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WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Napa Chiropractor 3-19-2018

Mental Attitude: Concussions Tied to Increased Dementia Risk. Experiencing a serious head injury appears to
increase one’s risk for dementia later in life. A new large-scale study found that an individual’s risk for dementia can
remain elevated by up to 25% even three decades after their head injury occurs. PLOS One, January 2018
Health Alert: Another Reason to Quit Smoking… According to a new study, smokers who abstain from tobacco
products following a hospital stay are 30% more likely to report good health and 19% less likely to experience
psychological distress during the following six months. Preventative Medicine, February 2018
Diet: Low-Carb Diets Boost Risk for Serious Birth Defects. Following a low-carb diet while pregnant may increase the
risk of serious birth defects. In a new study, researchers found the pregnant women who reduced or eliminated carbs were
30% more likely to have babies with neural tube defects, such as spina bifida or anencephaly than women who didn’t
restrict their carbs while pregnant. Study leader Dr. Tania Desrosiers writes, “This is concerning because lowcarbohydrate
diets are fairly popular… This finding reinforces the importance for women who may become pregnant to
talk to their health care provider about any special diets or eating behaviors they routinely practice.”
Birth Defects Research, January 2018
Exercise: Aerobic Exercise May Delay or Improve Alzheimer’s Symptoms. A review of data from 19 published
studies found that older adults either at risk for or diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease who engaged in an aerobic exercise
program experienced an improvement in their cognitive function. Interestingly, the researchers observed that participants
who performed only aerobic exercise fared better in regards to mental function than those in an aerobic exercise plus
resistance training group. The findings suggest that older adults who are at risk for or who have Alzheimer’s disease
should focus on aerobic exercise over other types of exercise to help preserve the ability to think and make decisions.
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, January 2018
Chiropractic: How to Improve Your Chances for a Successful Outcome. While nearly all of us will experience an
episode of neck or back pain during our lifetime, not everyone recovers and many go on to experience chronic pain. In
this study, researchers reviewed data from seven clinical trials and found that the more time a patient waited before
seeking treatment for a musculoskeletal condition, the lower their odds for a successful outcome within the next 90 days.
European Journal of Pain, January 2018
Wellness/Prevention: Chew Gum to Protect Your Teeth? According to the American Dental Association (ADA),
chewing gum increases the flow of saliva in the mouth, which can neutralize and wash away harmful acids produced by
chewing food, offering some protection to the teeth. Currently, the ADA grants a Seal of Acceptance to companies that
provide proof that their gum can safely and effectively protect teeth. While chewing gum does not replace brushing and
flossing, the ADA says that clinical research shows that chewing sugarless gum for 20 minutes after a meal can help
prevent tooth decay. American Dental Association, January 2018
Quote: “Opportunities are like sunrises. If you wait too long, you miss them.” ~ William Arthur Ward

