Diabetes Association recommends the following to protect your skin if you have diabetes: control your blood sugar; moisturize skin well; keep bath/shower lukewarm instead of hot; clean and care for any cuts or scrapes promptly; follow your healthcare provider’s instructions on use of antibiotic ointment; increase the humidity in your home during the dry months; use a mild shampoo and soap; check and care for your feet every day; and talk to your healthcare provider about any skin care concerns. American Diabetes Association, September 2016
Quote: “You can’t go back and make a new start, but you can start right now and make a brand new ending.” ~ James R. Sherman

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.

Weekly Health Update from your Napa Chiropractor

Mental Attitude: Head Injury Test Approved. Traumatic brain injuries account for over two million trips to the emergency room in the United States each year and contribute to the deaths of about 50,000 people annually. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved new computer software that will help assess the brain’s function after a serious head injury. The test is called the Immediate Post-Concussion Assessment and Cognitive Testing (ImPACT) and is meant to be used by doctors to assess signs and symptoms of head injuries that could be concussions. Food and Drug Administration, September 2016
Health Alert: Gestational Diabetes Increases Depression Risk Following Birth… The National Institutes of Health reports that gestational diabetes (GD) “is a form of diabetes (high blood sugar level) occurring only in pregnancy, which if untreated may cause serious health problems for mother and infant.” A new analysis of data from the NICHD Fetal Growth Studies-Singleton Cohort reveals that nearly 15% of women who develop GD experience depressive symptoms following the birth of their child—a risk four-times greater than those who do not develop GD. National Institutes of Health, September 2016
Diet: Vitamin A Compound May Fight Colon Cancer. Vitamin A may play a role in suppressing colon cancer. In a new study, researchers found that boosting levels of retinoic acid (a compound derived in the body from vitamin A) in the intestines of mice with colon cancer slowed progression of the disease. Additionally, researchers found that colon cancer patients who had high levels of a protein that reduces retinoic acid in their intestinal tissue were more likely to have worse outcomes than other patients. Senior author Dr. Edgar Engleman adds, “Now that we’ve shown a role for retinoic acid deficiency in colorectal cancer, we’d like to identify the specific microorganisms that initiate these changes in humans. Ultimately we hope to determine whether our findings could be useful for the prevention or treatment of colorectal cancer.” Immunity, August 2016
Exercise: A Sit-Stand Desk at Work May Help Maintain Weight Levels. Investigators at the University of Pittsburgh examined the potential weight management benefits of sit-stand desks. The study included 18 participants and revealed that an individual can burn an extra 48.3-56.9 calories by alternating between sitting and standing during their workday. Lead researcher Bethany Barone Gibbs explains, “It is important that we understand standing at work isn’t going to burn as many calories as going for a brisk walk or a long run. However, our findings add to a growing field of research that shows the benefits of sit-stand desks, including increases in productivity and energy, and lower pain, blood sugar, and potentially blood pressure.” Occupational Medicine, August 2016
Chiropractic: Social and Lifestyle Factors Involved in Low Back Pain. A study that included 3,014 men recently investigated factors beyond anatomical abnormalities associated with low back pain in older men. Using questionnaires on lifestyle and low back pain, researchers found that anatomical abnormalities such as spinal fractures, metastases, spinal stenosis, and degenerative conditions could only partly explain symptoms and disability. The researchers also found an association between back pain and social and lifestyle factors such as lower education, lower self-estimated health, dizziness, and the use of walking aids. The study concludes that healthcare providers should be aware of these social and lifestyle factors when assessing older men with low back pain.
Age Ageing, September 2016
Wellness/Prevention: Play It Safe When Fishing. Fishing can be relaxing, thrilling, and a great way to bring home some fresh fish for a healthy dinner. However, it is important to follow safety precautions while fishing. The Recreational Boating and Fishing Foundation suggests the following to ensure safety: wear life jackets when on a boat or dock; never fish where signs note that it’s not allowed; bring safety gear such as a radio, cellphone, maps, water, and flashlights; wear footwear and clothing that is appropriate for conditions; use waterproof sunscreen; keep fishing knife blades covered until use and handle with care; and be careful when handling fish hooks when baiting or removing from fish. Recreational Boating and Fishing Foundation, September 2016
Quote: “Go and make interesting mistakes, make amazing mistakes, make glorious and fantastic mistakes. Break rules. Leave the world more interesting for your being here.” ~ Neil Gaiman

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.

