WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Napa Chiropractor, 2-22-2021

Health Alert: Esophageal Cancer Increasing Among Young Adults. Researchers report that the incidence of
esophageal adenocarcinoma has increased over the last 40 years, with the rate increasing fastest among patients
under the age of 50. Additionally, the research team reports that younger esophageal cancer patients were more
likely to be diagnosed with a more advanced stage of the cancer and their survival rates were lower than
patients aged 50 and up. Lead study author Dr. Don C. Codipilly adds, “Physicians must keep in mind that
[esophageal adenocarcinoma] is not a disease of the elderly, and that outcomes for young people with
[esophageal adenocarcinoma] are dismal… Our findings suggest that physicians should have a low threshold of
suspicion for patients who present with dysphagia (difficulty swallowing). While younger patients would
typically not be at high risk for [esophageal adenocarcinoma], they may benefit from an upper endoscopy.”
Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, December 2020
Diet: Avocados Benefit Your Gut Microbes. Among a group of 163 obese or overweight adults, researchers
observed that consuming one avocado a day led to an increase of microbes in the digestive system known to
break down fiber and support gut health. Journal of Nutrition, December 2020
Exercise: Tai Chi May Improve Mood, Energy, and Sleep. Older women who participated in a four-week
Tai Chi program reported improvements in vigor, mood, and sleep that persisted up to four weeks following the
conclusion of the intervention. Research in Sports Medicine, January 2021
Chiropractic: Back Pain Common in Nurses. Questionnaires completed by 256 nurses revealed that 44.5%
had experienced low back pain during the previous week and 80% had low back pain in the preceding year.
Acta Biomedica, November 2020
Mental Attitude: Late-Life Hypertension May Signal Increased Dementia Risk. While a history of high
blood pressure is a known risk factor for dementia, a recent study suggests that older adults who develop
hypertension late in life may be at an even higher risk for cognitive decline.
Frontiers in Neurology, November 2020
Wellness/Prevention: Vitamin D, Calcium, and Dysmenorrhea. Primary dysmenorrhea (PD) is a very
common gynecological disorder affecting 84.1% of women during childbearing age. The most common
symptoms of PD include tiredness, headache, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, and lower abdominal pain that can
radiate to both thighs and/or to the low back. The current research suggests that women with low vitamin D and
calcium levels may experience more severe PD symptoms. Obstetrics & Gynecology Science, January 2021
Quote: “Life is ten percent what happens to you and ninety percent how you respond to it.” ~ Lou Holtz

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Napa Chiropractor, 2-15-2021

Health Alert: Air Pollution Increases Kidney Disease Risk. Past research has shown that air pollution can
increase one’s risk for heart and lung disease. Now, an analysis of data concerning over 47,000 adults suggests
that increased exposure to fine particulate matter is also associated with an elevated risk for chronic kidney
disease. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, December 2020
Diet: Junk Food Could Be Causing Your Teen’s Sleep Problems. The World Health Organization reports
that teens who consume three or more soft drinks a day or eat fast food four or more times a week are up to 55%
more likely to have disturbed sleep than their peers who consume one or fewer soft drinks a day or fast food no
more than once a week, respectively. World Health Organization, December 2020
Exercise: Seniors Should Get Fit Before Surgery. The result of a recent experiment suggests that lifting
weights in the week preceding a surgical procedure can offset the amount of muscle loss that is often observed
in older adults following a week of post-surgical bed rest.
Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle, December 2020
Chiropractic: Ergonomic Intervention Helps Curb Musculoskeletal Pain. Prolonged exposure to awkward
positions is known to increase an office worker’s risk for musculoskeletal pain. A recent study found that office
employees experienced a reduction in pain intensity in the neck, shoulders, upper back, and hand/wrist
following an ergonomic assessment to identify and correct workstation configurations known to place
unnecessary stress on the body (desk too high/low, monitor not directly in front of user, monitor too high/low,
chair too high/low, etc.). Industrial Health, November 2020
Mental Attitude: Nearly 1 in 3 Teens May Have Internet Addiction. Questionnaires completed by over
27,000 teenagers revealed that 29% exhibit behaviors and symptoms suggesting addiction to the Internet. These
individuals were also more likely to engage in other unhealthy lifestyle behaviors such has inadequate fruit and
vegetable intake, lack of exercise, frequent consumption of sugary drinks and processed foods, and alcohol and
e-cigarette use. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, December 2020
Wellness/Prevention: Tips to Stay Healthy at Work. Experts at WebMD offer the following tips to stay
healthy in the workplace: avoid unhealthy snacks that your co-workers leave in the break room, drink eight to
ten glasses of water a day, try to implement more physical activity at work, eat a healthy lunch, improve work
posture and ergonomics, avoid eyestrain, take time off to refresh, avoid prolonged stretches of long workdays,
and disinfect your work area often. WebMD, December 2020
Quote: “Fortune favors the prepared mind.” ~ Louis Pasteur