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Napa Chiropractor 3-12-2018

Mental Attitude: Acne Can Be Emotionally Devastating. New research suggests that acne can throw some people into
deep depression. An analysis of data concerning nearly two million patients found that those with acne had more than a
50% increased risk for developing clinical depression. British Journal of Dermatology, February 2018
Health Alert: Is Noise a Risk Factor for Heart Disease? Everyday loud noises from traffic, construction, and raucous
workplaces may increase one’s risk for heart disease. A review of data from past studies found that both people and
animals exposed to frequent, loud noises had a greater risk for heart failure, irregular heart rhythms, high blood pressure,
high cholesterol, and high blood sugar. Though the study does not prove cause and effect, the authors believe that noise
pollution should be considered a risk factor for heart disease.
Journal of the American College of Cardiology, February 2018
Diet: A Compound in Kiwi May Prevent Fatty Liver Disease. Past studies have shown that the children of mothers
who eat a high-fat diet while pregnant have an elevated risk for obesity or non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). In a
new animal study, researchers have discovered that a compound called pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) found in kiwi,
celery, and papaya can prevent the progression of NAFLD in mice whose mothers consumed a high-fat diet during their
gestation. The findings suggest that PQQ could be a feasible candidate for the prevention of NAFLD either by diet or
supplementation. Hepatology Communications, January 2018
Exercise: Setting Milestones for Exercise Motivation. Because the drive to get in shape can wane over time, the
American College of Sports Medicine offers the following recommendations to help you stay motivated: set specific
goals; develop a realistic action plan; use environmental cues, such as placing a gym bag by the door or setting reminders
on your phone; have fun; make exercise convenient; record your progress; build a support network with friends or family
who can work out with you; reward yourself with flowers, a movie, or new exercise clothes; and believe in yourself.
American College of Sports Medicine, February 2018
Chiropractic: Poor Balance Linked to Back Pain. A recent research review found that chronic low back pain can
impair an individual’s standing balance. The authors of the review conclude, “Results from balance assessments should be
used to indicate areas of improvement and help guide the course of treatment…”
Disability and Rehabilitation, January 2018
Wellness/Prevention: Keeping Drivers with Dementia Off the Road. In this study, researchers analyzed data
concerning nearly 137,000 older drivers in the United States who had been hospitalized after a crash and found that those
in states with in-person license renewal laws were about 38% less likely to have dementia. Study co-author Dr. Steven
Albert writes, “The results of our study point to age-based licensing requirements as an effective way to improve safety.”
Neurology, January 2018
Quote: “We see the world not as it is, but as we are.” ~ Stephen Covey

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Napa Chiropractor 3-5-2018

Mental Attitude: Over-the-Counter Painkillers May Alter Emotions. A recent research review focusing on
nonprescription painkillers found that these types of medicines can reduce a person’s ability to empathize with the pain of
others, make some more willing to part with possessions, and can even impair information processing. Lead researcher
Dr. Kyle Ratner writes, “In many ways, the reviewed findings are alarming… Consumers assume that when they take an
over-the-counter pain medication, it will relieve their physical symptoms, but they do not anticipate broader psychological
effects.” Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences, February 2018
Health Alert: Colonoscopy May Raise the Risk of Appendicitis. Though colonoscopies are vital for detecting and
removing cancer in the colon or large intestine, a review of the medical histories of nearly 393,000 veterans found that
patients who underwent a colonoscopy had a 400% increased risk for appendicitis in the week following their procedure.
However, despite this finding, lead researcher Dr. Marc Basson notes, “Colonoscopy is generally a safe test, and the risk
of having appendicitis is lower than the risk of having some of the other complications.” JAMA Surgery, January 2018
Diet: Hot Tea Linked to Increased Risk of Esophageal Cancer. Drinking hot tea appears to raise the risk of esophageal
cancer among men and women who also drink alcohol or smoke. A study involving more than 450,000 people found that
individuals who regularly imbibed very hot tea in addition to a glass of alcohol each day are five times more likely to
develop esophageal cancer than those who less frequently consumed either beverage. Additionally, the researchers found
that smokers who drank a cup of tea a day had double the risk of esophageal cancer in comparison to nonsmokers.
Annals of Internal Medicine, February 2018
Exercise: Arm Exercises Improve Walking Ability Following a Stroke. Arm training exercises appear to improve
walking ability months and even years after having a stroke. In this study, investigators found that stroke participants who
performed 30 minutes of moderate-intensity arm cycling training sessions three times per week for five weeks
experienced significant improvements in their walking ability. The researchers explain that the nerves in the arms activate
and adapt to improve function of the spinal cord in other areas of the body, including the legs. The results could have a
significant impact on stroke rehabilitation. Journal of Neurophysiology, December 2017
Chiropractic: Back Pain Is a Common Reason for Sick Leave During Pregnancy. An analysis of questionnaires
completed by 508 employed pregnant women revealed that back pain is the most common reason expectant mothers take
long-term sick leave. Chiropractic care has been demonstrated to be a safe and effective treatment for women
experiencing low back pain associated with their pregnancy. Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare, March 2018
Wellness/Prevention: Healthy Diet + Exercise Has Synergistic Effect on Weight Loss. While adopting an exercise
program or switching to a healthier diet can increase one’s chances for weight loss by about 500-700%, a new study
involving 1,488 New Zealanders found that both starting an exercise routine and eating a healthy diet can boost one’s
odds for losing weight by over 1,700%! BMC Public Health, February 2018
Quote: “The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.” ~ Albert Einstein

