Mental Attitude: Music May Soothe Post-Op Pain. Patients recovering from major surgery often struggle with pain and
anxiety. In this study, 30 post-surgical patients participated in a 30-minute music therapy session within 72 hours of their
operation that included singing, rhythmic drumming, and live music. Researchers found that those who participated in the music
sessions experienced less subsequent pain than patients who received usual care. The findings suggest that music therapy could
be helpful in reducing pain and medication use among post-op patients. American Journal of Orthopedics, April 2017
Health Alert: Could Gray Hair Mean a Higher Risk for Heart Disease? Atherosclerosis (the narrowing of the arteries due
to the build-up of cholesterol and other substances on arterial walls) and graying hair have similar causes: the damaged DNA
that comes with aging, increased oxidative stress, and the aging of cells. An observational study that included 545 adult men
found that those with coronary heart disease had greater hair whitening and increased levels of coronary artery calcification than
their healthier counterparts. European Society of Cardiology, April 2017
Diet: How to Correctly Store Cooking Oils. Heart-healthy cooking oils—such as olive, walnut, or avocado oil—have become
popular in the kitchen as people seek to cook healthier dishes; however, you must be careful how you store such oils. The
Cleveland Clinic offers these recommendations to ensure that you’re cooking with the best oil: over time, exposure to light or
heat can affect the taste of oil, so store it in a cool, dark place; if your oil begins to taste a bit off, replace with a fresh bottle;
grapeseed and walnut oils should be stored in the refrigerator, as they can become rancid quickly; most other oils can be
refrigerated; and though refrigerated oils may appear cloudy, that effect disappears when they reach room temperature.
The Cleveland Clinic, April 2017
Exercise: Carbs Help with Recovery After Intense Workout. Current evidence strongly suggests that moderate to intense
physical activity can reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and various forms of cancer, and it may even improve
longevity overall. However, prolonged, intense physical exercise can have negative effects on the immune system. A new study
finds that consuming carbs (such as a banana, for example) during or immediately after exercise reduces exercise-related
immunodepression and helps the body to recover, particularly for those who undertake high-intensity activity for sessions of 90
minutes or more. Journal of Applied Physiology, March 2017
Chiropractic: How Often Do Children Have Back Pain? Spinal pain is a common condition among children and adolescents.
In this study, researchers monitored school children ages eight to fifteen for three years and found 55% experienced one or more
episodes of back pain during that time. Though most children had only a few short-lasting episodes of spinal pain, more than
one out of five children had three or more episodes during each study year, and 17% of all episodes lasted for more than a
month. The investigators note the study demonstrates that spinal pain is a substantial problem among children, and further
research is needed to determine preventive measures and management. Chiropractors are trained to evaluate and treat children
with musculoskeletal pain. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, March 2017
Wellness/Prevention: A Clean Bedroom Can Aid Sleep. An organized and comfortable bedroom can help you reduce stress
and help you to sleep more soundly. The National Sleep Foundation recommends the following to help organize your room:
remove all electronics, including the TV; use light bulbs that are 60 watts or less; make sure curtains black out sunlight; check
your mattress for signs of wear; consider replacing the mattress if you wake with pain; replace worn sheets, and check that
pillows are soft, fluffy, and supportive; keep your bedroom cool by using a fan; and de-clutter your room by clearing out
unneeded furniture. National Sleep Foundation, April 2017
Quote: “Life begins on the other side of despair.” ~ Jean-Paul Sartre
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Category Archives: Uncategorized
Weekly Health Update from your Napa Chiropractor
Mental Attitude: A Lonely Heart May Worsen Cold Symptoms. Being lonely may mean more misery when you’re sick.
Investigators tracked the mental and physical health of 159 volunteers and found that people who said they had less social
support had cold symptoms that were more severe than individuals who felt more socially connected. Researcher Dr. Angie
LeRoy advises people to do what you can to get more socially active because “[if] you build those networks—consistently
working on them and your relationships—when you do fall ill, it may not feel so bad.” Health Psychology, March 2017
Health Alert: US Pedestrian Deaths Are a Growing Problem. According to a new Governors Highway Safety Association
report, 15% of all motor vehicle collision-related deaths in 2016 were pedestrians, which is up from 11% just a decade ago.