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WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Napa Chiropractor, 2-8-2021

Health Alert: Is a Negative Personality Linked to Heart Attack Risk? Personality evaluations of 150
myocardial infarction patients revealed that these individuals were more likely to have a negative outlook on
life than the general population. Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine, September 2020
Diet: A Commonly Used Joint Supplement May Benefit the Heart? Using data from several United
Kingdom National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys, researchers found that individuals who took a
daily glucosamine supplement to support joint health had a 65% reduced risk for death due to cardiovascular
disease in the following decade. Though further research is necessary to understand the nature of the
relationship between glucosamine supplement use and improved heart health; however, they venture that
glucosamine may lower systemic inflammation in healthy individuals or that people who use these supplements
may take more care of their health and be healthier overall.
Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, December 2020
Exercise: Outdoor Winter Workout Ideas. During the colder months, the American Heart Association
recommends trying these outdoor activities to stay fit: brisk walking or hiking, jogging or running, raking
leaves, shoveling snow, ice skating, sledding, cross-country skiing, and snowshoeing. If it is too cold, there are
also plenty of indoor exercise choices as well. American Heart Association, November 2020
Chiropractic: Sacroiliac Adjustments Affect Pelvic Angles. Among a group of 100 adults with sacroiliac (SI)
joint dysfunction, researchers observed that a single adjustment of the SI joint resulted in measurable changes in
the pelvic angle. The study reveals that specific chiropractic adjustments can have a positive influence on the
pelvis to help correct anatomical alignment. Health SA Gesondheid, December 2020
Mental Attitude: Paternal Involvement and Later Behavioral and Emotional Issues. A review of data
concerning nearly 5,000 older teens in the United States revealed that those whose fathers were more involved
in their lives from ages 5 to 15 were less likely to have emotional and behaviors problems in late adolescence.
Social Service Review, December 2020
Wellness/Prevention: Tips for a Healthier Life. The United States Preventive Services Task Force offers
these simple steps to live a healthy life, prevent disease, increase longevity, and improve physical, mental, and
emotional health: get regular health screenings, don’t smoke, meet physical activity guidelines, eat a healthy
diet, maintain a healthy weight, and follow your doctor’s advice.
United States Preventive Services Task Force, December 2020
Quote: “There are years that ask questions and years that answer.” ~ Zora Neale Hurston