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Napa Chiropractor, 2-26-2018

Mental Attitude: Sense of Purpose Protects the Brain. A review of data from the Health and Retirement Study
indicates that seniors who feel their life has purpose have a 30% reduced risk for developing dementia.
International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, January 2018
Health Alert: Hearing Loss May Lead to Other Problems. After reviewing health data concerning 3,777 older adults
for 25 years, a team of French scientists reports that that seniors with self-reported hearing loss have an increased risk for
disability, depression, and dementia. However, the investigators did not observe these associations among those who wore
a hearing aid. The researchers conclude, “These results highlight the importance of assessing the consequences of treating
hearing loss in elders in further studies.” The Journals of Gerontology, January 2018
Diet: Mediterranean Diet May Keep Older Adults from Becoming Frail. A systematic review and meta-analysis of
past studies examining associations between adherence to a Mediterranean-style diet and the development of frailty
revealed that people who consumed a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and nuts were less than half as likely to
become frail over a four-decade period than seniors who consumed a more high-fat Western-style diet. Researcher Dr.
Gotaro Kojima adds, “Our study supports the growing body of evidence on the potential health benefits of a
Mediterranean diet, in our case for potentially helping older people to stay well as they age.”
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, January 2018
Exercise: Set Goals When Using Activity Monitors. In a new study, researchers followed 400 healthy adults for six
months and found that when people used activity monitors without a specific goal in mind, their activity declined and
their heart health failed to improve. Researcher Dr. Luke Burchill notes, “When paired with activity goals—such as 7,000
to 10,000 steps a day or 150 minutes of moderate intensity activity each week—these trackers can be powerful tools for
increasing physical activity.” British Journal of Sports Medicine, December 2017
Chiropractic: Do Lower Extremity Injuries Increase Low Back Pain Risk? Each year, about one in twelve soldiers
will experience an episode of acute lower back pain (LBP). A recent study found that a previous injury to the lower
extremities increases a soldier’s risk for developing LBP by about 70%. They authors of the study conclude, “These
findings suggest that a potential second order effect of [lower extremity injury] is an increased short-term risk for
developing LBP, which should be considered during rehabilitation planning.”
Medicine and Science in Sports Exercise, December 2017
Wellness/Prevention: Improved Screening and Treatment Reduces Breast Cancer Deaths. Due to improvements in
screening and treatment, researchers report that the survival rate of breast cancer patients rose about 32% between 2000
and 2012. Lead researcher Dr. Sylvia Plevritis explains, “Mammography is an important contributor to the reduction in
breast cancer mortality… But the overall benefit is greater largely because of the advances in treatment.”
Journal of the American Medical Association, January 2018
Quote: “Can anything be sadder than work left unfinished? Yes, work never begun.” ~ Christina Rossetti

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Napa Chiropractor, 2-19-2018

