WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Rio Vista Chiropractor, 11-11-2024

Health Alert: Asthma and Pregnancy. An analysis of data concerning nearly 777,000 women revealed that
asthma is associated with a 12% increased likelihood of requiring fertility treatments to conceive and up to an
8% elevated risk for miscarriage. European Respiratory Society, September 2024
Diet: Ultra-Processed Foods Linked to Type 2 Diabetes Risk. Ultra-processed foods are food products that
include added sugars, fats, and salt to enhance flavor and prolong shelf life. According to a study that looked at
over a decade of health and diet data concerning more than 300,000 adults, for every ten percentage points that
ultra-processed foods comprise an individual’s total caloric intake, their risk for type 2 diabetes rises by 17%.
Current estimates show that roughly half of all calories consumed by the average American are from ultraprocessed
foods. The Lancet Regional Health—Europe, March 2024
Exercise: Both Moderate- and High-Intensity Exercise Benefit Parkinson’s Patients. For patients with
Parkinson’s disease, a recent study found that both moderate- and high-intensity exercise are effective for
improving motor symptoms, cardiorespiratory fitness, and fatigue levels.
Journal of Applied Physiology, March 2024
Chiropractic: Musculoskeletal Mimics of Lumbosacral Radiculopathy. If a patient experiences pain that
radiates into the leg, there are a number of potential causes beyond a disk herniation at the L5 of S1 level.
Mimics of lumbosacral radiculopathy include piriformis syndrome, exertional compartment syndrome, and
plantar fasciitis. Healthcare providers, including doctors of chiropractic, are trained in differential diagnosis to
distinguish a particular disease or condition from others with similar symptoms using the patient’s detailed
history, physical examination, and diagnostic tests. Muscle & Nerve, May 2024
Mental Attitude: Falling for Financial Scams May Signal Potential Alzheimer’s Disease. In a recent study,
researchers from the University of Southern California observed that seniors who scored poorly on an
assessment that gauges their vulnerability to finance exploitation had a thinner entorhinal cortex. The entorhinal
cortex is an area of the brain crucial for memory and emotional regulation. Past research has shown this portion
of the brain thins before most other Alzheimer’s symptoms are present. Cerebral Cortex, September 2024
Wellness/Prevention: Anemia Raises Preeclampsia Risk. Preeclampsia is a pregnancy complication
characterized by high blood pressure that can cause serious health problems for mothers and babies if left
untreated. In a recent study that included 337 expectant mothers, researchers observed that those with anemia
had an elevated risk for preeclampsia. It’s estimated that as high as 25% of women experience anemia during
pregnancy. Nutrition and Health, October 2024
Quote: “Today is the only day. Yesterday is gone.” ~ John Wooden

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Rio Vista region.

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Rio Vista Chiropractor, 11-4-2024

Health Alert: Obesity Raises Infection Risk. New research suggests that for every 5-point increase in body
mass index (BMI), an individual’s risk for severe viral or bacterial infection rises by at least 30%.
European Association for the Study of Diabetes, September 2024
Diet: Eating Unhealthy Food Is Bad for the Cardiovascular System. The Nutri-Score system requires food
manufacturers in several European countries to include a score on the front of the package to better inform
consumers about the healthiness of the product. An analysis of data concerning more than 345,000 adults
revealed a high intake of foods ranked low on the Nutri-Score scale is associated with an elevated risk for poor
cardiovascular outcomes like heart attack and stroke. The Lancet Regional Health—Europe, September 2024
Exercise: Isometric Vs. Isotonic Core Stabilization Exercise for Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain.
Core stabilization exercises are often recommended as part of a multimodal treatment plan for chronic low back
pain; however, it’s unclear whether isometric exercises (muscle contractions without movement, such as planks)
or isotonic exercises (muscle contractions with movement, such as performing sit-ups) offer superior results. A
recent study that included 41 patients under treatment for chronic low back pain revealed both types of exercise
are effective for reducing pain and disability. Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, February 2024
Chiropractic: Back Pain Has Less Impact on People Who Exercise. Among a group of 991 low back pain
patients, researchers observed that those who engaged in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical
activity a week—in line with current fitness guidelines—had less intense pain and a lower risk for activity
limitations. European Spine Journal, May 2024
Mental Attitude: Isolation May Rapidly Age Teen’s Brains. Cortical thinning commonly occurs with age,
but researchers have observed thinning can accelerate in periods of social isolation, potentially due to a
reduction in social interactions. Examinations of brain imaging of adolescent brains following pandemic
lockdowns revealed aging in teen brains sped up by 1.4 years for boys and 4.2 years for girls.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, September 2024
Wellness/Prevention: Protect Your Vision. Age-related macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy are
leading causes of vision loss for older adults, but the American Society of Retina Specialists notes one can help
keep their retinas healthy by not smoking, staying active, eating a nutritious diet, and getting regular eye exams,
especially if you have a family history for a serious eye condition.
American Society of Retinal Specialists, September 2024
Quote: “There is beauty and humility in imperfection.” ~ Guillermo del Toro

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Rio Vista region.