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Napa Chiropractor, 2-1-2021

Health Alert: Many Teens Are Driving While Impaired. A nationwide survey of over 6,800 teenagers
revealed that 13% had driven under the influence of marijuana in the previous month. Additionally, 5% reported
they had driven with alcohol in their system during the same time frame. JAMA Network Open, December 2020
Diet: Ultra-Processed Foods Pose Health Risks. Using data concerning over 22,000 participants from the
Moli-sani project, researchers report that a high intake of ultra-processed foods can increase an individual’s risk
for death due to cardiovascular disease by up to 58% in the following eight years.
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, December 2020
Exercise: Lower Body Strength in Children Is on the Decline. A review of data from national fitness
assessments conducted since 1960 revealed that performance on the standing broad jump test increased steadily
from 1960 to 1980, slowed in the 1990s, and has declined over the last two decades.
Sports Medicine, December 2020
Chiropractic: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Office Workers. Questionnaires completed by 969 office workers
under the age of 50 revealed that about one in five experience wrist and/or hand symptoms commonly
associated with carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). The researchers estimate that working without breaks can
increase the risk for hand and wrist symptoms by up to 88% and that taking frequent breaks could reduce the
incidence of CTS among office workers. BMC Public Health, January 2021
Mental Attitude: Many Teens Who Suffer a Concussion Return to Driving Too Soon. Interviews with 322
adolescent drivers who had sustained a concussion revealed that roughly a third made no changes to their
driving behavior and 1 in 5 returned to driving within two weeks. The findings suggest that roughly half of teen
drivers who sustain a concussion may be back on the road too soon, placing themselves, their passengers, other
drivers, and pedestrians at risk. Journal of Adolescent Health, December 2020
Wellness/Prevention: Protect Yourself from the Flu. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
recommends the following tips to protect yourself and others from the flu: avoid close contact with people who
are sick; stay home when you are sick; cover your month when coughing or sneezing; stay home when you are
sick; clean your hands; avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth; and practice other good health habits, such as
cleaning surfaces, eating healthy, drinking plenty of fluids, and exercising.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, December 2020
Quote: “Take chances, make mistakes. That’s how you grow.” ~ Mary Tyler Moore

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WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE form your Napa Chiropractor, 1-25-2021

Health Alert: Sleeping Pills Linked to Falls & Fractures in Dementia Patients. Researchers collected data
on over 27,000 dementia patients and found that those prescribed a high dosage of strong sleeping medications
such as zaleplon, zolpidem, zopiclone (so-called “Z-drugs”) had an elevated risk for a stroke, serious fall, and
fracture, especially hip fracture. Study author Dr. Chris Fox notes, “This research shows us that higher-dose Zdrugs should be avoided, if possible, in people living with dementia, and non-pharmacological alternatives
preferentially considered.” BMC Medicine, November 2020
Diet: Most Calories Teens Eat Come from Ultra-Processed Foods. Dietary assessments of 5,500 adolescents
revealed that nearly 66% of calories consumed by teenagers come from ultra-processed foods (such as chips,
cookies, candy, soft drinks, and read-to-eat products). American Heart Association, November 2020
Exercise: Quick Bursts of Exercise May Benefit Diabetics. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a form
of exercise that involves short intervals of near-maximal effort such as sprinting or stair climbing, separated by
intervals of moderate-intensity exercise, such as jogging or fast walking. A recent study found that type 2
diabetics may experience greater improvements in blood vessel function with HIIT than from longer duration,
less intense exercise. American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology, November 2020
Chiropractic: Common Manual Therapies Reduce Chronic Low Back Pain. The results from a recent study
that included ten chronic back pain patients showed that both high-velocity, low-amplitude manipulative
therapy and muscle energy technique are effective interventions for reducing pain and improving joint function.
Doctors of chiropractic often use a combination of manual therapy techniques, including the two used in this
study, to reduce pain and disability in patients with chronic low back pain.
South African Journal of Physiotherapy, October 2020
Mental Attitude: Depression Linked to Diabetes. An analysis of data concerning 30,360 middle aged and
older adults revealed that a diagnosis of depression may increase an individual’s risk for developing type 2
diabetes within the following seven years. Annals of Epidemiology, December 2020
Wellness/Prevention: Physical Problems Associated with Device Use in Kids. A survey of 569 elementary
school students revealed that one in four experience physical discomfort following prolonged electronic device
use with the most common complaints being headaches, neck/shoulder pain, back pain, and eye strain.
Medical Journal of Malaysia, November 2020
Quote: “There’s no such thing as failure – just waiting for success.” ~ John Osborne