Weekly Health Update from your Napa Chiropractor

Mental Attitude: Games Calm Kids Before Surgery. Playing video games may help calm anxious children before surgery. Investigators assessed 112 children about to have surgery that required general anesthesia. The children were either given a sedative or a tablet device to play games on about 20 minutes before receiving anesthesia. The investigators found that children in both groups displayed similar reductions in anxiety; however, those who played games did not experience any of the side effects commonly associated with sedatives. The findings suggest that tablets could offer a non-pharmacological option to reduce perioperative stress. World Congress of Anaesthesiologists, September 2016
Health Alert: Laser Pointers Pose Dangers to Eyes. A recent study detailed four cases of children whose use of laser pointers resulted in traumatic injury to the retina. This type of injury can lead to blurry vision, blind spots, or potentially permanent vision loss. Furthermore, experts report that treatment options for retinal damage resulting from laser pointers are scarce. Unreliable labeling of laser pointers is partly to blame, as recent research has shown that many laser pointers have higher power outputs than listed on the device. Dr. Charles Wykoff, deputy chair of ophthalmology at the Blanton Eye Institute at Houston Methodist Hospital adds, “Don’t look at them, don’t point them in your eye, and don’t point them into others’ eyes. Once the injury has occurred, there’s really not much that can be done… So, I would take the approach that no laser pointer is safe to point at your eyes.” Pediatrics, September 2016
Diet: Low Protein Diets May Improve Blood Sugar Regulation. Past research has linked diets high in protein to an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes, but little research has investigated whether decreasing protein intake can effectively lower the risk. According to a new study, researchers have now demonstrated that very low protein diets can improve blood sugar homeostasis, which may benefit patients at risk for developing type 2 diabetes. The Journal of Clinical Investigation, August 2016
Exercise: Activity Tracker Can Determine Exercise Needed to Prevent Early Death. A new activity tracker can now determine the amount of exercise needed to reduce the risk of death from cardiovascular disease. Personal Activity Intelligence (PAI) is the first activity tracking scoring system that uses heart rate to help individuals achieve optimal health. PAI works by translating heart rate data from physical activity and personal information into one simple score. The goal is to keep the PAI score above 100 over a seven-day period to protect yourself from premature death related to cardiovascular disease. Investigators found that men and women with a PAI score over 100 have a 17% to 23% lower risk for cardiovascular disease mortality than those who are largely inactive. Lead author Dr. Javaid Nauman explains, “The more elevated your heart rate is during exercise, the more quickly you accumulate PAI points, but you can also work out at lower intensities for longer durations to earn PAI. Our research shows that keeping your PAI score at 100 or above could prevent premature death.” European Society of Cardiology, September 2016
Chiropractic: Physical Illness in Early Life Increases Risk of Chronic Pain. Investigators recently examined the association between serious illness in earlier life and the risk of pain in old age. Using data from a large national survey in the United Kingdom that included 2,401 participants, researchers found that 10.5% of participants reported chronic widespread pain. Furthermore, those who experienced serious illness before the age of 25 that required hospital admission longer than 28 days had a greater likelihood of developing chronic widespread pain than those with no history of serious illness. The findings suggest that individuals who have experienced serious illness earlier in life may require more support to reduce their risk of chronic pain in later life. Pain, August 2016
Wellness/Prevention: Keep Young Athletes Safe from Injury. The American Academy of Pediatrics reports that young athletes who play multiple sports are more likely to stay active for the rest of their lives and meet their athletic goals. The academy recommends that kids wait until they are at least 15 years of age before focusing on one sport to reduce the risk of injury, and young athletes should take at least three months off from their sport during the year and take one or two days off per week.
Pediatrics, August 2016
Quote: “I am a part of all that I have met.” ~ Alfred Tennyson

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.

Weekly Health Update from your Napa Chiropractor

Mental Attitude: Unhappy Relationships May Drive Suicidal Thoughts. Being in a relationship does not always protect people from having suicidal thoughts. A study of 382 Austrian adults found that middle-aged people who were unhappy in an existing relationship with unresolved relationship conflicts were more likely to have suicidal thoughts than those not in a present relationship. The researchers add that the greater the number of unresolved conflicts in a relationship—such as issues with communication, personal habits, sexuality, and housework—the greater the likelihood of suicidal thoughts, feelings of hopelessness, and depression. On the other hand, the study found individuals in a happy relationship had the lowest risk of suicidal thoughts. Researcher Dr. Benedikt Till explains, “Data so far clearly show that a person’s suicide risk is lower if he/she is in a relationship. However, the recent study suggests that the level of satisfaction with the relationship is also important.”
The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention, July 2016
Health Alert: Dosing Errors Common with Liquid Medications for Children. According to laboratory experiments, four out of five parents made at least one dosing error when using either a dosing cup or an oral syringe when dispensing liquid medication to their children. Researchers asked over 2,000 parents of children age eight or younger to measure nine doses of liquid medication. The results revealed that parents gave the wrong dose 43% of the time when using a dosing cup and 16% of the time when using an oral syringe. Furthermore, more than two-thirds of the dosing errors involved overdosing. The findings are concerning as dosage for children is based on weight and too much or too little could place a child in danger. Parents need to pay more attention to measuring the correct dosages, such as pouring the liquid medication into a dosing cup, and then drawing it up into an oral syringe to double check they are administering the correct amount. Pediatrics, September 2016
Diet: Teens May Benefit from Sugary Drink Warnings. Currently, the average teen in the United States consumes a least one sugar-sweetened beverage daily, which accounts for more than twice the recommended daily serving of sugar. In a recent study, researchers observed the beverage selections of 2,000 youngsters when drinks had either no label, a label that featured calorie content, or a label that carried variations of a written warning that sugary beverages contribute to obesity, type 2 diabetes, and tooth decay. The team found that 77% of kids selected a sugary drink if there was no warning label, but participants were 8% to 16% less likely to select a sugary drink that bore a warning label. The authors say the findings highlight the need for nutrition information at the point of purchase to help individuals make healthier choices. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, September 2016
Exercise: Active Teens More Likely to Get Sleep. Using data from the Youth Risk Behavior Survey 2011-2013, researchers report that adolescents who are more physically active and who spend less time in sedentary activities are more likely to sleep more than eight hours per night. Preventing Chronic Disease, September 2016
Chiropractic: Chiropractic Patients Get Back to Work Faster. Does the type of healthcare provider you see first have an effect on how quickly you can recover from back pain following a work injury? An analysis of data from 5,511 workers injured in 2005 revealed that those who initially consulted with a doctor of chiropractic for their work-related back injury—versus a medical doctor or physical therapist—returned to work more quickly and were also less likely to experience a second episode of back pain during the following two years. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, September 2016
Wellness/Prevention: Preventing Dry Skin. To combat dry skin, the American Academy of Dermatology suggests the following: take a shower and shampoo your hair after swimming; use sunscreen before going outdoors; avoid using deodorant or antibacterial body washes; keep your bath or shower water warm, not hot; use a fragrance-free moisturizer as soon as you get out of the shower or bath; and turn your thermostat up a few degrees if your home feels dry. American Academy of Dermatology, September 2016
Quote: “Sometimes, as we’re stumbling along in the dark, we hit something good.” ~ Susan Ee