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Rio Vista Chiropractor, 10-28-2024

Health Alert: High Triglycerides May Influence Sleep Apnea Risk. Using data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, researchers report that for adults under age 60, the combination of obesity and elevated triglyceride levels is associated with a 31% increased risk for obstructive sleep apnea. Frontiers in Nutrition, August 2024 Diet: Too Much Caffeine May Bring Heart Risks. Evaluations of 92 healthy adults under age 45 revealed that those who frequently consume more than 400 mg of caffeine a day (roughly four cups of coffee) exhibited significant increases in both heart rate and blood pressure following physical exertion. The findings suggest that excessive caffeine intake may be detrimental to cardiovascular health. American College of Cardiology-Asia, August 2024 Exercise: Flexibility May Be Sign of Longevity. Among a group of 3,139 middle-aged and older adults, researchers observed that those with greater flexibility had a lower risk for early death in the following 12.9 years. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, July 2024 Chiropractic: Improving Scapular Function May Help Relieve Neck Pain. A recent systematic review and meta-analysis that included eight studies found that scapular dysfunction is often present in patients with chronic neck pain and incorporating therapies to restore normal movement of the shoulder blades may result in greater improvements with respect to the patient’s neck pain. The findings demonstrate the importance of assessing the whole patient when it comes to musculoskeletal disorders like neck pain as conditions elsewhere in the body may contribute to the patient’s chief complaint. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, April 2024 Mental Attitude: Risk Factors for Mood Disorders During Pregnancy. Following an analysis of data from the Tianjin Birth Cohort concerning 6,470 pregnancies, researchers identified the following potentially modifiable risk factors for depression and/or anxiety among expectant mothers: stress, low social support, and thyroid dysfunction. Journal of Affective Disorders, August 2024 Wellness/Prevention: Heart-Healthy Habits to Start While Young. The American Heart Association reports that getting plenty of sleep and maintaining a healthy weight, blood lipid, and blood pressure levels starting in young adulthood can help the carotid arteries stay healthy, reducing the risk for atherosclerosis. American Heart Association, August 2024 Quote: “Attitude determines the altitude of life.” ~ Edwin Louis Cole

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Rio Vista region.

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Rio Vista Chiropractor, 10-21-2024

Health Alert: Opioid Misuse Common Among Chronic Pain Patients. A literature review that included 148 studies published between 1985 and 2021 found that nearly 10% of chronic pain patients prescribed opioids end up addicted, with almost 30% exhibiting symptoms of drug dependence. The findings contradict earlier claims that opioids carried a low risk for addiction. Addiction, August 2024 Diet: Fruit and Vegetable Intake May Reduce Breast Cancer Risk. Dietary questionnaires completed by 395 women with breast cancer and 395 with no history of breast cancer revealed a higher intake of leafy green vegetables is associated with up to a 45% reduced risk for breast cancer. Nutrition Research, August 2024 Exercise: If a Child Wants to Weight Train… Despite myths that lifting weights can stunt a child’s growth, current literature suggests properly supervised resistance training does not harm growth plates or cause growth stunting. If a child shows interest in lifting weights, experts recommend starting with light weights and simple exercises, focusing on proper technique to reduce the risk of injury and avoid developing bad habits. The Conversation, August 2024 Chiropractic: Neck Pain is Common in Military Personnel. A systematic review that included 16 studies found that neck pain is extremely common among members of the armed services with more than 80% experiencing an episode each year. Further analysis revealed the following risk factors for neck pain in military personnel: poor neck mobility, shoulder pain, low back pain, piloting or crewing aircraft, and wearing heavy helmets or other gear on the head. EFORT Open Reviews, August 2024 Mental Attitude: Persistent Sadness Down Among American Girls. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that the percentage of teen girls in the United States reporting persistent sadness fell to 53% in 2023, down from 57% in 2021. Despite this improvement, mental health challenges remain significant among this vulnerable population. Youth Risk Behavior Survey, August 2024 Wellness/Prevention: Living in a Sunny Area Is Good for Overall Health. Even when accounting for the risk of skin cancer, University of Edinburgh researchers report that individuals living in areas with greater exposure to ultraviolet light have a lower risk of death from cardiovascular disease and cancer. Health & Place, September 2024 Quote: “Form follows function.” ~ Louis Sullivan

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Rio Vista region.

