Weekly Health Update from your Napa Chiropractor

Mental Attitude: Air Pollution and Parkinson’s Disease. Taiwanese researchers reviewed data concerning over a
million patients and found a link between regular exposure to particulate matter pollution and an increased risk for
Parkinson’s disease. PLOS ONE, August 2017
Health Alert: Alcohol Use and Abuse Increasing in the US. Rates of drinking and alcohol abuse are on the rise in
the United States (US). An analysis of data has found that the rate of alcohol use in the US increased from 65% in
2001-2002 to nearly 73% by 2012-2013. Furthermore, the prevalence of alcoholism rose from 8.5% to 13% in the
same time frame. The findings highlight the urgency to educate the public, policymakers, and healthcare
professionals about high-risk drinking and alcohol use disorders so that prevention and treatment strategies can be
implemented. JAMA Psychiatry, August 2017
Diet: Protein at All Meals Preserves Seniors’ Strength. Consuming protein at all three daily meals may help
seniors preserve their physical strength. Researchers tracked more than 1,700 seniors for three years and found that
those who included protein in every meal experienced fewer declines in hand, arm, and leg strength than participants
who ate protein less often. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, July 2017
Exercise: High-Intensity Interval Training May Reverse Frailty Among Seniors. Investigators studied the effect
of a ten-minute exercise program that included several high-intensity intervals on older, frail mice over the course of
sixteen weeks and found that these mice experienced dramatic improvements in grip strength, treadmill endurance,
gait speed, and muscle mass compared with mice in a control group. If these findings apply to human subjects, then
introducing seniors to this form of exercise may help them remain active and independent for longer.
Journal of Gerontology A, June 2017
Chiropractic: Can Reducing Pelvic Tilt Angle Reduce Back Pain? In this case study, a 56-year-old woman with
severe lower back pain and excessive lumbar lordosis performed an exercise three times a day aimed at reducing the
angle of her pelvis in relation to her spine. After two weeks, her anterior pelvic tilt angle had decreased, resulting in
a 50% reduction in her lower back pain. When examining a patient, doctors of chiropractic look at the whole patient,
as many times factors outside the immediate area of complaint—like their pelvic tilt angle—may contribute to the
patient’s pain and disability. Journal of Physical Therapy Science, July 2017
Wellness/Prevention: Kids Need Supervision While They Are Near Cars. Unsupervised children playing on or
near a road or driveway is a recipe for injury. To prevent a tragedy, Safe Kids Worldwide suggests the following:
walk around your car before you leave to make sure there are no children nearby; check for toys, bikes, or pets near
your car, which could attract children; and hold the hands of small children when you’re in a driveway, crossing the
road, or in a parking lot. Safe Kids Worldwide, August 2017
Quote: “We remember the past, live in the present, and write the future.” ~ Shaun David Hutchinson

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Napa region.