Factors that may possibly play a role in this increase include increased smartphone use, which can lead to distraction; improved
safety features in cars, which may reduce the risk of serious injury to occupants but offer no benefit to pedestrians stuck by
vehicles; and an increase in Americans walking for health, environmental, or economic reasons.
Governors Highway Safety Association, March 2017
Diet: Make Fruit and Veggies More Appetizing. We all know how important it is to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, but it is
often difficult to convince ourselves or our children to eat them. To help make fruits and vegetables more flavorful and
appealing, the American Heart Association suggests the following: roast vegetables at high temperatures to caramelize them and
make them naturally sweeter; throw fruit on the grill for a richer, sweeter flavor; and lightly sauté veggies until crisp, not soggy.
American Heart Association, April 2017
Exercise: Why Doesn’t Exercise Work as Well for Some People? Physical activity is key in the prevention of obesity and
associated health conditions, but some people obtain greater rewards from exercise than others. In a new study that involved 31
women, researchers found that those who had high levels of the protein selenoprotein P in their blood before partaking in an
eight-week exercise program demonstrated a lower maximal oxygen intake after the study than those with lower initial blood
levels of selenoprotein P. Investigators say that further research is needed to gain a more detailed understating of how
selenoprotein P impacts physical activity, but they hope the study will lead to ways to reduce selenoprotein P production to aid
in improving exercise endurance. Nature Medicine, March 2017
Chiropractic: Many People Choose Manual Therapies for Headaches. Utilizing data from 35 published studies, a new
report finds that about a third (32.3%) of headache patients utilize manual therapies to help manage their condition. The report
notes the most common reasons headache patients seek out manual therapies include pain relief, perceived safety, and
dissatisfaction with drug-based treatment options. Chiropractors have long used manual therapies such as spinal manipulation to
effectively treat headache sufferers. BMC Neurology, March 2017
Wellness/Prevention: Protect Your Child’s Body Image. What you say can affect your children, even if you don’t think they
are listening—so when talking about body image, remember to have a positive attitude. The United States (US) Department of
Health and Human Services suggests the following: avoid speaking negatively about food, weight, body shape, and body size;
provide a wide variety of healthy meals and snacks, and let your child make decisions about what to eat; praise your child for
values, accomplishments, efforts, and talents; communicate openly and frequently; limit TV time, but watch it together so you
can discuss the images you see; become active at your child’s school; and support policies that oppose discrimination, teasing,
and harassment. US Department of Health and Human Services, April 2017
Quote: “While there’s life, there’s hope.” ~ Marcus Tullius Cicero
I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.
Weekly Health Update from your Napa Chiropractor
Mental Attitude: PTSD May Be a Systemic Disorder. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PSTD) normally stems from witnessing
a shocking, dangerous, or life-threatening event. Researchers recently conducted an analysis of nearly 300 Australian military
veterans from the Vietnam War era and found those with a history of PTSD were much more likely to experience sleep
disorders, gastrointestinal problems, cardiovascular diseases, and numerous other health conditions. Based on the findings the
researchers conclude that, “The higher frequency of comorbid physical conditions suggests that PTSD be conceptualized not as
a purely mental disorder, but rather as a systemic disorder. Integrated healthcare strategies directed at the psychological and
physical health of patients with PTSD, as well as rigorous control of risk factors, are likely to improve their quality of life and
their survival.” Medical Journal of Australia, March 2017
Health Alert: Don’t Watch TV During Meals. Switching off your TV during meal time may help keep you slim. Researchers
analyzed data on nearly 13,000 adults and found that those who said they never watched TV or videos during family meals were
much less likely to be obese than those who always watched something during mealtime. Additionally, respondents whose
family meals were all home-cooked were less likely to be obese than those who ate only some or no home-cooked meals. Study
lead author Dr. Rachel Tumin explains, “This highlights the importance of thinking critically about what is going on during
those meals, and whether there might be opportunities to turn the TV off or do more of your own food preparation.”
Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, March 2017
Diet: Fruits and Veggies Are Good for the Aging Brain. Seniors who consume more than five servings of fruits and
vegetables per day may experience both a delay in age-related cognitive decline and a lower risk for neurodegenerative diseases
when compared with their peers who consume fewer servings of produce per day.
Advances in Hygiene and Experimental Medicine, April 2017
Exercise: Can Too Much Exercise Be a Bad Thing? While several studies have demonstrated that lack of physical activity
can increase the risk of mental health problems, those who exercise in excess may also experience mental health symptoms such
as irritability, depression, apathy, difficulty concentrating, and loss of self-esteem. American Council on Exercise, April 2017
Chiropractic: Neck Pain Is a Major Problem in the Dental Field… An analysis of health questionnaires completed by
dentists, dental assistants, and dental technicians reveals that neck pain is a surprisingly common complaint in dental offices.
While nearly 76% of the dentists, almost 91% of dental assistants, and 40% of dental technicians experience cervical
discomfort, only 40% of those surveyed have sought care for their symptoms. The authors of the analysis conclude,
“Considering the fact that the said discomforts affect performing both professional and everyday activities, its prevention is
necessary in order to avoid the consequences they carry.” Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, March 2017
Wellness/Prevention: A Good Night’s Sleep May Save Your Life. Good sleep quality for men may mean the difference
between life and death. In this study, researchers analyzed long-term data on more than 823,000 men in the United States and
found that men under the age of 65 who slept just three to five hours per night were 55% more likely to develop fatal prostate
cancer than those who slept seven hours nightly. Study author Dr. Susan Gapstur adds, “If confirmed in other studies, these
findings would contribute to evidence suggesting the importance of obtaining adequate sleep for better health.”
American Association for Cancer Research, April 2017
Quote: “Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there
seemed to be no hope at all.” ~ Dale Carnegie
I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.
Weekly Health Update from your Napa Chiropractor
Mental Attitude: Heart Diagnosis, Depression, and Death. In this study, researchers assessed the mental health of 24,000 adults recently diagnosed with coronary artery disease and found about 15% suffered from depression—an amount that is significantly higher than the general population. Furthermore, half of those with depression died over the following decade compared to 38% of those without depression. American College of Cardiology, March 2017
Health Alert: Osteoarthritis Linked to Stroke. Taiwanese researchers report that patients living with osteoarthritis (OA) have an elevated risk for stroke. Using data from Taiwan’s Longitudinal Health Insurance Database, researchers found that patients with mild to moderate OA have a 95% higher risk for stroke when compared to those without OA. Additionally, the risk of stroke is nearly four-times greater for those with severe OA. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, March 2017
Diet: Staying Satisfied on a Vegetarian Diet. Contrary to what many believe, a vegetarian meal doesn’t have to leave you hungry and unsatisfied. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, veggie-based foods that can help you feel full include: lean, low-fat proteins, such as beans; veggie pizza or pasta with vegetables; vegetarian lo mein or lasagna; bean burritos or tofu stir-fry; and soy or vegetarian sausages, burgers, and hot dogs.
United States Department of Agriculture, March 2017
Exercise: Regular Yoga May Ease Depression Symptoms. Researchers randomly assigned 30 people with major depressive disorder to partake in either a “high-dose” or “low-dose” yoga program. The high-dose group participated in three 90-minute yoga classes each week along with home practice, while the low-dose group engaged in two 90-minute yoga sessions each week in addition to home practice. The researchers found that those who took three weekly yoga classes had fewer depressive symptoms than those in the “low-dose” group, but they added that even two classes a week provided positive mental health benefits. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, March 2017
Chiropractic: Soft Tissue Manipulation Benefits COPD Sufferers. A new study measured the immediate effect of soft tissue manual therapy on the lung function of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The researchers measured residual volume, inspiratory capacity, and oxygen saturation (SpO2) of twelve severe COPD participants immediately before and after administration of a soft tissue manual therapy protocol (STMTP) designed to address changes in the accessory respiratory muscles and their associated structures. The results showed a decrease in residual volume and an increase in inspiratory capacity and SpO2. The study reveals that a single application of an STMTP can produce immediate improvements in lung function in patients with severe and very severe COPD.
