WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Napa Chiropractor 1-15-2018

Mental Attitude: Premature Babies and Stress for Fathers… In this study, researchers followed 86 parents of
premature babies and found that both mothers and fathers had high levels of the stress hormone cortisol in their saliva
while their infant was in the hospital. However, the research team observed that after their baby came home, maternal
cortisol levels stabilized while stress hormone levels increased in the fathers. Lead author Dr. Craig Garfield explains,
“Dad goes from a situation where the baby and mom are cared for by experts in the hospital to having to simultaneously
care for his baby, partner and work. He is supposed to be the ‘rock’ for his partner but the stress can really set in.” The
findings suggest that more emphasis should be placed on making fathers of premature babies comfortable and confident
with their child. Journal of Perinatal and Neonatal Nursing, December 2017
Health Alert: Vaping May Lead to Smoking Among Teens. Surveys completed by 800 high school students revealed
that teens who have used an e-cigarette during the previous month are at least four times more likely to smoke a cigarette
in the near future. Pediatrics, December 2017
Diet: Too Much Takeout Food Bad for Kids’ Health. In a new study, researchers monitored the eating habits and health
of more than 1,900 children and found that those who regularly consumed takeout food typically had higher levels of
body fat and blood cholesterol than those who usually ate meals prepared at home.
Archives of Disease in Childhood, December 2017
Exercise: Exercise Can Change Gut Microbes. Researchers have discovered the first definitive evidence that exercise
can change gut microbial composition independent of diet. In the study, researchers followed 18 lean and 14 obese
sedentary adults for six weeks while they maintained their normal diet. A comparison of pre- and post-study fecal samples
revealed increases in concentrations of short-chain fatty acids, which promote healthy intestinal cells, reduce
inflammation, and generate energy. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, November 2017
Chiropractic: Improving Thoracic Posture Improves Lung Function. This case study involved the non-surgical
treatment of a 33-year-old male patient with straight back syndrome (lack of normal curve of the spine) using spinal
traction and postural correction. After 16 weeks, the patient experienced a ten-degree improvement in thoracic spine
curvature, a reduction in back pain, improved breathing, and a greater than two liter increase in lung capacity. The authors
note this case study illustrates that non-surgical improvement of thoracic curvature is possible and can positively influence
lung capacity, health, and function. Journal of Physical Therapy Science, November 2017
Wellness/Prevention: Preventing Norovirus Infection. Every year, the highly-contagious norovirus causes up to 21
million illnesses, about 70,000 hospitalizations, and up to 800 deaths in the United States alone. This virus in known to
cause vomiting and diarrhea, and often lurks in confined areas. To help protect yourself from the norovirus, the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention recommends the following: wash your hands often with soap and water; prepare food
safely; disinfect surfaces that may be contaminated by someone who is sick; and wash laundry with hot water, especially
if clothing is stained with contaminated fluids or waste. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, December 2017
Quote: “Those who stand for nothing fall for everything.” ~ Alexander Hamilton