Mental Attitude: Can You Identify Signs of Stress? Chronic stress can have a negative effect on one’s mental and
physical wellbeing. According to the Department of Health & Human Services, common signs of excessive exposure to
stress include: not eating enough or overeating; feeling you have lost control of your life; forgetfulness; headaches; lack of
energy and focus; trouble completing tasks; poor self-esteem; short temper; trouble sleeping; upset stomach; and aches
and pains. Department of Health & Human Services, January 2018
Health Alert: A Widely-Used Painkiller May Reduce Male Fertility. In a new study involving 31 men, researchers
found that those who took 1,200 mg of ibuprofen each day for 14 days experienced a short-term drop in their testosterone
levels, which has been associated with lower fertility. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, January 2018
Diet: Mediterranean Diet May Reduce Risk for Prostate Cancer. The Mediterranean diet is characterized by the
consumption of vegetables, fruit, fish, lean meats, nuts, whole grains, and olive oil. An analysis of data that involved 733
men with prostate cancer and 1,229 healthy men revealed that those who most closely followed the Mediterranean diet
had a lower risk for being diagnosed with prostate cancer with aggressive and extensive tumors. Lead investigator Dr.
Beatriz Pérez-Gómez notes, “This study adds important evidence to the scarce information regarding the association of
diet with [prostate cancer], and highlights the relevance of focusing on global dietary patterns.”
Journal of Urology, August 2017
Exercise: Can the Effects of a Sedentary Lifestyle on the Heart Be Reversed? Living a mostly sedentary lifestyle can
result in stiffening of the heart muscles and a less efficient cardiovascular system. In this study, researchers found that
exercising four to five times per week for about 30-minutes, plus warm-up and cool-down, can lead to an 18%
improvement in maximum oxygen intake during exercise and a more than 25% improvement in the elasticity of the left
ventricular muscle of the heart. Circulation, January 2018
Chiropractic: Is Poor Pelvic Posture Common in Teens? Using 3D digital technology to evaluate the pelvic posture of
32 adolescents, researchers found that the majority of teens exhibited abnormal pelvic and total body posture. This is
concerning as postural changes, especially in the pelvis, can place added stress on the lower back, which can result in
lower back pain. Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences, December 2017
Wellness/Prevention: Choose a Nursing Home Wisely. When choosing a nursing home for a loved one, it is important
to find the right fit both personally and financially. The National Institute of Aging recommends the following: determine
what’s most important for your loved one, such as nursing care, meals, physical therapy, hospice care, or special-care
services; ask for recommendations from friends, relatives, healthcare providers, social workers, and religious groups;
inquire about the cost of each facility and how many people live there; and meet with the facility director and nursing
director of each facility on your list. National Institute of Aging, January 2018
Quote: “Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors where there were only walls.” ~ Joseph Campbell

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Napa Chiropractor, 2-12-2018

Mental Attitude: Entitled Individuals Think Differently. People who have a strong sense of entitlement think rules
don’t apply to them. Researcher Dr. Emily Zitek explains, “[These individuals] don’t think it’s fair for other people to tell
them what to do… Instructions are essentially an unfair imposition. They want to do their own thing. They feel like they
deserve good things and special treatment… The fundamental problem here is that entitled individuals think they deserve
more than other people think they do.” Social Psychological and Personality Science, December 2017
Health Alert: Asthma in America Costs Billions. Based on an analysis of medical expenses and costs associated with
work and school absences and deaths between 2008 and 2013, federal health officials say that the economic cost of
asthma in the United States is almost $82 billion per year. However, the actual cost of asthma is most likely
underestimated because the study did not include individuals with untreated asthma. Lead author Dr. Tursynbek
Nurmagambetov writes, “Cost studies can influence health policy decisions and help decision makers understand the
scale, seriousness and implications of asthma so that resources can be identified to improve disease management and
reduce the burden of asthma. [The findings show] the critical need to support and further strengthen asthma control
strategies.” Annals of the American Thoracic Society, January 2018
Diet: Eat More Fruits & Veggies! Adults who consume at least seven servings of fruits and vegetables per day are less
likely to be overweight or obese than men and women who eat six or fewer servings of produce each day.
Obesity Science & Practice, December 2017
Exercise: Get the Family Involved to Get Active. With today’s busy schedules, it can be difficult for family members to
meet physically activity recommendations. The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute suggests the following to get
more active: schedule family exercise after dinner, on weekends, or during other blocks of free time; stay motivated by
joining an exercise group or by having your kids participate in community sports; and engage in activities that don’t
depend on good weather, such as indoor cycling, indoor swimming, stair climbing, rope skipping, and dancing.
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, January 2018
Chiropractic: Smoking Increases Risk for Chronic Back Pain. Based on surveys completed by 213 men and women
over the age of 50, researchers found that smokers are 2.59 times more likely to suffer from chronic low back pain
(CLBP) than nonsmokers. Asian Spine Journal, December 2017
Wellness/Prevention: Talking To Children About Divorce. When it comes to divorce, it’s important to be open and
honest with children. The American Academy of Pediatrics offers the following suggestions for divorcing parents: keep
communication clear and simple; do not promote the idea that the divorce is the child’s fault or that the child can help
rectify the situation; reassure the child that they will be safe; mention that mom and dad will both be happier; and
emphasize that there will be two homes in which the child will be loved. American Academy of Pediatrics, January 2018
Quote: “The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.” ~ e. e. cummings