International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, February 2017
Wellness/Prevention: Make an Emergency Plan for Allergic Reactions. Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction that needs to be treated right away. Creating an emergency plan is key to protecting a child from a deadly allergic reaction, especially when they’re at school. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, a plan should include: a simple explanation of symptoms that indicate a serious allergic reaction; guidance on when to use epinephrine; a customized plan for your child’s allergies, as well to any school regulations and local laws that may apply; keep the plan easy to understand for caregivers; and keep copies of the plan at your child’s school, daycare, and after-school care facility.
American Academy of Pediatrics, March 2017
Quote: “The first rule is to keep an untroubled spirit. The second is to look things in the face and know them for what they are.”
~ Marcus Aurelius
I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.
Weekly Health Update from your Napa Chiropractor
Mental Attitude: Volunteer Work Is Good for the Brain. An analysis of data from the 2010, 2012, and 2014 Swedish National Prescribed Drug Register reveals that seniors who regularly perform volunteer work in their community are significantly less likely to develop dementia than those who don’t do volunteer work or only do so infrequently. The authors of the analysis write, “Our results largely support the assumptions that voluntary work in later life is associated with lower self-reported cognitive complaints and a lower risk for dementia, relative to those who do not engage, or only engage episodically in voluntary work.” PLOS ONE, March 2017
Health Alert: Hearing Loss to Increase Significantly in the US By 2060. Researchers report millions of men and women in the United States (US) will face the prospect of losing their hearing as the population ages. The number of adults affected by hearing loss is expected to increase from 44 million in 2020 to 73.5 million by 2060. Lead author Dr. Adele Goman adds, “In the coming decades, there will be an increased need for affordable interventions and access to hearing healthcare services.”
JAMA Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, March 2017
Diet: Gluten-Free Diets May Elevate Diabetes Risk. New research casts some doubt on a gluten-free diet’s presumed health benefits. In a large study involving nearly 200,000 health professionals in the United States, scientists found that participants who ate the least amount of gluten actually had a somewhat higher risk of developing diabetes over time. The investigators speculate that going on a low-gluten diet reduces the intake of dietary fiber, which helps ward off type 2 diabetes and other chronic illnesses. Lauri Wright, a spokeswoman for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics comments, “Unless you have celiac disease, focusing on the quality of your carbohydrates—rather than gluten avoidance—is the way to go.”
American Heart Association, March 2017
Exercise: Physical Exercise Benefits Cancer Patients During Chemo. Jogging or simply walking can help patients with gastrointestinal cancer better cope with the side effects of chemotherapy. In the study, cancer patients exercised either 50 minutes a day three times a week or for 30 minutes a day five times a week at a pace which they considered to be “slightly strenuous.” Not only were the patients better able to tolerate their chemotherapy treatments but they also had a lower risk of disease recurrence. Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, March 2017
Chiropractic: Neck Stiffness and Headaches. A recent study investigated upper cervical spine stiffness among patient with either migraine or tension-type headaches. Regardless of headache type, the participants in the study exhibited a reduced cervical range of motion, suggesting a “likely link between the cervical discomfort and these pathologies.” The findings confirm what chiropractors have noted for years: neck function and headaches are often interrelated.
Clinical Biomechanics, February 2017
Wellness/Prevention: Folic Acid During Pregnancy May Protect Some Kids from High Blood Pressure. Researchers wanted to see if a woman’s folic acid levels and heart disease risk factors (high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity) during pregnancy individually or jointly had an impact on a child’s blood pressure. They found an association between higher levels of folic acid during pregnancy and a 40% reduced risk of high blood pressure among children of mothers with heart disease risk factors. Study author Dr. Xiaobin Wang notes, “Our findings raise the possibility that early risk assessment and intervention before conception and during pregnancy may lead to new ways to prevent high blood pressure and its consequences across life span and generations.” American Journal of Hypertension, March 2017
Quote: “Wisdom comes from experience. Experience is often a result of lack of wisdom.” ~ Terry Pratchett
I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.