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Napa Chiropractor 1-8-2018

Mental Attitude: Anemia Increases Dementia Risk. Using data from the Korean National Health Insurance Service-
National Health Screening Cohort database, researchers found that seniors with mild-to-moderate anemia have about a 19-
47% increased risk for developing dementia. Additionally, the research team also observed that patients with severe
anemia have a nearly six-times greater risk for developing dementia when compared to their peers with no history of iron
deficiency. Alzheimer’s Research & Therapy, December 2017
Health Alert: Diet May Help Epileptics When Medications Fail… The ketogenic diet is a very low-carb, high-fat diet
that seeks to place the body into a metabolic state in which it becomes more efficient at burning fat for energy. In this
study, researchers found that nearly two-thirds of kids with epilepsy on the ketogenic diet successfully controlled their
seizures. This is an important finding since experts estimate that only about 30% of individuals with epilepsy respond to
traditional medicines. Dr. James Wheless, a spokesman for the American Epilepsy Society said, “Although medical
therapy is our mainstay for treatment, ketogenic dietary therapy can be a very effective option.”
American Epilepsy Society, December 2017
Diet: Eat More Fruits and Veggies! Compared to individuals with healthy blood sugar levels, the average patient with
prediabetes consumes fewer servings of fruits and vegetables in their diet. This finding suggests that eating a produce-rich
diet can help individuals better control their blood sugar. European Journal of Nutrition, December 2017
Exercise: Reducing Sitting Time Among Office Workers. In a recent study, investigators examined the impact of a
workplace intervention that addressed organizational, physical environment, and individual behavioral changes to help
reduce sitting time among employees in an office setting. The approach led to a significant reduction in sitting time during
work hours and throughout the day—improvements that persisted for up to a year. The findings confirm that it’s possible
for workplace interventions to reduce sitting time among generally sedentary employees.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, September 2017
Chiropractic: Are Heel Pain and Back Pain Linked? That annoying heel pain today may lead to future low back pain
and disability. A recent study set out to compare the prevalence of low back pain among patients with and without heel
pain and found that those with heel pain were more likely to have back pain than participants without heel pain. The
researchers also found a link between reduced foot/ankle function and higher lower back disability. The findings suggest
that evaluating foot/ankle function in patients with back pain may result in better treatment outcomes.
Foot, September 2017
Wellness/Prevention: Daily Multivitamin May Reduce Cardiovascular Risk. Among a group of 1,708 heart attack
survivors, those given a high-dose multivitamin, multi-mineral supplement had a 54% reduced risk for a poor
cardiovascular outcome when compared with participants who consumed a placebo. This finding surprised researchers
who will repeat this experiment with a larger pool of participants in the future. American Heart Journal, January 2018
Quote: “Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” ~ T.S. Eliot

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Napa Chiropractor 1-1-2018

Mental Attitude: Marriage Reduces Dementia Risk. Compared with those who are married, lifelong singles and
widowers have a 20-42% increased risk for developing dementia. The researchers behind this finding recommend,
“Dementia prevention in unmarried people should focus on education and physical health and should consider the
possible effect of social engagement as a modifiable risk factor.”
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, November 2017
Health Alert: Noisy Commutes Pose Dangers. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, exposure to noise at
114 decibels for more than four seconds can harm hearing. In a new study, researchers explored the impact of noise
exposure among commuters who used subways, trams, buses, and other forms of public transportation. The research team
was surprised to find that commuters were often exposed to short bursts of noise levels above 114 decibels. The findings
are concerning, as chronic excessive noise exposure is known to not only contribute to hearing loss, but can also lead to
other health issues, such as depression, anxiety, increased risk of chronic diseases, and increased accident risk.
Journal of Otolaryngology—Head & Neck Surgery, November 2017
Diet: Poor Dietary Behaviors May Impact Well-Being. Korean researchers surveyed 65,212 students and found that
those with a greater intake of soft drinks, sugary drinks, and fast food were more likely to report lower scores in regards to
sleep quality, happiness, and overall health. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, November 2017
Exercise: Do Females Have a Superior Aerobic System? In a small study involving 18 men and women, researchers
found that female bodies are more efficient at delivering oxygen to the muscles. Researcher Dr. Richard Hughson
explains, “We found that women’s muscles extract oxygen from the blood faster, which, scientifically speaking, indicates
a superior aerobic system.” Lead author Dr. Thomas Beltrame adds, “The findings are contrary to the popular assumption
that men’s bodies are more naturally athletic.” Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, June 2017
Chiropractic: Does Spinal Manipulation Have an Anti-Inflammatory Effect? In this study, participants with acute or
chronic low back pain received a series of six high-velocity, low-amplitude manipulative thrusts on alternate days for two
weeks. At the end of the study, the participants not only reported a decrease in pain and perceived disability, but blood
tests also showed a significant decrease in chemotactic cytokines—proteins associated with inflammation. High-velocity,
low-amplitude manipulation is commonly performed by doctors of chiropractic for the treatment of back pain and neck
pain. Clinical Journal of Pain, January 2018
Wellness/Prevention: A Little Weight Loss May Reduce Breast Cancer Risk. A review of data on more than 61,000
postmenopausal women from a long-term study suggests that it’s never too late to lose weight to reduce the risk of breast
cancer. The review revealed that a 5% or greater weight loss among post-menopausal women lowered their odds for
developing breast cancer by about 12%, while losing 15% or more of their body weight cut their breast cancer risk by up
to 37%. Lead study author Dr. Rowan Chlebowski adds, “A modest weight loss that seems to be sustainable could have
important health consequence.” San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, December 2017
Quote: “Time is what we want most, but what we use worst.” ~ William Penn