Weekly Health Update from your Napa Chiropractor

Mental Attitude: Does a Higher IQ Equal a Longer Life? Scottish researchers analyzed data on nearly 66,000 people who
were born in 1936 and discovered that those with a higher IQ test score in childhood had a 28% reduced risk of death from
respiratory disease, a 25% lower risk of death from heart disease, and a 24% reduced risk of death from stroke. The study also
showed that a higher IQ in childhood was significantly associated with a lower risk of death from injury, smoking-related
cancers, digestive disease, and dementia. Senior study author Dr. Ian Deary writes, “We don’t know yet why intelligence from
childhood and longevity are related, and we are keeping an open mind. Lifestyles, education, deprivation, and genetics may all
play a part.” BMJ, June 2017
Health Alert: Some Prostate Drugs May Cause Harm. A popular hormone-based medication for the treatment of an enlarged
prostate may increase men’s risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and/or stroke. A review of records of 460 men treated for
enlarged prostate at a single urologist’s office in Germany revealed that men taking the drug dutasteride for three years
developed higher blood sugar and cholesterol levels than men taking a prostate drug that does not affect male hormones.
Hormone Molecular Biology and Clinical Investigation, June 2017
Diet: Key Elements of Mediterranean Diet Important for Colorectal Health. The Mediterranean diet is characterized by a
high consumption of fruits, vegetables, fish, olive oil, and a moderate consumption of lean meats. In a new study, researchers
examined 808 patients undergoing screening or diagnostic colonoscopies and found that the diets of the patients with advanced
polyps contained fewer elements of the Mediterranean diet. When the research team adjusted for other risk factors associated
with colorectal cancer, they found that increased fish and fruit consumption and a low intake of soft drinks may reduce the risk
of advanced polyps. ESMO 19th World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer, June 2017
Exercise: Exercise May Be the Key to Becoming More Successful. Exercise is known to protect against several diseases,
such as diabetes and stroke. Now, a new study suggests that exercise helps people socialize and accomplish more. Researchers
recruited 179 college students and asked them to record each time they exercised during a 21-day span. The investigators found
that students tended to participate in more social and achievement-oriented activities on days they exercised than on days when
they did not engage in physical activity. Personality and Individual Differences, March 2017
Chiropractic: Scoliosis Associated with Neck Pain. Knowledge is sparse regarding neck problems in patients with idiopathic
scoliosis. A recent observational study set out to investigate the prevalence of neck problems among individuals with or without
idiopathic scoliosis and found that 42% of the participants with scoliosis had neck pain compared with only 20% of those
without the spinal condition. Scoliosis and Spinal Disorders, June 2017
Wellness/Prevention: Limit Allergens in Your Bedroom. Allergy symptoms, such as sneezing and sniffling, can prevent you
from having a good night’s sleep. To rid your bedroom of allergens, the National Sleep Foundation suggests the following: if
you’re allergic to pets, keep them out of the bedroom and bathe them weekly; cover your mattress and pillows with dust mite
covers; wash sheets regularly in hot water; use blankets made of synthetic materials, not wool; limit mold by keeping windows
open in the bathroom, fix leaks and clean up water promptly; skip candles, scented laundry detergent, air fresheners, and other
heavy fragrances in your bedroom; and clean furnace, air conditioner, and vacuum filters regularly.
National Sleep Foundation, July 2017
Quote: “Decisions are made by those who show up.” ~ Aaron Sorkin

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Weekly Health Update from your Napa Chiropractor

Mental Attitude: Slower Walking Speed May Be Harbinger of Mental Decline… In this study, researchers followed 175
seniors with normal brain function for 14 years and found that those whose walking speed slowed during the course of the study
also experienced shrinkage of the right hippocampus. This area of the brain not only affects spatial orientation, which may
explain the slowed walking speed, but it also plays a role in forming long-term memories. The findings suggest that doctors
should check older patients’ walking speed and watch for changes over time, since it may be an early indication of mental
decline that warrants testing or preventative measures. Neurology, June 2017
Health Alert: These Heartburn Meds May Shorten Your Life… Proton pump inhibitor medications used to treat heartburn
may increase the risk of early death when taken for extended periods of time. Investigators compared the medical records of
nearly 276,000 users of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) against those of about 73,000 people who took another class of heartburn
medication called H2 blockers. They found that patients taking PPIs for a year or more had a 51% increased risk of premature
death, compared with 31% for people on PPIs for six months to a year, and 17% for three- to six-month users. The researchers
add that short-term use of PPIs of up to 90 days did not appear to affect mortality risk. Senior researcher Dr. Ziyad Al-Aly
comments, “If people find themselves taking proton pump inhibitors for an extended period of time with no valid need for doing
so, or for symptoms that can be managed in other ways, that’s when there’s far more risk than any potential benefit.”
BMJ Open, June 2017
Diet: High Fruit Juice Intake May Increase Thyroid Cancer Risk. Several studies have shown that consuming fruits and
vegetables can reduce one’s risk for many types of cancer. While a recent study did not find this to be the case for thyroid
cancer, the authors of the study did observe that higher fruit juice consumption may slightly increase the risk (23%) for that
form of cancer. International Journal of Cancer, July 2017
Exercise: Benefits of Intense Exercise. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is characterized by brief bouts of intense
exercise followed by less intense activity. According to the American Council on Exercise, HIIT benefits include: improved
anaerobic and aerobic fitness; increased sensitivity to insulin; decreased fasting insulin; reductions in belly fat and fat deposits
just beneath the skin; and improvements in fitness with less time commitment. American Council on Exercise, July 2017
Chiropractic: Job Strain, Sleep Disturbances, and Back Pain. Using data from the Stockholm Public Health Cohort surveys
from 2006 and 2010, researchers have determined that a physically active job, high job strain, and sleep disturbances increase
the risk for developing troublesome low back pain. The findings may suggest that a reduction in job demands and improvement
in sleep quality could help prevent or reduce one’s lower back pain risk. Journal of Rehabilitation of Medicine, June 2017
Wellness/Prevention: Biking Safely. To help reduce your risk of a serious biking injury, the United States National Safety
Council recommends the following: obey traffic laws; understand the limits of your bike; bike in a single-file line in the same
direction as traffic; watch for dangers such as open car doors; use hand signals when you turn; look left, right, left again, and
over your shoulder before biking into traffic; ride only during daylight hours; wear bright clothing; if you must ride at night,
make sure your clothing is reflective and your bike has reflectors on the spokes, front, rear, and pedals; and equip your bike
with a bright headlight, a rear-view mirror, and a horn. National Safety Council, July 2017
Quote: “A generation which ignores history has no past—and no future.” ~ Robert A. Heinlein