Weekly Health Update from your Napa Chiropractor
Mental Attitude: Are Common Insecticides Linked to Behavior Issues? Exposure to a commonly used group of insecticides may lead to an increased risk of behavioral problems among children. A French research team found that children with the highest levels of pyrethroid metabolites in their bodies are about three times more likely to have behavioral problems. The researchers suspect that pyrethroids may trigger abnormal behavior by affecting neurochemical signaling in the brain. Based on their findings, they conclude, “The current study suggests that exposure to certain pyrethroids at the low environmental doses encountered by the general public may be associated with behavioral disorders in children.”
Journal Occupational & Environmental Medicine, March 2017
Health Alert: Type 1 Diabetics at Increased Risk for Intracerebral Hemorrhage. Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) occurs when a blood vessel bursts inside the brain, which can damage the surrounding brain cells and even result in death. In this study, researchers looked at the incidence of ICH among type 1 diabetics, type 2 diabetics, and non-diabetics in Scotland between 2004 and 2013. While type 2 diabetics had a slightly greater risk for ICH than non-diabetics, the researchers found type 1 diabetics had a 74% elevated risk for ICH and a 35% greater risk of death within 30 days of hospital admission for ICH than non-diabetics. Diabetes, Obesity, & Metabolism, March 2017
Diet: Fruits and Veggies Are Good for Mental Health. Australian researchers reviewed health data concerning 60,404 adults and found that those who consumed more servings of fruits and vegetables each day were less likely to experience symptoms related to psychological distress. This adds to the growing body of evidence linking diet and mental health.
BMJ Open, March 2017
Exercise: Exercise Counters Cancer-Linked Fatigue. Cancer can be exhausting, but a new research review reveals there are ways to fight cancer-related fatigue. Investigators reviewed 113 past studies that included over 11,000 cancer patients and found that exercise and/or behavioral and educational therapy are more effective than prescription medication for dealing with fatigue. Based on the findings, researchers say that more studies are now needed to explore the ideal way to integrate exercise and psychological interventions with cancer patients. JAMA Oncology, March 2017
Chiropractic: Law Enforcement Officers Often Suffer from Back Pain. Police officers are often exposed risk factors for low back pain (LBP), but few studies have specifically looked at LBP and its effect on members of this profession. Questionnaires completed by 3,589 law enforcement officers revealed that nearly 70% reported LBP symptoms in the past twelve months, and almost 97% of them perceived that presence of LBP was totally/partially linked to their work in the police force. Nearly 30% of respondents lived with chronic LBP, and these officers were more likely to report a reduction of work activities and lost work days in the past year. The findings shed light on the frequency and burden of chronic low back pain among police officers and underscore the importance implementing workplace management programs for this condition.
Spine, February 2017
Wellness/Prevention: Enjoy a Massage. The use of massage therapy can help can help relax the body and mind as well as ease pain and stress. The Mayo Clinic says possible benefits of massage include: managing anxiety, stress-related insomnia, and headache; easing pain and discomfort associated with fibromyalgia, sports-related injuries, injuries of the soft tissues, and temporomandibular joint pain; and reducing muscle tension. Despite these benefits, representatives from the Mayo Clinic add that massage therapy should not be considered a replacement for regular healthcare. Mayo Clinic, March 2017
Quote: “A purpose of human life, no matter who is controlling it, is to love whoever is around to be loved.” ~ Kurt Vonnegut
I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.
Weekly Health Update from your Napa Chiropractor
Mental Attitude: Heavy Social Media Users May Feel Isolated. This study included nearly 1,800 people aged 19 to 32 who completed an online questionnaire and found that those who used social media sites/apps more often—either in terms of the number of times they used them or in total amount of time spent on them—were more likely to feel isolated from others. Study lead author Dr. Brian Primack explains, “Compared with those in the lowest quarter for frequently checking social media, people in the top quarter were about three times as likely to have increased social isolation.”