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Napa Chiropractor, 1-18-2021

Health Alert: Many People May Not Recognize a Heart Attack. The top five most common heart attack
symptoms include chest pain/discomfort; shortness of breath; arm and shoulder pain and discomfort; feeling
weak, lightheaded, or faint; and jaw, neck, and back pain. A survey of 393 adults revealed that only 11.5%
recognized all five symptoms and the majority (71.65%) only recognized chest pain/discomfort as a possible
sign of heart attack. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, December 2020
Diet: Plant-Based Diet Boosts Metabolism? During a 16-week experiment, overweight/obese participants
who adopted a low-fat, plant-based diet that included fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes experienced
an 18.7% increased after-meal calorie burn, something that was not observed in individuals who ate their usual
diet. The members of the plant-based diet group also reported more significant drops in fat mass and visceral
fat. JAMA Network Open, November 2020
Exercise: Walking Benefits the Hearts of Postmenopausal Women. In a study that looked at a decade of data
concerning over 83,000 middle aged and older females, researchers observed that the more steps a participant
averaged per day, the lower her risk for high blood pressure. Hypertension, November 2020
Chiropractic: How to Reduce Work-Related Injuries. Work-related musculoskeletal conditions are
unfortunately too common among workers in nearly all industries. The Icahn School of Medicine at Mount
Sinai offers the following tips to help reduce work-related injuries: modify your work to reduce the amount of
reaching and bending you perform daily; avoid slouching and bending in awkward positions; include stretching
and movement to strengthen your posture while working; reduce repetitive or prolonged activities when
possible; take frequent breaks during your shift; and remember to use proper mechanics when lifting.
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, November 2020
Mental Attitude: Two Foods That May Reduce Risk for Early-Onset Dementia. A comparison of diet
assessments of 54 recently diagnosed early-onset dementia (EOD) patients and 54 cognitively healthy
individuals revealed that a diet rich in leafy green vegetables and fish may be associated with a reduced risk for
EOD. Nutrients, November 2020
Wellness/Prevention: Low Sodium Diet May Lower Risk for Stomach Cancer. The current research
suggests that adopting a low-sodium diet can reduce a middle-aged adult’s risk for gastric cancer by up to 24%.
Cancer Medicine, December 2020
Quote: “Those who try to obliterate the past are injuring the present.” ~ Helen Dunmore

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Napa Chiropractor, 1-11-2021

Health Alert: Vitamin D Supplementation May Lower Acute Respiratory Infection Risk. A review of
findings from 42 published studies found that consuming a daily 400-1000 IU vitamin D supplement may
reduce an individual’s risk for acute respiratory infection by up to 30%. medRxiv, November 2020
Diet: Processed Fats and Sugars Increase Muscle Pain. Researchers observed that switching the diet of mice
to one rich in either highly processed sugars or fats led to increased excitability of the muscle nerves and
resulting muscle pain. The findings suggest that reducing the intake of highly processed foods may benefit
patients with muscle pain. Nutrients, October 2020
Exercise: Benefits of Strength Training. The American Cancer Society notes the following benefits for
strength training: increased muscle mass, stronger bones, improved joint flexibility, increased metabolism, and
improved balance. American Cancer Society, November 2020
Chiropractic: Dizziness? It Could Be the Neck. Dizziness can have a number of potential causes, but one that
often goes unidentified is dysfunction in the neck, particularly in the upper cervical spine. A recent article in the
Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation notes that once vestibular and cardiovascular pathologies have been ruled
out, patients with ongoing dizziness issues should be evaluated for cervical disorders. Doctors of chiropractic
are trained to evaluate the cervical spine and to restore normal motion using a combination of manual therapies
and specific exercise recommendations. Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation, October 2020
Mental Attitude: Disasters Increase Suicides. According to a new study, an individual’s risk for suicide can
increase up to 23% following a natural disaster, and the elevated suicide risk can persist for up to two years. The
findings reveal that more mental health resources are needed to address challenges that arise after a disaster and
that these services should be extended for a longer period of time following a disaster.
Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention, November 2020
Wellness/Prevention: Problems with Sleep Only Accelerate Other Troubles… Using data from the SNACK study, researchers report that older adults with moderate-to-severe sleep disturbances will likely accumulate
chronic neuropsychiatric and musculoskeletal conditions at a faster rate than seniors with good sleep hygiene.
The authors of the analysis conclude that the early detection and treatment of sleep difficulties may present
itself as a possible strategy to reduce the risk for chronic multimorbidity in the older population.
BMC Medicine, December 2020
Quote: “Who overcomes by force, hath overcome but half his foe.” ~ John Milton