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Napa Chiropractor 12-25-2017

Mental Attitude: Low Vitamin D Levels Make Stress More Difficult to Manage. Previous studies have noted that
vitamin D deficiency increases one’s risk for a number of negative health outcomes. Now, a new study involving mice
indicates that vitamin D deficiency also makes it more difficult to cope with stress. In the study, researchers fed mice
either a normal diet or a vitamin D-poor diet for ten weeks before exposing them to stressful situations. The research team
observed that the vitamin D-deficient mice had a greater vulnerability to stress, suggesting that vitamin D plays a role in
the stress response. Psychoneuralendocrinology, December 2017
Health Alert: Belly Fat Increases Emergency Surgery Issues. An analysis of the health records of 600 patients who
had emergency surgery showed that those with excess belly fat were five-times more likely to experience complications
and eight-times more likely to die than slimmer patients. The findings are important, as two thirds of Americans are
currently overweight or obese. American College of Surgeons, October 2017
Diet: Western Diet May Increase Risk of Diabetes. In a recent study involving rodents, researchers observed that a
high-fat diet could cause blood vessel damage and increased blood pressure—symptoms common in diabetics—within a
short period of time. Researcher Dr. Maria Alicia Carrillo Sepulveda writes, “Our findings suggest that short-term
exposure to the western diet can put individuals at risk for developing vascular damage long before the tell-tale signs of
diabetes are present. This may explain why some diabetics who successfully manage their blood glucose still experience
other cardiovascular diseases, like hypertension, even while receiving treatment.”
New York Institute of Technology, October 2017
Exercise: College Students Who Exercise Drink Less Alcohol. A new study that evaluated the lifestyles of 132
university students found a link between increased physical fitness and reduced alcohol consumption. This suggests that
programs aimed at encouraging increased physical activity could reduce alcohol consumption among college students.
Journal of Behavioral Medicine, December 2017
Chiropractic: Metabolic Syndrome Common Among Workers with Back Pain. Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of
conditions that includes high blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist, and abnormal cholesterol
or triglyceride levels that occur together, increasing one’s risk for diabetes, stroke, and heart disease. A recent study
involving 656 healthcare workers who experienced an episode of lower back pain in the previous year found that those
with metabolic syndrome reported higher levels of disability related to their back pain. The findings suggest that
addressing metabolic syndrome may be an effective way to reduce disability due to low back pain.
International Journal of Occupation of Medical Environmental Health, November 2017
Wellness/Prevention: Healthier Lifestyle May Reduce Breast Cancer Risk in Women with Higher Genetic Risk.
Previous research indicates that women with the BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene mutations have an elevated risk for developing
breast cancer. A pilot study involving 68 BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation carriers indicates that the incidence of breast cancer
is lower among those who regularly exercise and refrain from smoking. The research team recommends a larger scale
study to confirm their findings. Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics, December 2017
Quote: “We all die. The goal isn’t to live forever, the goal is to create something that will.” ~ Chuck Palahniuk

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE form your Napa Chiropractor 12-18-2017