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Weekly Health Update from your Napa Chiropractor

Mental Attitude: Radon Exposure May Increase Alzheimer’s Disease Risk. A new study that compared data concerning
radon exposure and deaths attributed to Alzheimer’s disease (AD) appears to indicate a correlation between ionizing radiation
exposure and the development of this neurodegenerative condition. The authors of the study conclude, “Our findings, like other
studies, suggest that ionizing radiation is a risk factor for AD. Intranasal inhalation of radon gas could subject the
rhinencephalon and hippocampus to damaging radiation that initiates AD. The damage would accumulate over time, causing
age to be a powerful risk factor.” Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, June 2017
Health Alert: Higher BMI Linked to Increased Risk Cardiometabolic Disease. In a study that included 119,859
participants, researchers examined the association between body mass index (BMI) and cardiometabolic disease traits and found
a link between a higher BMI and an increased risk of coronary heart disease, hypertension, and type 2 diabetes. The researchers
note, “Body mass index represents an important modifiable risk factor for ameliorating the risk of cardiometabolic disease in
the general population.” JAMA Cardiology, July 2017
Diet: Maternal High-Fat Diet Raises Breast Cancer Risk Across Generations. A high-fat diet may increase the risk of
breast cancer across generations. Using mice, researchers observed that first- and third-generation female offspring that had
been exposed to a high-fat diet while in utero were at a greater risk of developing breast cancer. The findings suggest that a
high-fat diet should be added to known causes of lifestyle-related breast cancer, which currently include alcohol consumption,
lack of physical exercise, obesity, choice of contraceptives, hormone therapy, and not breast-feeding.
Breast Cancer Research, July 2017
Exercise: Elderly Adults Who Exercise More May Live Longer. Among a sample of 803 seniors participating in the
Hispanic Established Population for the Epidemiologic Study of the Elderly, researchers found that those who increased their
physical activity levels over a ten-year period had a 43% lower risk of death during the course of the study than participants
whose activity levels declined or remained unchanged. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, July 2017
Chiropractic: Spondylolysis Associated with Degenerative Joints in the Spine. Spondylolysis is defined as a defect or stress
fracture in the pars interarticularis of the vertebral arch. While the cause of spondylolysis is unknown, many factors are thought
to contribute to its development. A recent study set out to determine the effects of this condition on the facet joints in the lumbar
spine, which help make it possible to flex, twist, and bend. Researchers evaluated the radiographs of 107 patients with L5
spondylolysis and compared them with those of individuals without the condition and found that the patients with lumbar
spondylolysis had more severe degenerative changes of the facet joints than those without spondylolysis. The findings suggest
that individuals with spondylolysis are at a greater risk for developing degenerative joint issues in the lumbar spine.
Clinical Spine Surgery, July 2017
Wellness/Prevention: Food Safety When Packing for a Picnic. Picnicking can be a lot of fun, but nothing can ruin your
outdoor meal faster than a case of food poisoning. To reduce your risk, the United States Department of Health & Human
Services suggests: packing any meat, seafood, poultry, sandwiches, summer salads, fruit, vegetables, and dairy products in a
cold cooler; fill the cooler with ice to help it stay colder longer; and store it in a shady spot.
Department of Health & Human Services, June 2017
Quote: “Champions have the courage to keep turning the pages because they know a better chapter lies ahead.” ~ Paula White