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Napa Chiropractor, 1-4-2021

Health Alert: Sedentary Behavior Increases the Risk of Heart Failure in Women. An analysis of health and
lifestyle data of nearly 81,000 postmenopausal women found that spending less than 6.5 hours a day engaged in
sedentary activities can cut the risk for hospitalization for heart failure by over 40%.
Circulation: Heart Failure, November 2020
Diet: Adding Dried Fruit Equals Better Diet and Health Markers. Researchers analyzed data on over
25,000 participants in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey and found that people who
regularly consumed dried fruit were more likely to eat a healthy diet and less likely to be overweight or
hypertensive. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, October 2020
Exercise: Exercise May Help Keep the Mind Sharp. An evaluation of data from the Korean Longitudinal
Study of Aging revealed that middle aged and older adults who regularly exercised scored higher on
assessments of orientation, attention, memory, and language than non-exercisers.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, November 2020
Chiropractic: Headaches and the Neck. For patients with headaches that originate in the neck, also known as
cervicogenic headaches, a combination of manual therapies and specific exercise recommendations can be
effective for reducing headache frequency and intensity. Past research suggests that up to 4% of the general
population and up to one-in-six chronic headache sufferers may be affected by cervicogenic headaches.
StatPearls, August 2020
Mental Attitude: Cognitive Impairment and Balance and Walking Ability. Assessments of 90 older adults
revealed that those with either mild cognitive impairment or early dementia exhibited differences in gait and
balance compared to participants with normal cognitive function. The findings suggest that changes in walking
ability and balance may help healthcare providers identify patients who may be experiencing cognitive decline,
possibly before other symptoms are present.
European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, December 2020
Wellness/Prevention: Smoking Causes Half of Bladder Cancer Cases! The current research notes that
smoking is the strongest risk factor for bladder cancer, accounting for roughly half of bladder cancer cases.
Furthermore, there’s no evidence to suggest that electronic cigarettes reduce this risk.
Spanish Archive of Urology, December 2020
Quote: “In order to achieve anything you must be brave enough to fail.” ~ Kirk Douglas

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Napa Chiropractor, 12-28-2020