American Journal of Preventive Medicine, March 2017
Health Alert: Can Secondhand Smoke Lead to Food Allergies in Kids? Early exposure to secondhand smoke may boost the risk of food allergies among children. Researchers followed the health of nearly 3,800 Swedish children until they were 16 years of age and found that kids whose parents smoked when the children were two months old were more likely to develop signs of food allergies, especially to eggs and peanuts. American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, March 2017
Diet: Probiotics May Help Treat Depression. Past studies have indicated that the gut microbiome (the population of microorganisms that reside in the digestive system) plays a significant role in mental health. A new animal study suggests that probiotics may someday be an effective alternative to medication in the treatment of depression. In the study, researchers found that beneficial bacteria called Lactobcillus (commonly found in live-cultured yogurt, though it can be taken in supplement form) altered the gut microbiome of mice, which the researchers then linked with a subsequent reversal of symptoms similar to depression in humans. Lead researcher Dr. Alban Gaultier writes, “The big hope for this kind of research is that we won’t need to bother with complex drugs and side effects when we can just play with the microbiome… It would be magical just to change your diet, to change the bacteria you take, and fix your health—and your mood.” Scientific Reports, March 2017
Exercise: Exercise May Help Your Muscle Cells Stave Off Old Age. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a type of cardiovascular exercise that involves alternating short periods of intense exercise with less intense recovery periods. In a new study, researchers took muscle biopsies from participants who performed different types of exercise and compared them with samples taken from sedentary individuals. They found that exercise, in particular HIIT, improves the energy-producing capacity of muscle cells, which is known to naturally decline as part of the aging process. Study senior author Dr. Sreekumaran Nair adds, “Based on everything we know, there’s no substitute for these exercise programs when it comes to delaying the aging process.” Cell Metabolism, March 2017
Chiropractic: Joint Pain and Arthritis Increase Health Costs. Joint pain and arthritis affect more than 100 million individuals in the United States. A new study set out to investigate differences in medical costs between patients with arthritis and joint pain and those not suffering from such ailments. The results of the investigation revealed that mean medical expenditures were nearly $6,774 greater each year for those with joint pain or arthritis. Based on the findings, the study authors recommend an interdisciplinary approach and heightened awareness to identify strategies that to help prevent and delay disease progression. Arthritis Research and Therapy, February 2017
Wellness/Prevention: Sugar Can Impact Sleep. Reducing the amount of sugar in your diet can lead to a more restful night’s sleep. The National Sleep Foundation notes the following: too much sugar may increase your risk of waking during the night; your energy may crash after a high-sugar treat, prompting you to feel drowsy during the day; and avoid refined sugars found in cereals, juices, desserts, white bread, sodas, and white pasta. National Sleep Foundation, March 2017
Quote: “In a time of destruction, create something.” ~ Maxine Hong Kingston
I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.
Weekly Health Update from your Napa Chiropractor
Mental Attitude: Harsh Parenting Can Backfire. Parenting that includes frequent yelling, hitting, and threats may bring out the worst in a teen’s behavior. Researchers tracked nearly 1,500 students over nine years and found that seventh graders subjected to harsh parenting tactics are more likely to turn to their peers in unhealthy ways, such as hanging out with friends instead of doing homework or engaging in early sexual behavior. Furthermore, these teens are also more likely to drop out of school. Study co-author Dr. Rochelle Hentges writes, “We’re primed as individuals to pay attention to our environmental cues. If we’re in a situation where there’s a lot of harshness, unpredictability, or danger, we’re more likely to try to capitalize on immediate and short-term rewards…. [On the other hand,] if you’re in a really stable, secure environment, it makes sense to put resources toward a long-range goal, like education.” Child Development, February 2017
Health Alert: Too Many Adults Have High Blood Pressure. The American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) warn that too many Americans struggle with high blood pressure. Data presented by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reveals that 29% of Americans (75 million people) have high blood pressure, but only 54% have it under control. AAFP President Dr. John Meigs Jr. writes, “This finding is concerning because we know that high blood pressure and heart attacks or chronic heart failure are so closely related… Get your blood pressure checked. If you have high blood pressure, work with your doctor to treat it and lower your risk factors.” American Academy of Family Physicians, February 2017
Diet: Just Two Servings of Produce Per Day Increases Wellbeing. Among a sample of 171 young adults, those who consumed an extra two servings of produce per day for fourteen days reported an increase in psychological wellbeing that did not occur in participants who continued to eat their normal diet. PLOS ONE, February 2017
Exercise: Jump Some Rope. Jumping rope is an excellent way to get your heart pumping and burn some calories. The American Council on Exercise offers the following guidelines for jumping rope: hold the handles near the end of the rope, keeping your grip light; keep your elbows close to your body and relax your shoulders and bend your knees slightly; use your wrist to turn the rope, maintaining a smooth arc as you swing the rope over your head; keep your head up and your back straight, making sure not to round your back or shoulders; and reduce joint impact by jumping low.