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Rio Vista Chiropractor, 10-14-2024

Health Alert: Long-Term Night Shift Work Raises Breast Cancer Risk. An analysis of data from eleven case-controlled studies found that working nights for ten years can increase a woman’s risk for breast cancer by 23%, and the risk continues to rise the more years she works nights. BMC Public Health, July 2024 Diet: Fish Oil May Help Improve Blood Lipid Readings. Following an analysis of data concerning more than 441,000 adults, researchers report that taking a daily fish oil supplement is associated with improved total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglyceride levels, even for individuals with a genetic predisposition for high cholesterol. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, July 2024 Exercise: How Exercise Can Boost Motivation. In a recent experiment, scientists from the Spanish National Cancer Research Centre observed that the release of interleukin 15 in response to physical activity signals the brain to enhance motor activity of the muscles, thereby encouraging exercise to continue. Science Advances, April 2024 Chiropractic: Most Professional Drivers Have Low Back Pain. A meta-analysis of data from 53 studies found that 55.3% of professional drivers experienced at least one episode of low back pain during the previous year, while 33.8% had back pain within the previous month. Public Health, June 2024 Mental Attitude: Depression Increases Risk for Sleep Disorder. Questionnaires completed by 402 taxi drivers who had been on the job for a decade revealed that those with depression were seven times more likely to have a sleep disorder than their peers without a mood disorder. Additionally, the more severe their depressive symptoms, the greater their risk for sleep troubles. Health Science Reports, September 2024 Wellness/Prevention: Many Women are Unaware of Key Endometrial Cancer Warning Sign. A recent survey found that a third of women did not know that postmenopausal bleeding is a warning sign of endometrial cancer, and 41% said they would not report it to their doctor unless it happened more than once. Experts note that while there are no screening tests currently available to spot endometrial cancer, addressing it at the first signs of symptoms like abnormal bleeding can significantly increase the odds of successful treatment. Menopause, July 2024 Quote: “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” ~ Neale Donald Walsch

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Rio Vista region.

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Rio Vista Chiropractor, 10-7-2024

Health Alert: Vaping and Smoking Boosts Lung Cancer Risks. Researchers from Ohio State University report that people who both smoke cigarettes and use electronic cigarettes are two times more likely than just cigarette smokers to develop lung cancer. Journal of Oncology Research and Therapy, August 2024 Diet: Healthy Gut Key for Brain Health. Current research suggests that a healthy gut microbiome is essential for optimal brain function. Foods that have been demonstrated to benefit gut health include berries, fish, leafy greens, and nuts. University of Kentucky, August 2024 Exercise: Playing Sports Can Contribute to Academic Success. Using data from the Quebec Longitudinal Study of Child Development, researchers report that kids involved in sports between ages six and ten are more likely to achieve better grades, graduate high school, and pursue a college degree than their peers who refrain from sports at a young age. The authors note that sports build skills like teamwork and responsibility that are applicable to the educational environment. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, August 2024 Chiropractic: Trigger Point Therapy Helps Relieve Shoulder Pain. For patients with active trigger points—hyperirritable spots found in skeletal muscle—in one or more muscles attached to the shoulder joints, a recent systematic review that included ten studies found that trigger point therapy is an effective treatment option, especially when used in conjunction with other conservative therapies provided by doctors of chiropractic. Disability and Rehabilitation, August 2024 Mental Attitude: New Risk Factors for Dementia Identified. According to a recent study, vision impairment and high cholesterol are modifiable risk factors for dementia. The findings highlight the importance of regular check-ups with healthcare providers to screen for vision loss and abnormal cholesterol readings. The Lancet, August 2024 Wellness/Prevention: Use a Cooking Thermometer to Help Prevent Foodborne Illnesses. Despite the importance of achieving an adequate internal cooking temperature (165°F or ~74°C for poultry and eggs, 160°F or ~71°C for ground beef, and 145°F or ~63°C for whole cuts of beef) to neutralize pathogens like salmonella, only 27% of Americans consistently use a cooking thermometer. University of Pennsylvania, August 2024 Quote: “In times like these, it helps to recall that there have always been times like these.” ~ Paul Harvey

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Rio Vista region.