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Weekly Health Update from your Napa Chiropractor

Mental Attitude: Making Amends. Surveys completed by more than 200 adults reveal that when couples have a disagreement,
men and women want different things from their partner before they make up. The data show that women prefer heart-felt
apologies and quality time while men prefer a kind gesture. These findings may allow couples to better understand how to
effectively apologize to their partner. Evolutionary Psychological Science, July 2017
Health Alert: Big Men More Prone to Aggressive Prostate Cancer. A new study suggests that both taller and heavier men
have a greater risk of getting and dying from aggressive prostate cancer. An analysis of data concerning nearly 142,000 men
indicates that for every additional four inches of height (10.16 cm), a man’s risk of being diagnosed with high-risk prostate
cancer increases by 21%. Furthermore, for every four inch (10.16 cm) increase in waist circumference, his odds of developing
aggressive prostate cancer increase by 13% and the risk of dying from prostate cancer increases by 18%. Lead researcher Dr.
Aurora Perez-Cornago believes that results of the study will help persuade men to achieve a healthy weight, as well as
encourage public health policies to prevent obesity. BMC Medicine, July 2017
Diet: Mac & Cheese Products Contain High Levels of Harmful Chemicals. Phthalates are a group of chemicals used to
soften and increase the flexibility of plastic and vinyl, which can get into food from packaging and equipment used in
manufacturing. Past research has linked these chemicals to birth defects in boys and learning and behavior problems in older
children. According to a new report, investigators tested cheese products and found that all ten varieties of macaroni and cheese
they examined had high levels of phthalates, even those marketed as organic. The New York Times, July 2017
Exercise: Manage Knee Pain with Exercise. People who have knee pain are often tempted to rest instead of exercise;
however, regular exercise can help strengthen the knees and ease pain. The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
recommends: start exercising slowly and increase repetitions or weights as you get stronger; some discomfort is normal, pain
isn’t, so stop if you feel pain; don’t push yourself so hard that you’re in pain the next day; and consult with a therapist or doctor
about how often to exercise and the types of exercise you should perform.
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, July 2017
Chiropractic: Multisite Musculoskeletal Pain in Adolescence May Predict Medical and Social Issues. Norwegian
researchers report that teenagers with pain in multiple body sites have an elevated risk for life-affecting health problems during
young adulthood. In this study, researchers followed 3,987 teens for an average of eight years and found a positive relationship
between the number of pain sites the participants reported at age 15 or 16 and how much they utilized medical or social benefits
during their early 20s. The authors conclude, “Adolescents with multisite musculoskeletal pain are at substantially increased
risk of health and social difficulties into young adulthood. Identification and interventions for these adolescent problems could
alleviate this risk and be a sound socioeconomic investment.” European Journal of Pain, July 2017
Wellness/Prevention: Quit Smoking for Healthier Sinuses. Researchers assessed the severity of symptoms and medication
use of 103 former smokers with chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) and found that the severity of CRS decreased to the levels of
nonsmoking CRS patients over the course of about ten years. The former smokers also saw an improvement in the severity of
symptoms, medication usage, and quality-of-life over that time span. The findings may provide motivation for smokers to stop
smoking. Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, July 2017
Quote: “There is love enough in this world for everybody, if people will just look.” ~ Kurt Vonnegut

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Weekly Health Update from your Napa Chiropractor