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Napa Chiropractor 2-5-2018

Mental Attitude: Smell Your Partner’s Shirt to Reduce Stress. In this study, investigators observed that women who
smelled their partner’s shirt had a reduced response to stress in comparison with those who smelled a stranger’s scent.
Senior author Dr. Frances Chen comments, “Our research suggests that something as simple as taking an article of
clothing that was worn by your loved one could help lower stress.”
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, January 2018
Health Alert: Common Drug May Lead to Reduced Fertility of Offspring. Paracetamol, also known as
acetaminophen, is commonly taken by pregnant women to help relieve pain, but a new study suggests that this medication
may lead to reduced fertility among female offspring. Investigators found that rodents given paracetamol during
pregnancy, at doses equivalent to what pregnant woman usually take for pain relief, produced female offspring with fewer
eggs. Lead investigator Dr. David Kristensen writes, “Although this may not be a severe impairment to fertility, it is still
of real concern since data from three different labs all independently found that paracetamol may disrupt female
reproductive development in this way, which indicates further investigation is needed to establish how this affects human
fertility.” Endocrine Connections, January 2018
Diet: Many Babies in the US Start Solid Foods Too Soon. Researchers analyzed the food intake of nearly 1,500 babies
in the United States and found that about 16% of parents fed their child complementary foods before the age of four
months, and about 38% provided their son or daughter solids or other drinks by five months of age. Lead investigator Dr.
Chloe Barrera warns, “Introducing babies to complementary foods too early can cause them to miss out on important
nutrients that come from breast milk and infant formula.” Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, January 2018
Exercise: Can Exercise Help Slow Cognitive Decline? Seniors with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) have an elevated
risk for developing dementia. However, a review of data from eleven published studies indicates that adults with MCI can
improve their cognitive function by engaging in an aerobic exercise routine.
International Journal of Nursing Studies, January 2018
Chiropractic: Walking is Good for Chronic Back Pain. For patients with chronic low back pain, a daily walk may be
just what the doctor ordered. A review of findings from nine published studies indicates that daily walks can help reduce
both pain and disability in patients with chronic back pain. Since walking is easy to perform and highly accessible, the
authors recommend that walking be included in treatment recommendations for patients with chronic low back pain.
Musculoskeletal Science and & Practice, December 2017
Wellness/Prevention: Get Healthy. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration recommends the
following to achieve a healthier lifestyle: don’t smoke or abuse drugs; limit alcohol intake; make healthy food choices;
exercise regularly; maintain a healthy weight; manage your blood pressure; get enough sleep; and maintain a strong
relationship with your healthcare provider and ask your them about any health concerns.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, January 2018
Quote: “Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.” ~ Stephen Hawking