Mental Attitude: Spanking May Heighten Adult Mental Health Issues. The results of a new survey suggest that
individuals who were spanked as children face a greater risk for certain mental health problems later in life. The survey,
which included over 8,300 adults, revealed that 55% were spanked during childhood at least a few times each year. Those
who were spanked were 37% more likely to have attempted suicide and about 30% more likely to have abused drugs
during their lives. The findings add to previous research showing both the physical and mental health dangers of this form
of discipline. Researcher Dr. Andrew Grogan-Kaylor adds, “And there’s almost no literature suggesting spanking has
positive effects.” Child Abuse & Neglect, September 2017
Health Alert: 20% of Americans Still Use Tobacco. A government study has found that nearly one in five adults in the
United States still smoked tobacco in 2015. According to experts, smoking kills about 480,000 Americans each year and
more than 16 million people in the United States live with diseases caused by smoking. The report reveals the need for
more action to reduce tobacco use and its associated health consequences.
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, November 2017
Diet: Menus with Calories Appear to Be Paying Off. Since the implementation of regulations and laws requiring many
restaurants around the United States to include caloric information next to menu items, researchers have found that calorie
counts per menu item have dropped an average of 15 calories and diners have consumed an average of 27 fewer calories
per meal—with overweight restaurant goers cutting 83 calories from their average meal! Lead researcher Dr. Natalina
Zlatevska writes, “In the same way that corporate or financial disclosure changes behavior, here we see the disclosure
effect changing the food environment.” Journal of Retailing, November 2017
Exercise: Aerobic Exercise May Benefit OCD Patients. Patients under care for obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
who participated in a twelve-week supervised aerobic exercise program achieved greater improvements in regards to OCD
symptom severity, depression, and anxiety than patients who simply attended health education classes. The authors of the
study conclude, “The results of this preliminary study suggest that exercise and health-focused interventions may be
beneficial adjuncts to existing OCD treatment.” General Hospital Psychiatry, November 2017
Chiropractic: Musculoskeletal Problems Common in Construction Workers. A recent systematic review investigated
the prevalence of musculoskeletal symptoms among construction workers and found that within a given year, more than
half (51.1%) could expect to experience an episode of lower back pain. Other common conditions experienced each year
by construction workers include knee pain (37.2%), shoulder pain (32.4%), wrist pain (30.4%), neck pain (24.4%),
ankle/foot pain (24.0%), elbow pain (20.3%), upper back pain (19.8%), and hip/thigh pain (15.1%).
International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, October 2017
Wellness/Prevention: Self-Driving Cars Might Save Lives. The RAND Corporation reports that the introduction of
self-driving cars that are just 10% safer than human-driven cars could save hundreds of thousands of lives over the next
15 to 30 years. RAND Corporation report, November 2017
Quote: “You can only be afraid of what you think you know.” ~ Jiddu Krishnamurti

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Napa Chiropractor 12-11-2017

Mental Attitude: Living in a Bad Neighborhood Linked to Cognitive Decline… After controlling for individual
factors, French researchers report that older women living in deprived neighborhoods appear to have a 1.29-times greater
risk for dementia and a 1.42-times increased risk for Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s & Dementia, November 2017
Health Alert: Vitamin D Deficiency Increases Alzheimer’s Risk. Poor vitamin D levels have been linked with a
number of negative health outcomes. Now, a new study indicates that seniors with deficient vitamin D levels may have an
elevated risk for Alzheimer’s disease. The study used data from the French Three-City Bordeaux study concerning 916
non-demented seniors whom researchers followed for twelve years. They found that participants who consistently had
deficient vitamin D blood levels had a 2.85-times greater risk for Alzheimer’s disease than those who maintained
adequate vitamin D levels. Alzheimer’s & Dementia, November 2017
Diet: A Healthier Diet Could Reduce Pancreatic Cancer Risk for Some Women. In this study, researchers advised
over 46,000 overweight and obese women, aged 50 to 79, who normally consumed a high-fat diet to either eat less fat and
more fruits, vegetables, and grains or continue their normal diet. Fifteen years later, they found the women who received
education about eating a healthier diet had a 17% lower risk for developing pancreatic cancer than those who continued to
maintain a high-fat diet. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, November 2017
Exercise: Walk Your Way to Fitness. According to experts from the Mayo Clinic, regular brisk walking can help one
maintain a healthy weight; prevent or manage various chronic diseases, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and
type 2 diabetes; strengthen bones and muscles; improve one’s mood; and improve one’s balance and coordination. They
add that the faster, further, and more frequent you walk, the greater the benefits you can achieve.
Mayo Clinic, November 2017
Chiropractic: Musculoskeletal Pain Is a Major Problem for Surgeons! An analysis of data provided by 312 surgeons
found that neck pain was the most common musculoskeletal complaint among respondents, followed by neck pain
(45.8%), back pain (42.3%), and shoulder pain (40.1%). The research team also identified the these work-related risk
factors for musculoskeletal pain among surgeons: time spent performing surgeries per week (>25 hours per week),
duration of each surgery (> 3 hours), years spent as a surgeon (>10 years), and hours spent in a standing position each day
(>4 hours). Applied Ergonomics, February 2018
Wellness/Prevention: Oral Cancer Signs & Symptoms. Oral cancer accounts for about 3% of all cancer cases each year
and it is often diagnosed between the age of 55 and 64. According to the American Dental Association, oral cancer
symptoms may include the following: a mouth sore or irritation that doesn’t resolve within three weeks; red or white
patches; a lump, rough spot on usually smooth areas of the mouth; unexplained ear or throat trouble; and frequent
hoarseness while talking. If you have these symptoms, please contact your healthcare provider.
American Dental Association, November 2017
Quote: “If you believe you can, you might. If you know you can, you will.” ~ Steve Maraboli