American Council on Exercise, February 2017
Chiropractic: Obesity Increases Risk for Spinal Pain. After controlling for factors such as marital status, gender, age, smoking status, household income, health insurance coverage, educational attainment, and the use of health services for other major categories of diseases, an analysis of data concerning 23,048 adults indicates that obesity significantly increases the risk for lower back problems, as well as intervertebral disk disorder.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, February 2017
Wellness/Prevention: Smoking Increases Substance Abuse Relapse Risk. For substance abusers in recovery, those who continue to smoke or start smoking are at least twice as likely to relapse as those who don’t smoke. This suggest incorporating smoking cessation and prevention strategies into substance abuse treatment programs may lead to better outcomes.
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, February 2017
Quote: “The most important thing in life is to stop saying ‘I wish’ and start saying ‘I will.’ Consider nothing impossible, then treat possibilities as probabilities.” ~ David Copperfield
I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.
Weekly Health Update from your Napa Chiropractor
Mental Attitude: Driving May Suffer Even After Concussion Symptoms Fade. Concussion patients may still have difficulty driving, even after their symptoms disappear. Researchers tested fifteen college-aged participants in a driving simulator within 48 hours of reporting they no longer felt the effects of their concussions and found that despite the participants feeling like they had recovered, they continued to have problems controlling their vehicle and staying within their lane.
Journal of Neurotrauma, February 2017
Health Alert: Calcium Buildup in Arteries Among Young May Signal Cardiovascular Problems. Researchers performed CT scans and collected data on more than 3,000 men and women with an average age of 40 and found that individuals with any calcified plaque in their arteries had a five times greater risk for cardiovascular problems. Furthermore, these individuals had a three times increased risk for a heart attack or stroke. Northwestern University’s Dr. Philip Greenland comments, “The fact that arterial blockages can occur in such young adults reinforces the need for much younger people—like teenagers and 20- to 30-year-olds—to follow healthy exercise and eating habits and not smoke.” JAMA Cardiology, February 2017
Diet: Following a Healthy Diet. The American Heart Association advises the following tips for eating well without dieting or feeling hungry: follow a simple, nutritious eating plan and avoid fad diets; shrink portion sizes instead of quitting your favorite treats; bulk up on foods high in fiber, such as whole grains, fruit, vegetables, and legumes; and avoid the temptation to consume a high-sugar beverages or other foods with empty calories by keeping them out of your home.
American Heart Association, February 2017
Exercise: Brief Intense Stair Climbing Boosts Fitness. Not having enough time to exercise is no longer an excuse to not get fit. This study included 31 sedentary healthy women who performed brief ten-minute stair climbing routines three times per week for six weeks. The routines involved quick bursts of vigorous stair climbing separated by short periods of recovery. Despite achieving a total of only 30 total minutes of exercise a week, the participants experienced increased cardiorespiratory fitness—an important healthy marker linked to longevity. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, February 2017
Chiropractic: Hip Issues Common in Low Back Pain Sufferers. In a recent study, over one-hundred back pain patients received a physical examination and completed questionnaires on spinal pain, hip pain, and physical function. The findings revealed that hip dysfunction is common in patients presenting with low back pain, and patients with both low back pain and positive hip examination findings tend to have more pain and disability than those with low back pain but without hip issues. Doctors of chiropractic can effectively treat both low back pain and hip pain while improving overall musculoskeletal function.