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Napa Chiropractor 1-29-2018

Mental Attitude: Could Smog Be to Blame for Badly Behaving Teens? In this study, researchers tracked 13 rulebreaking
behaviors among 682 kids in Los Angeles for nine years and found a link between greater exposure to airborne
particulate matter and an increased risk for delinquent behaviors. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, December 2017
Health Alert: Obesity May Increase Risk for Rosacea. Rosacea is estimated to affect 16 million Americans and is
characterized by redness, bumps, and pimples on the face, as well as skin thickening and eye irritation. Researchers
reviewed data on nearly 90,000 women in the United States and found a 48% greater likelihood of rosacea among those
with a BMI of 35 and greater compared with women of normal weight. Study author Dr. Wen-Qing Li writes, “Our study
holds general public health significance, [adding] rosacea to the list of chronic diseases associated with obesity… A
healthier weight should definitely be encouraged for general health and well-being.”
American Academy of Dermatology, December 2017
Diet: Eating More Fruits and Veggies Is Good for Your Teeth! Japanese researchers evaluated the teeth of over 6,500
elderly men and women and found an association between greater fruit and vegetable consumption and better oral health.
Nutrients, December 2017
Exercise: Exercise Reduces Chemotherapy-Related Neuropathy. Over half of patients receiving chemotherapy
treatment experience numbness, tingling, pain, cold sensitivity, and motor impairment in their hands and feet. In this
study, which featured over 300 cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, those who participated in a six-week walking
and resistance training program reported a significant reduction in their neuropathy symptoms.
Supportive Care in Cancer, December 2017
Chiropractic: Musculoskeletal Pain Influences Balance. For older adults, falling down can result in a serious injury
that can dramatically reduce their mobility and independence. In this study, researchers measured pain intensity, postural
sway, and concerns about falling in 48 seniors with either neck or low back pain. The research team found that intense
neck pain paired with limited neck mobility led to significant changes in postural balance, while intense low back pain
significantly increased the fear of falling down. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, December 2017
Wellness/Prevention: Start Brushing Habits Early. To instill lifelong habits to protect one’s smile, experts recommend
that tooth brushing begin early in childhood. To accomplish this, the American Academy of Pediatrics advises the
following: wipe your baby’s gums with a soft, clean washcloth; never give your baby a bottle in the crib; introduce solid
healthy food choices to avoid tooth decay; brush your child’s teeth twice daily until the age of three using a smear of
toothpaste the size of a grain of rice; and children age three and older should be able to brush their teeth twice daily by
themselves with adult supervision using a pea-sized amount of toothpaste.
American Academy of Pediatrics, December 2017
Quote: “People do not decide to become extraordinary. They decide to accomplish extraordinary things.”
~ Edmund Hillary

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Napa Chiropractor 1-22-2018

Mental Attitude: Rheumatic Diseases Increase Dementia Risk. Using data from the Taiwan National Health Insurance
Research Database, researchers report that patients with either Sjögren’s syndrome, systemic lupus erythematosus,
osteoarthritis, or psoriatic arthritis have an elevated risk for developing dementia. The research team is unsure why
patients with rheumatic diseases have a higher risk for dementia but suggest that increased inflammation may be a
contributing factor. International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases, December 2017
Health Alert: Traffic Pollution Poses Health Risks to Unborn Babies. Air pollution caused by road traffic is having a
detrimental impact on the health of unborn babies in London. In a new study, researchers found a link between increases
in fine particulate matter from road traffic and a 2-6% increased risk of low birth weight and a 1-3% increased risk of
being small for gestational age. The researchers note their findings are most likely applicable to other cities with similar
pollution and they call for environmental health policies to improve air quality in these areas. BMJ, December 2017
Diet: Drinking Soda During Pregnancy May Boost Odds of Asthma in Kids. Children are more likely to develop
asthma if their moms consumed sugary drinks during their pregnancy. An analysis of data on 1,068 mother-child pairs
from a long-term study revealed that expectant mothers who drink two or more sugary beverages per day are up to 63%
more likely to have a son or daughter with asthma than women who refrain from such beverages.
Annals of the American Thoracic Society, December 2017
Exercise: Staying Fit Cuts Diabetes Risk. Japanese researchers followed 7,804 adult males for over 20 years and found
that those with higher fitness levels throughout the course of the study had up to a 53% lower risk for developing diabetes
in comparison with participants who led mostly sedentary lives. Journal of Epidemiology, December 2017
Chiropractic: Heel Posture Plays Role in Back Pain. A recent study set out to investigate the influence of calcaneal
(heel) position on the pelvic and trunk alignment of ten healthy subjects. Using 3-D motion analysis, the researchers found
that calcaneal inversion (commonly seen among those with a high arch) can affect the alignment of the pelvic and trunk,
increasing the risk for back pain. The findings reveal the importance evaluating the foot and ankle when assessing low
back pain patients. Journal of Physical Therapy and Science, November 2017
Wellness/Prevention: Managing Seasonal Affective Disorder. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of
depression triggered by decreased exposure to daylight, which makes it more common in winter months. Common
symptoms include feeling down, having low energy, sleeping a lot, and craving sweet or starchy foods. To help manage
SAD, the National Sleep Foundation suggests the following: expose yourself to more daylight by going for a walk outside
during the day or buy an artificial light source that mimics sunlight; consume a healthy diet; stay active during the winter
months; and seek professional counseling if you have difficulty managing the feelings of SAD.
National Sleep Foundation, November 2017
Quote: “Courage and perseverance have a magical talisman, before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish into
air.” ~ John Quincy Adams