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Napa Chiropractor 12-4-2017

Mental Attitude: Sleep Apnea May Increase Alzheimer’s Risk. Past research has linked the accumulation of amyloid
plaque in the brain with the development of Alzheimer’s disease. In this study, researchers analyzed spinal fluid samples
from 208 older men and women without dementia and found signs that indicated the presence of brain plaque in the
samples taken from those with sleep apnea. This concerns researchers, as some estimates indicate that half of the elderly
population suffers from sleep apnea of varying severity. The findings suggest that treating sleep apnea could help reduce
the risk for Alzheimer’s disease. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, November 2017
Health Alert: Waiting Just a Month to Remove Melanoma Can Be Deadly. An analysis of data regarding over
153,000 adults found that postponing surgical treatment for more than 29 days led to lower survival rates for those
diagnosed with stage 1 melanoma. Researcher Dr. Brian Gastman writes, “We saw significantly worse prognoses and
outcomes for those surgically treated after 30 days of stage I melanoma diagnosis. Knowing for certain that a more
expedient time to surgery to remove an early melanoma improves the chances of survival is a game-changer in treating
this life-threatening skin cancer.” Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, October 2017
Diet: Certain Foods May Help Reduce Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain. According to a new report in the Frontiers of
Nutrition, foods such as pomegranates, dried plums, whole grains, ginger, turmeric, and olive oil appear to reduce
inflammation, which may benefit patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Frontiers in Nutrition, November 2017
Exercise: Is Biking to Work as Effective as Leisure Time Exercise? In this study, researchers assigned 130 overweight
people to one of four groups: a cycling group, a moderate-intensity leisure-time exercise group, a high-intensity leisuretime
exercise group, and a control group that did not exercise. The cycling group rode an average of 8.7 miles (14 kg) per
day, the high-intensity group exercised about 35 minutes per day, and the moderate-intensity group exercised for around
55 minutes a day. After six months, the researchers calculated that the total energy expenditure was the same in all three
exercise groups and all exercise participants lost between 9-10 lbs (4.08-4.53 kg). The findings suggest the riding a bike to
work would be a time-effective solution to lose weight and become more physically active.
International Journal of Obesity, October 2017
Chiropractic: On-Site Chiropractic Care Could Benefit Employers. A recent report explored the benefits of
employing a chiropractor part-time to provide on-site wellness care for one day each week. The investigators found that
employees who utilized on-site chiropractic care had work absenteeism rates lower than industry norms.
Journal of Chiropractic Medicine, September 2017
Wellness/Prevention: Reducing UV Radiation Exposure. Excessive exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation is a
significant cause of skin cancer. To minimize exposure, the American Cancer Society suggests the following: stay in the
shade during the hours of 10 AM and 4 PM when UV rays are the strongest; wear sunscreen when outside at all times;
wear clothes that cover most of your skin; wear a wide brimmed hat to protect you head, neck, and face; and wear
sunglasses that are designed block dangerous UV rays. American Cancer Society, November 2017
Quote: “Laughter is a sunbeam of the soul.” ~ Thomas Mann

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.