Mental Attitude: Time with Dad Good for Baby’s Brain. Researchers analyzed how 128 fathers interacted with their infants
at three months of age and then followed up with the children at two years of age. They found that babies whose fathers were
more engaged and active when playing with them in their early months of life performed better on thinking skill assessments
than those with less engaged fathers. Study leader Dr. Paul Ramchandani adds, “Even as early as three months, these fatherchild
interactions can positively predict cognitive development almost two years later, so there’s something probably quite
meaningful for later development, and that really hasn’t been shown much before.” Infant Mental Health Journal, May 2017
Health Alert: Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria Becoming More Common in Nursing Homes. People in nursing homes often
suffer from health conditions that weaken their immune system, and they’re often on prolonged antibiotic use, which contributes
to antibiotic-resistance. Because nursing home residents share many spaces and interact with one another, germs have a chance
to move from person to person more easily. A research review of eight prior studies revealed that multidrug-resistant bacteria
rates among nursing home residents ranged from 11% to an alarming 59%, with an average of 27%. Experts say that good hand
hygiene is one of the number one ways to prevent infection and that continued work to reduce infection rates and the over
utilization of antibiotics is needed to address this issue. American Journal of Infection Control, May 2017
Diet: Preschoolers Who Know Common Food Brands on Road to Obesity. Researchers calculated the body mass index
(BMI) of 247 young children in the United States and then asked them to identify different food brands. They found that
overweight children were more likely to recognize brands associated with fast food, sugary cereals, cookies, and soft drinks
than the kids who maintained a healthy weight. Appetite, July 2017
Exercise: A Form of Rock Climbing May Help Treat Depression. Bouldering is a form of rock climbing that involves lowlevel
climbing without the use of harnesses or ropes. In a new study, researchers followed 100 participants who took part in
bouldering for three hours per week for a total of eight weeks and found that participants with depression experienced
significant improvements in their depressive symptoms. The findings add to past research suggesting that physical activity can
help those suffering from depression. Association for Psychological Science, May 2017
Chiropractic: Smartphone Use Affects Posture. Using surface electromyography and a digital camera, researchers
investigated changes in posture and muscle activation among 18 participants while they interacted with their electronic device.
The results revealed that smartphone use induced a more flexed posture on the neck and trunk compared with desktop computer
use. The researchers also found that participants began to experience neck and back pain if they used their smartphone for
longer than 15 minutes. The findings suggest that healthcare providers should consider the influences of smartphone use in
posture and muscle activity in the evaluation, intervention, and prevention of neck and trunk conditions.
Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, June 2017
Wellness/Prevention: Warning Signs of Uterine Fibroids. Growths in a woman’s uterus, called uterine fibroids, usually aren’t
cancerous; however, these growths can trigger significant pain and discomfort. Experts from the United States Department of
Health and Human Services note that typical uterine fibroid symptoms include: heavy, painful menstrual periods; a sensation of
fullness in the lower abdomen or pelvis; abdominal swelling; frequent urination; painful sex; low back pain; and reproductive
problems. Health and Human Services, May 2017
Quote: “Happiness cannot be pursued; it must ensue.” ~ Viktor E. Frankl

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Weekly Health Update from your Napa Chiropractor