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Napa Chiropractor 1-15-2018

Mental Attitude: Premature Babies and Stress for Fathers… In this study, researchers followed 86 parents of
premature babies and found that both mothers and fathers had high levels of the stress hormone cortisol in their saliva
while their infant was in the hospital. However, the research team observed that after their baby came home, maternal
cortisol levels stabilized while stress hormone levels increased in the fathers. Lead author Dr. Craig Garfield explains,
“Dad goes from a situation where the baby and mom are cared for by experts in the hospital to having to simultaneously
care for his baby, partner and work. He is supposed to be the ‘rock’ for his partner but the stress can really set in.” The
findings suggest that more emphasis should be placed on making fathers of premature babies comfortable and confident
with their child. Journal of Perinatal and Neonatal Nursing, December 2017
Health Alert: Vaping May Lead to Smoking Among Teens. Surveys completed by 800 high school students revealed
that teens who have used an e-cigarette during the previous month are at least four times more likely to smoke a cigarette
in the near future. Pediatrics, December 2017
Diet: Too Much Takeout Food Bad for Kids’ Health. In a new study, researchers monitored the eating habits and health
of more than 1,900 children and found that those who regularly consumed takeout food typically had higher levels of
body fat and blood cholesterol than those who usually ate meals prepared at home.
Archives of Disease in Childhood, December 2017
Exercise: Exercise Can Change Gut Microbes. Researchers have discovered the first definitive evidence that exercise
can change gut microbial composition independent of diet. In the study, researchers followed 18 lean and 14 obese
sedentary adults for six weeks while they maintained their normal diet. A comparison of pre- and post-study fecal samples
revealed increases in concentrations of short-chain fatty acids, which promote healthy intestinal cells, reduce
inflammation, and generate energy. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, November 2017
Chiropractic: Improving Thoracic Posture Improves Lung Function. This case study involved the non-surgical
treatment of a 33-year-old male patient with straight back syndrome (lack of normal curve of the spine) using spinal
traction and postural correction. After 16 weeks, the patient experienced a ten-degree improvement in thoracic spine
curvature, a reduction in back pain, improved breathing, and a greater than two liter increase in lung capacity. The authors
note this case study illustrates that non-surgical improvement of thoracic curvature is possible and can positively influence
lung capacity, health, and function. Journal of Physical Therapy Science, November 2017
Wellness/Prevention: Preventing Norovirus Infection. Every year, the highly-contagious norovirus causes up to 21
million illnesses, about 70,000 hospitalizations, and up to 800 deaths in the United States alone. This virus in known to
cause vomiting and diarrhea, and often lurks in confined areas. To help protect yourself from the norovirus, the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention recommends the following: wash your hands often with soap and water; prepare food
safely; disinfect surfaces that may be contaminated by someone who is sick; and wash laundry with hot water, especially
if clothing is stained with contaminated fluids or waste. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, December 2017
Quote: “Those who stand for nothing fall for everything.” ~ Alexander Hamilton

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.