Weekly Health Update from your Napa Chiropractor 11-27-2017

Mental Attitude: Vitamin D Levels May Affect Progress of Parkinson’s. In this study, researchers in the United Kingdom
followed 145 newly-diagnosed Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients for 36 months and found that those with poorer vitamin D
levels at baseline experienced more severe motor difficulties by the end of the study.
Journal of Parkinson’s Disease, October 2017
Health Alert: Working the Night Shift May Increase Your Waistline. An in-depth review of 28 studies revealed that, on
average, routinely working a night shift increases the risk of being overweight or obese by 29%. Connie Diekman, the director
of university nutrition at Washington University in St. Louis, believes that sleep disruption is to blame because it affects eating
habits and metabolism. She explains, “When people are awake when they should be sleeping, the hormones related to hunger
and satiety appear to be thrown off, resulting in changes in eating, changes in metabolism, and a tendency to eat more than we
need.” The findings should raise concerns, as 20% of the global workforce currently works at night.
Obesity Reviews, October 2017
Diet: Does Black Tea Boost Weight Loss? A new study involving mice has revealed that compounds found in black tea
increase the population of gut bacteria associated with lean body mass while reducing the presence of gut bacteria associated
with obesity. European Journal of Nutrition, October 2017
Exercise: How to Keep Running During Colder Months. When cold weather approaches, you don’t have to give up jogging
or head indoors to run on a treadmill. To keep your outdoor running on track in the chillier months, the American Podiatric
Medical Association recommends the following: wear warm, light-weight, moisture-wicking clothing to keep yourself warm
and dry, including a hat and gloves; shorten your running stride to increase stability and help prevent slipping on icy roads or
sidewalks; stretch before and after each run to make sure your muscles are warmed up; and wear warmer appropriate running
shoes that fit properly. American Podiatric Medical Association, October 2017
Chiropractic: Trigger Point Pain Linked to Childhood Migraines. Past research has demonstrated that dysfunction in the
neck may play a role in the migraine headache process. In this study, researchers applied manual pressure to trigger points and
non-trigger points in the trapezius muscle of 26 early adolescents with a history of migraines. Half of the subjects experienced a
migraine headache when pressure was applied to a trigger point and none reported a migraine when researchers targeted a nontrigger
point on the same muscle. The findings indicate that treatment aimed at resolving trigger points in the neck and upper
back may reduce the frequency and intensity of migraine headaches. Doctors of chiropractic commonly treat trigger points with
manual therapy techniques. European Journal of Pain, September 2017
Wellness/Prevention: Risk Factors for Sepsis. Bloodstream infections, known as sepsis, claim the lives of six million people
worldwide each year. To determine risk factors for this condition, Norwegian researchers reviewed records of nearly 2,000
sepsis patients and found that smoking, obesity, and an inactive lifestyle are a significant threat for blood poisoning. When these
factors are combined, individuals face nearly a five-times greater risk of sepsis than their non-smoking, normal-weight, and
active peers. International Journal of Epidemiology, October 2017
Quote: “Make the most of what you have and keep your standards high. Never settle for anything less than you deserve or are
capable of achieving.” ~ Roy T. Bennett

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.

Weekly Health Update from your Napa Chiropractor 11-20-2017

Mental Attitude: Is Divorce in Our Genes? Past studies have shown that children of divorced parents are usually more likely
to become divorced in adulthood, but why is that? Experts have speculated that this association is due to psychological and
social factors, but a new study that included nearly 20,000 adoptees found that these individuals had a similar divorce rate as
their biological parents but not their adoptive parents. Study author Dr. Jessica Salvatore notes her team’s findings suggest that
“[the] reason that the offspring of divorced parents are more likely to get divorced has to do with the genes that parents and
children share, rather than the experience of seeing [their] parents split up.” Psychological Science, October 2017
Health Alert: Cardiac Arrest Linked to Low Calcium. Sudden cardiac arrest is described as the abrupt, unexpected loss of
heart function, breathing, and consciousness, which usually results from an electrical disturbance in the heart that disrupts
normal pumping action and blood flow to the rest of the body. An analysis of data from the Oregon Sudden Unexpected Death
Study indicates that the risk of sudden cardiac arrest was 2.3 times greater for the individuals in the study who had the lowest
blood calcium levels compared to those with the highest calcium levels. The research team says its findings should be
interpreted with caution, and future research is needed to determine the relationship and to determine if controlling calcium
levels can reduce the risk of sudden cardiac arrest. Mayo Clinic Proceedings, October 2017
Diet: Too Much Sugar Raises Risk for Heart Disease. In a new study, researchers found that healthy participants who
consumed a high-sugar diet for just three months developed a fatty liver similar to that of individuals with non-alcoholic fatty
liver disease (NAFLD)—a condition associated with an increased risk for cardiovascular disease. Researcher Dr. Bruce Griffin
writes, “Our findings provide new evidence that consuming high amounts of sugar can alter your fat metabolism in ways that
could increase your risk of cardiovascular disease.” Clinical Science, October 2017
Exercise: Benefits of Aerobic Exercise. The Mayo Clinic lists the following benefits of aerobic exercise: reduces excess
weight; increases stamina; wards off illness; reduces the risk of heart disease and certain cancers; helps manage chronic
conditions such as high blood pressure; strengthens the heart; boosts mood; and helps you stay active and independent as you
age. Mayo Clinic, October 2017
Chiropractic: Jaw Pain and Sleep Trouble. Evaluations of 187 temporomandibular disorder (TMD) patients and 99 healthy
controls revealed that TMD patients generally score lower on sleep quality assessments. However, further analysis showed that
TMD patients with a history of whiplash tend to experience even greater sleep disturbances, which highlights the importance of
seeking appropriate care following a car accident, slip and fall, or sports collision when a whiplash injury may have been
sustained. Doctors of chiropractic frequently treat patients suffering from whiplash and TMD with a high degree of patient
satisfaction. Journal of Oral & Facial Pain and Headache, October 2017
Wellness/Prevention: Lung Cancer Prevention. Lung cancer screenings are important because lung cancer often lacks
symptoms in its earlies stages. The American Lung Association notes that low dose CT scans can help detect lung cancer in its
early stages when it’s easier to treat and though screening is not suitable for everyone, it is recommended for those at a greater
risk for developing the disease, such as smokers or those exposed to secondhand smoke or radon.
American Lung Association, October 2017
Quote: “Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but of playing a poor hand well.” ~ Robert Louis Stevenson
I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.