The Journal of Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therapy, February 2017
Wellness/Prevention: You Can Reduce Stress. The American Academy of Family Physicians offers these stress reducing suggestions: exercise regularly; eat nutritious meals; get plenty of sleep; stretch, breathe deeply, or practice relaxation training; move past things that are out of your control, and don’t sweat the small stuff; prepare as much as possible for upcoming challenges; maintain a positive attitude; find a friend or relative to talk to about what you’re feeling; don’t overburden yourself, and don’t be afraid to say “no” when necessary; establish realistic goals; and make time for fun.
American Academy of Family Physicians, February 2017
Quote: “The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.” ~ Audrey Hepburn
I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.
Weekly Health Update from your Napa Chiropractor
Mental Attitude: Sleep Is Important for Motivation. Adequate sleep is a key component to achieving goals, such as healthier eating, more exercise, quitting smoking, improving relationships, or getting ahead at work. According to Dr. Cathy Goldstein, a sleep specialist at the University of Michigan, individuals who don’t get enough sleep are less likely to feel motivated to exercise or stick to their no-smoking plan and more likely to be in a bad mood, be less productive at work, eat unhealthy foods, and overeat. University of Michigan, February 2017
Health Alert: Obstetric Complications May Increase the Risk for Autism. Complications that occur later in pregnancy or during delivery may increase a child’s risk for autism spectrum disorder (ASD). An analysis of health records of almost 600,000 children showed that those who faced complications during the third trimester had a 22% greater risk for ASD, while those who experienced a complication during delivery had a 10% higher risk for the disorder. Furthermore, children experiencing complications both before birth and during delivery had a 44% greater risk of being diagnosed with autism than kids who did not face these problems. American Journal of Perinatology, January 2017
Diet: Improving Diet Can Help Depression. Deakin University researchers assigned adults with major depressive disorder to either social support or support from a clinical dietician in an effort to assess if dietary changes would help combat depression. The dietary group received guidance on how to improve the quality of their current diet, with a focus on increasing the intake of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, fish, lean red meats, olive oil, and nuts, while reducing the consumption of unhealthy sweets, refined cereals, fried food, fast-food, processed meats, and sugary beverages. At the end of the three-month trial, about 30% of participants in the dietary support group met criteria for remission of major depression compared to only 8% in the social support group. The findings suggest that a quality diet can be a possible treatment approach for depression.
BMC Medicine, January 2017
Exercise: Aerobic Exercise Benefits Alzheimer’s Patients. Alzheimer’s disease patients who engaged in a six-month aerobic exercise regimen experienced improvements in their executive function skills, memory, and hippocampal brain volume. The findings suggest that aerobic exercise early in the course of the disease may slow its progression. PLOS ONE, February 2017
Chiropractic: Seating Position Affects Whiplash Risk. Most studies that seek to examine the effect of whiplash injuries on the cervical spine involve subjects seated with their back and head against the seatback and headrest. This study sought to identify what impact might result from the body leaning forwards ten degrees from the seatback and/or the head positioned twenty degrees away from the headrest—characteristics common to many drivers—at the time of collision. The research team found that leaning forwards increases the risk to the capsular ligaments while having both the body and head in a forward position results in a greater risk of cervical injury. This study underscores the importance of having the seat back and headrest properly adjusted, so the head is no greater than 1-2 inches from the headrest.
Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics, February 2017
Wellness/Prevention: Filter Your Water. Filtering your water is important because you can’t necessarily taste or see contaminated water. The Environmental Working Group recommends the following to obtain cleaner drinking water: research your local water supply for possible contaminants; look for a filter that can remove the contaminants in your water supply and fits your budget; and drink tap water out of a reusable water bottle made of stainless steel or BPA-free plastic if you’re on the go. Environmental Working Group, February 2017
Quote: “You are what you share.” ~ Charles W. Leadbeater
I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.