Mental Attitude: Overweight Kids Often Suffer Socially. A new study has found that overweight kids are excluded and
ostracized by classmates more often than their thinner peers. Researchers examined the friendship dynamics of over 500
preteens and found that those who were overweight or obese were 1.7 times more likely to be disliked by their peers and 1.2
times more likely to dislike their peers. Study author Dr. Kayla de la Haye writes, “We consistently find overweight kids are
ostracized by their peers, which plays out over middle school and high school to the point where they’re pushed to the periphery
of these big social groups… We really need to take this seriously… Experiencing stigma has such big implications for these
kids, impacting their social development and mental health, and probably their physical health.” PLOS One, June 2017
Health Alert: Election Results May Be Harmful to Health. In this study, researchers found that some individuals on the
losing end of an election saw their mental and physical health start to sink under a wave of perceived threats and targeted
hostility. More specifically, the research team found that unwelcomed election results can increase stress levels as well as the
rates of disease incidence, premature birth, and early death. Study author Dr. David Williams comments, “The bottom line is
that we found that a dramatic social event, such as terrorist attack or even a presidential election, can be a factor that can
undermine health.” New England Journal of Medicine, June 2017
Diet: Drinking Coffee and Tea May Prevent Liver Disease. Chronic liver disease is a leading cause of death in the United
States, with nearly 32,000 people dying from it each year. Now, a new study suggests that a cup of coffee or tea a day may help
prevent this disease. In the study, 2,424 participants underwent a full physical checkup, which included anthropometric
measurements such as body mass index, height, blood tests, and abdominal scans. The data revealed that frequent coffee and
herbal tea consumption consistently correlated with a significantly lower risk of liver stiffness, which suggests regular coffee or
tea intake may prevent liver fibrosis before the signs of liver disease start to appear. Journal of Hepatology, June 2017
Exercise: Marathon Running Won’t Harm Arteries. In recent years, there’s been debate about whether endurance activities,
like marathons, are harmful for the heart. In a new study, researchers tested the arteries of 97 runners who had competed in long
distance races and found no evidence of a link between these endurance activities and atherosclerosis. Lead author Dr. Axel
Pressler adds, “Our study shows that runners who have finished 20 marathons do not have stiffer arteries or more impaired
vessel function than people of the same age who have finished five or zero marathons … It appears that you can run as many
marathons as you want and not be in danger of developing impaired blood vessel function or atherosclerosis.”
European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, June 2017
Chiropractic: Tight Hamstrings Associated with Low Back Pain. In this study, researchers matched 30 individuals suffering
from low back pain with 30 participants of the same height and weight without low back pain. The investigators then measured
the participants’ hamstring length and found that those without low back pain had significantly longer hamstrings than the
individuals with low back pain. The findings suggest that reduced hamstring length may be either a contributor or the result of
low back pain. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, June 2017
Wellness/Prevention: Dealing with Sweaty Feet. If your feet are constantly sweaty, you may suffer from a condition called
hyperhidrosis. To cope with excess sweating, the American Podiatric Medical Association suggests the following: wash your
feet daily with antibacterial soap; dry your feet well and sprinkle cornstarch, foot powder, or antifungal powder on your feet;
wear socks made of synthetic materials to help wick sweat from your feet; choose shoes made of breathable material; and keep
and extra pair of socks with you and change them during the day. American Podiatric Medical Association, May 2017
Quote: “There is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good humor.” ~ Charles Dickens

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Weekly Health Update from your Napa Chiropractor

Mental Attitude: Loneliness May Reduce Sleep Quality. Researchers surveyed more than 2,200 young adults and found that
between 25% and 30% of the participants felt lonely sometimes, while another 5% reported they frequently felt lonely.
Furthermore, they observed that the lonelier people were 24% more likely to feel tired and have difficulty concentrating during
the day. Study author Dr. Louise Arseneault adds, “Diminished sleep quality is one of the many ways in which loneliness gets
under the skin, and our findings underscore the importance of early therapeutic approaches to target the negative thoughts and
perceptions that can make loneliness a vicious cycle.” Psychological Medicine, May 2017
Health Alert: Too Many Teens Ride with Impaired Drivers. More than one-third of Canadian high school students admit to
riding with a driver who has been drinking alcohol. The study, which involved 24,650 students, also revealed that almost 20%
of students said they’ve ridden with someone who’d recently used marijuana. Study author Dr. Leia Minaker notes the findings
are concerning because a significant proportion of motor vehicle accident deaths are related to alcohol and drug impairment.
Canadian Medical Association Journal Open, May 2017
Diet: Whole Fruits May Reduce Risk of Diabetes. An analysis of the diet and health records of thousands of people revealed
that those who ate two or more daily servings of fruits like blueberries, grapes, raisins, prunes, apples, and pears reduced their
likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes by 23%. However, the study also showed that drinking fruit juice daily increased the
risk of diabetes by 21%. The findings suggest that eating more whole fruits can help prevent the onset of diabetes.
BMJ, May 2017
Exercise: Exercise May Be Key to Better Bone Health. Previous studies indicate that fat in bone marrow leads to low bone
density. In a study involving obese mice, researchers discovered that just a few weeks of exercise resulted in both a reduction of
marrow fat and an improvement in bone quality. The findings suggest that obese individuals, who often have poor bone quality,
could derive even greater bone health benefits from exercising than their lean counterparts.
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, May 2017
Chiropractic: Exercises Improve Neck Pain in Office Workers. Chronic computer-related neck pain is common among
office workers. In this study, researchers randomly selected 109 female office workers with chronic neck pain to perform either
progressive resistance training (PRT), fixed resistance training (FRT), or no exercise to act as a control group (CG). Those in
the exercise groups performed four exercises targeting the neck muscles with an elastic rubber band on a regular basis for six
weeks. The investigators found that outcomes (pain levels, pain threshold, and neck strength) were significantly better in the
PRT and FRT groups than in the control group both immediately after the six weeks of training and three months later. The
study suggests that women with work-related neck pain may benefit from neck exercises. Chiropractic care for neck pain often
includes specific neck exercises to help reduce pain and improve mobility and function.
International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, May 2017
Wellness/Prevention: Do You Know the Risks for Obesity? Obesity is associated with an increased risk for heart disease,
stroke, and high blood pressure, as well as other chronic diseases. Besides diet, there are other factors that can play a role in one
becoming obese. The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute lists the following risk factors: living a sedentary lifestyle
without regular exercise, insufficient sleep, frequently becoming stressed, having family members who are obese, and having
easy access to fast food. National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, May 2017
Quote: “I don’t trust anyone who doesn’t laugh.” ~ Maya Angelou