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.

Weekly Health Update from your Napa Chiropractor

Mental Attitude: Bigger Brain & Blood Flow Involved in Evolution of Human Intelligence. Australian researchers are challenging the long-held theory that human intelligence evolved from bigger brains alone. The researchers analyzed the size of two holes in the base of fossil skulls and found that while brain size increased about 350% during the course of human evolution, blood flow to the brain increased 600%. Research leader Dr. Roger Seymour explains, “We believe this is possibly related to the brain’s need to satisfy increasingly energetic connections between nerve cells that allowed the evolution of complex thinking and learning.” The finding suggest the human intelligence is not only dependent on brain size but also a constant supply of oxygen and nutrients from blood. This corresponds with present research that associates increased blood flow to the brain via exercise with improved cognition.
Open Science, August 2016
Health Alert: Excessive Alcohol Consumption Poses Dangers to Those with Atrial Fibrillation. Atrial fibrillation is a common heart rhythm disorder described as an irregular and often rapid heart rate that can elevate the risk of stroke, heart failure, and other heart-related complications. In a new study, researcher followed more than 25,000 adults with this condition for five years and found that alcohol-related hospitalization doubled the risk of stroke. Study leader Dr. Faris Al-Khalili writes, “Doctors should ask their [atrial fibrillation] patients about alcohol use and advise patients to cut down if they are drinking more than is recommended.”
European Society of Cardiology, September 2016
Diet: Going Paleo May Benefit Your Heart. The Paleo diet is based on consuming foods eaten by early humans, such as meat, fish, vegetables, and fruit, and excluding dairy or grain products and processed food. Researchers asked eight healthy people who usually consumed a diet high in processed foods to switch to the Paleo diet for eight weeks. During the study, the researchers found that participants experienced a 35% increase in levels of interlukin-10 (IL-10), a signaling molecule secreted by immune cells. Scientists believe that higher IL-10 levels may protect blood vessels and lower one’s risk for a heart attack.
American Physiological Society, September 2016
Exercise: More Steps Equal Greater Well-Being Among Seniors. Being active can result in a greater sense of well-being for older adults. Japanese researchers analyzed data collected from 192 seniors and found that those who took the most steps per day were the participants most likely to be happy with their lives and least likely to experience depressive symptoms.
Geriatrics & Gerontology International, September 2016
Chiropractic: Risk Factors for Low Back Pain In US Workers. Researchers analyzed data from the 2010 National Health Interview Survey and found the prevalence of self-reported low back pain was 25.7% among workers in the United States (US). Additionally, they found significant associations between low back pain and psychosocial factors such as work-family imbalance, exposure to hostile work, and job insecurity. The findings suggest that employers, policymakers, and healthcare providers should take these factors into consideration when creating programs aimed at reducing low back pain and its consequences among workers.
Journal of Manipulative & Physiological Therapeutics, August 2016
Wellness/Prevention: Decision-Making Tool Could Reduce Antibiotic Use. Investigators have identified seven key predictors that could help determine if a child with a respiratory tract infection and cough requires antibiotics. The predictors include an illness of less than three days; fever of 100 F (37.7 C) or higher; a child younger than two years of age; respiratory distress; wheezing; asthma; and moderate/severe vomiting in the previous 24 hours. The researchers suggest that children with one or fewer of these predictors are at very low risk for future complications. They add that the decision-making tool could reduce antibiotic use among children with respiratory infection and cough by 10%. The Lancet Respiratory Medicine, September 2016
Quote: “It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.” ~ Henry David Thoreau

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.