Health Alert: Smog Linked to Parkinson’s & Alzheimer’s Risk. New research suggests that even small increases
in fine particulate matter air pollution where an individual lives can lead to an elevated risk for a first hospital
admission for conditions such as Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease.
The Lancet Planetary Health, October 2020
Diet: Omega-3 Fatty Acids May Improve Prognosis Following Heart Attack. Among a group of 944 consecutive
acute myocardial infarction patients, researchers observed that those with higher omega-3 fatty acid serum levels
were less likely to experience major adverse cardiovascular events, readmission for cardiovascular causes, or death
from any cause in the following three years. The findings suggest that a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids may offer
cardioprotective benefits. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, November 2020
Exercise: Short Sleep May Impair Physical Function in Seniors. Grip strength is often used in scientific research
as an indicator of physical function/fitness. Assessments of 121 older adults revealed an association between sleep
duration and stronger grip strength. The findings suggest that strategies to improve sleep in seniors could lead to
improved physical function. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, November 2020
Chiropractic: Forward Head Posture Linked to Chronic Headaches? A review of data from twelve published
studies found that chronic primary headache patients were more likely to exhibit forward head posture than
individuals without a history of headache. The findings suggest that abnormal cervical posture could play a role in
the headache process. Doctors of chiropractic are trained to identify forward head posture and prescribe corrective
exercises. Pain Medicine, October 2020
Mental Attitude: Pregnancy-Related ADHD Risk Factors… An analysis of data from 35 published studies
identified evidence that the following are associated with an elevated risk for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
(ADHD) in children: maternal pre-pregnancy obesity; pre-eclampsia; smoking during pregnancy; and maternal
acetaminophen use during pregnancy. Lancet Psychiatry, November 2020
Wellness/Prevention: Uterine Fibroids Common for Women. Uterine fibroids are common noncancerous
growths that usually appear during childbearing years. Common signs and symptoms include heavy menstrual
bleeding, menstrual periods that last longer than a week, pelvic pressure or pain, frequent urination, difficulty
emptying the bladder, constipation, and back or leg pain. If you suffer from these symptoms you should contact your
healthcare provider for an evaluation and treatment options. Mayo Clinic, October 2020
Quote: “When you see a roadblock or challenge as an opportunity, it is amazing how you are already halfway
there.” ~ Frances Hesselbein
I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Napa Chiropractor, 12-21-2020

Health Alert: Asthma Meds Weaken Bones? Researchers have identified a potential link between oral
corticosteroid usage by patients with asthma and an elevated risk for osteoporosis and serious bone fractures.
Thorax, October 2020
Diet: High Flavanol Diet May Lower Blood Pressure. Evaluations of health and diet data concerning over 25,000
adults revealed that those with the highest intake of flavanols—compounds found in many fruits and vegetables, as
well as wine, tea, and chocolate, that have antioxidant properties—had a blood pressure reading 2 to 4 mmHg lower
than those who consumed the lowest amount of flavanols. Scientific Reports, October 2020
Exercise: Exercising One Arm Can Benefit the Other. New research suggests that if an arm becomes
immobilized due to injury, it can lose up to 28% of its muscle mass within four weeks. However, a recent
experiment found that performing eccentric exercises with the opposite arm could significantly reduce muscle loss in
the affected extremity. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Sports Science, September 2020
Chiropractic: Spinal Pain in High School Students. Examinations of 273 teenagers revealed that about one in six
(16.12%) had spinal pain. Further analysis showed the following characteristics are associated with an elevated risk
for spinal pain in teens: physical inactivity, obesity, central adiposity, and misalignment of the lumbar spine. Doctors
of chiropractic often approach spinal pain in adolescents with a combination of manual therapies, specific exercises,
and healthy lifestyle advice. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, October 2020
Mental Attitude: Healthcare Usage in Early Infancy May Signal Autism, ADHD Risk. A review of the
electronic health records of nearly 30,000 children revealed an association between an increased frequency of doctor
and hospital visits during the first year of life and a later diagnosis of either autism spectrum disorder or attentiondeficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Lead author Dr. Matthew Engelhard adds, “This study provides evidence that
children who develop autism and ADHD are on a different path from the beginning… We have known that children
with these diagnoses have more interactions with the healthcare system after they’ve been diagnosed, but this
indicates that distinctive patterns of utilization begin early in these children’s lives. This could provide an
opportunity to intervene sooner.” Scientific Reports, October 2020
Wellness/Prevention: Cancer Screenings May Encourage a Healthier Lifestyle. An analysis of data from five
published studies revealed that individuals are more receptive to lifestyle interventions on the importance of a
healthy diet and exercise following a colorectal and breast cancer screening.
Cancer Causes & Control, November 2020
Quote: “Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.” ~ Will Rogers
I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.

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