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Mental Attitude: Brain Scans May Predict Autism. A special type of imaging known as functional connectivity MRI
(FcMRI) may help doctors predict which high-risk babies may develop autism as toddlers. In this study, researchers used
FcMRI to scan different regions of the brain of 59 babies believed to be at high risk for autism spectrum disorder and with this
data, they accurately predicted nine out of the eleven babies who later developed the behavioral signs of autism. Dr. Thomas
Frazier, the chief science officer of Autism Speaks adds, “Autism has been thought to be a disorder of connections in the brain,
and the fact that the function connectivity MRI is a good predictor of autism helps confirm those suspicions.”
Science Translational Medicine, June 2017
Health Alert: Almost 15% of Americans Have Kidney Disease. Chronic kidney disease develops when the kidneys can no
longer properly filter fluid and waste products from the blood. Kevin Longino, the CEO of the National Kidney Foundation,
notes that about 96% of individuals with early kidney disease don’t know they have it and nearly 50% of those who have
severely reduced kidney function and aren’t on dialysis are unaware of they have kidney disease.
National Kidney Foundation, June 2017
Diet: Low-Fat Dairy Intake Linked to Parkinson’s Risk. Parkinson’s disease is a neurological disorder that can cause
tremors, problems with movement, impaired balance and coordination, and muscle rigidity. An analysis of decades of data
concerning more than 120,000 men and women revealed that the risk of Parkinson’s disease was higher among those who
consumed at least three servings of low-fat dairy products per day, compared with the participants who consumed only one
daily serving. Neurology, June 2017
Exercise: Man’s Best Friend May Help Seniors Get Fit. In a new small study, researchers monitored the activity levels of 86
people age 65 and older, half of which were dog owners, for three weeks. They found that the dog owners in the study walked
an average of 22 minutes more and took 2,760 more steps per day than the non-dog owners. Lead author Dr. Philippa Dall adds,
“Over the course of a week this additional time spent walking may in itself be sufficient to meet [World Health Organization]
recommendations of at least 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity.” BMC Public Health, June 2017
Chiropractic: Different Back Pain Risk Factors Among Men and Women. Brazilian researchers analyzed data from a 2013
National Health Survey and found that 18.5% of the Brazilian population suffers from chronic back pain. Among men, risk
factors for chronic back pain include: 65 years or older; low education level; living in rural area; history of smoking, high salt
intake, heavy physical activity at work or home; being overweight or obese; hypertension; high cholesterol; and worse overall
health. Among women, the researchers found the following risk factors for chronic back pain: 55-64 years of age; low education
level; history of smoking, regular candy consumption, high salt intake, heavy physical activity at work or at home; overweight
or obese; hypertension, high cholesterol; and worse health assessment. Public Health Magazine (Brazil), June 2017
Wellness/Prevention: Keep Sleep Apnea in Check. Sleep apnea is a common and serious sleep disorder that causes sufferers
to stop breathing during sleep. If you suffer from this condition, the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute recommends the
following: visit your doctor regularly to make sure your treatment is working, avoid gaining weight as a healthy weight reduces
your risk of complications from sleep apnea, understand the dangers of driving or using heavy machinery if you’re tired from
sleep apnea, and see your dentist regularly if you use a mouthpiece for sleep apnea.
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, June 2017
Quote: “Laughter is the shortest distance between two people.” ~ Victor Borge