Weekly Health Update from your Napa Chiropractor 11-13-2017

Mental Attitude: Pre-Stroke Depression May Affect Recovery. Among a sample of 364 ischemic stroke survivors,
researchers found that those with a history of depression experienced worse function and cognitive outcomes.
Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, November 2017
Health Alert: Childhood Obesity Increasing Worldwide. According to a new study, the rate of childhood obesity has
massively increased around the world since 1975. Overall, researchers found that childhood obesity rates jumped from just
under 1% in the 1970s to nearly 6% for girls and almost 8% for boys in the present day, with rates at 20% or greater in the
United States, Egypt, and some Polynesian islands. This means that 50 million girls and 74 million boys around the world are
currently obese, which places them at risk for serious health problems both now and during adulthood. Study author Dr. Leanne
Riley writes, “The trends show that without serious, concerted action to address obesity… the health of millions of people will
be needlessly placed in great jeopardy, leading to immense human and economic costs to communities.”
The Lancet, October 2017
Diet: Lack of Vitamin K Could Harm Young Hearts. Not eating enough leafy green vegetables may take a toll on the heart
health of teens. In this study, researchers monitored the physical activity, diet, and heart health of 766 teens and found that those
who seldom ate vitamin k-rich foods, such as spinach and lettuce, had a three-times greater risk for an enlarged left ventricle (a
pumping chamber in the heart) than adolescents who regularly consumed leafy greens. An enlarged left ventricle increases the
risk for hypertension in adulthood and can lead to impaired heart function. Journal of Nutrition, October 2017
Exercise: A Little Bit of Exercise May Curb Risk of Depression… Norwegian researchers reviewed the exercise habits and
depression risk of 34,000 men and women and found that those who engaged in just an hour of exercise per week, of any
intensity, had a 44% lower risk for developing depression than did not exercise at all.
American Journal of Psychiatry, October 2017
Chiropractic: Musculoskeletal Pain Common Among Office Workers. The results of a questionnaire completed by 528
office workers indicate that such individuals frequently complain of neck pain (52.5%) and back pain (53%). Furthermore, the
researchers found that work environment variables that significantly affected musculoskeletal pain include sitting at the desk for
a long time, sitting on a chair that only supported the lumbar area and arms, having the computer mouse positioned a distance
from the keyboard, continuously looking down while working, holding the arms above the level of the desk, not exercising
daily, and having a stressful work environment. The study shows that improving ergonomics and reducing stress could
potentially lower the risk of musculoskeletal pain in the office environment.
International Journal of Occupational Medicine Environmental Health, October 2017
Wellness/Prevention: Symptoms of Prostate Cancer. Prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer among men.
Symptoms include the following: difficulty initiating urination; weak or interrupted urine flow; and frequent urination,
especially at night. Men who experience these symptoms should see their primary care provider as soon as possible.
Food and Drug Administration, October 2017
Quote: “Many persons have a wrong idea of what constitutes true happiness. It is not attained through self-gratification but
through fidelity to a worthy purpose.” ~ Helen Keller

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.

Rio Vista Chiropractor Site