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Mental Attitude: Elite High School Students at Higher Risk of Addiction. Teens at elite high schools in the United States
seem to face a greater risk of addiction as young adults. In this study, researchers followed more than 500 students from affluent
communities starting in their senior year of high school, through college, and from ages 23 to 27. Compared with the overall
population of people in their 20s, these individuals had a roughly two- to three-times greater risk for drug or alcohol addiction
during young adulthood. Study author Dr. Suniya Luthar explains, “Paradoxical though it may seem, these ostensibly privileged
youth, many of who start experimenting early and often with drinking and drugs, could well be among the groups at highest risk
for alcoholism and addiction in adulthood… This is a problem that derives from multiple levels of influence, so we’re going to
need interventions at multiple levels to tackle it.” Development and Psychopathology, May 2017
Health Alert: Teen Drivers Face Triple the Risk of a Fatal Crash. An analysis of national data found that compared with
drivers aged 30-59 years old in the United States, teen drivers are 4.5 times more likely to be involved in a crash and over three
times as likely to be in a fatal collision. The investigators say that the three main factors associated with fatal teen crashes are
distraction, not buckling up, and speeding. AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, June 2017
Diet: Just Over 3% of Americans May Suffer from Food Allergies. A review of nearly three million medical records
identified more than 97,000 patients who suffered from one or more food allergies or food intolerance. The researchers found
that the most common allergy was to shellfish, such as shrimp and lobster. Other common food allergies included fruits,
vegetables, dairy, and peanuts. These food allergies can lead to potentially life-threatening reactions such as hives, anaphylaxis,
shortness of breath, wheezing, itching, swelling, or other allergic-like reactions called intolerances.
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, May 2017
Exercise: Do Compression Tights Improve Running Times? Many runners think compression tights help improve their
running times, but a new study suggests otherwise. Researchers monitored runners on a treadmill on two different days, once
with compression tights and once without. They found that compression tights greatly reduced muscle vibration but did not
reduce muscle fatigue, which means they don’t help runners go farther or faster.
American College of Sports Medicine, June 2017
Chiropractic: Many Conservative Treatments Benefit Shoulder Conditions. Investigators recently performed a systematic
review of non-drug and non-surgical treatments of common shoulder conditions such as shoulder impingement syndrome,
rotator cuff-associated disorders, adhesive capsulitis, and non-specific shoulder pain. They found evidence supporting the use of
manual therapies for all four shoulder conditions; exercise, combined with manual therapy protocols for impingement syndrome
and adhesive capsulitis; and moderate evidence for the use of several passive modalities for shoulder impingement syndrome.
Chiropractors utilize many of these therapies when managing these common shoulder conditions.
Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, May 2017
Wellness/Prevention: Nail Fungus? A fungal infection of the nails may not always hurt, but it can cause unsightly nails that
itch and affect the surrounding toe or finger. The American Academy of Dermatology lists the following symptoms of a fungal
nail infection: nails that become yellow or brown; accumulation of debris underneath the nails, which can cause nails to detach
as they pull away from the nail beds; and a powdery, soft, or dry texture to the nails.
American Academy of Dermatology, May 2017
Quote: “What we achieve inwardly will change outer reality.” ~ Otto Rank

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