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Rio Vista Chiropractor, 9-30-2024

Health Alert: The More Post-Stroke Rehabilitation Therapy, the Better. Following an analysis of Korean
National Health Insurance System data, researchers report that stroke survivors who participate in 40 or more
rehabilitation therapy sessions in the six months post-stroke are significantly less likely to die during that time frame,
especially those with severe strokes. Unfortunately, less than 20% of stroke patients in the dataset had such extensive
rehabilitation therapy and nearly two-thirds had no therapy at all. Stroke, August 2024
Diet: Saturated Vs. Unsaturated Fats. In a recent study, researchers observed that switching from a diet high in
saturated animal fats to a diet that favors plant-based unsaturated fats—like the Mediterranean diet—can improve the
composition of lipids in the blood, reducing the risk for cardiovascular and metabolic diseases.
Nature Medicine, July 2024
Exercise: Leisure Sedentary Behavior and Musculoskeletal Disorders. According to a recent study, the more
time an individual spends engaged in sedentary behaviors, the greater their risk for cervical spondylosis,
intervertebral disk degeneration, non-specific low back pain, and sciatica.
Frontiers in Public Health, January 2024
Chiropractic: Lower Extremity Muscle Tightness and Chronic Low Back Pain. Examinations of 52 patients
with non-specific low back pain revealed those with tighter leg muscles, especially when coupled with greater
variation in muscle tightness between the dominant and non-dominant sides, were more likely to report higher levels
of pain intensity and disability in their lower back. The finding demonstrates the importance of examining the patient
beyond the area of chief complaint as issues in adjacent areas of the body may contribute to or even be an underlying
cause of the presenting issue. Work, February 2024
Mental Attitude: Narcissism May Fade with Age. A systematic review and meta-analysis of data from 51 studies
involving more than 37,000 participants revealed that agentic, antagonistic, and neurotic narcissism tends to decline
with age. Researcher Dr. Ulrich Orth adds, “One theory suggests that the social roles we take on in adulthood lead to
the development of more mature personality characteristics, including lower levels of narcissism.”
Psychological Bulletin, July 2024
Wellness/Prevention: There’s a Need for More Research on Chronic Illness Among Women. The National
Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine has issued a statement on the importance of investing in more
studies into how chronic illnesses affect women differently, noting that a paucity of data on the topic can result in a
delay in effective treatment due to diagnostic challenges.
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, July 2024
Quote: “Life has a practice of living you, if you don’t live it.” ~ Philip Larkin

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Rio Vista region.

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Rio Vista Chiropractor, 9-23-2024

Health Alert: Ancient Viruses May Be Spurring Modern-Day Cancers. It’s estimated that up to 8% of the
human genome is made up of endogenous retroviruses, bits of viral DNA from tens to millions of years ago that
have become embedded in our genetic code. While scientists have thought endogenous retroviruses are harmless, a
recent study found that one such virus, LTR10, is capable of activating nearby genes that aid in the survival of
colorectal and lung tumors. In a laboratory experiment, researchers observed that cancer treatments became more
effective after LTR10 had been neutralized in cancerous tissues samples. Further research is needed but the findings
suggest that targeting these ancient viral DNA fragments may someday prove to be a viable approach in cancer
treatment. University of Colorado, Boulder, July 2024
Diet: Not All Vegetarian Diets Offer the Same Benefits. Despite many studies espousing the benefits of switching
to vegetarian diet, researchers note there are several types of vegetarian diet and some may be healthier than others.
A study that included more than 150,000 adults found that some vegetarian diet patterns may be high in potentially
unhealthy processed food products, while others may have insufficient vitamin D intake or result in higher
triglyceride levels. Additionally, gene variations from individual to individual can influence how the body absorbs
certain nutrients, so those switching to a vegetarian diet may need to try different eating patterns to find which their
body responds to best. PLOS Genetics, July 2024
Exercise: Mini-Bursts of Exercise May Improve Sleep. Conventional wisdom states that exercise before bed can
negatively impact sleep. However, a recent study found that peppering in three-minute sessions of body weight
exercises in the evening can improve sleep duration without affecting sleep quality. The Conversation, July 2024
Chiropractic: Conservative Treatment for Lumbar Disk Herniation. A committee formed by the World
Federation of Neurosurgical Societies on the management of lumbar disk herniation recommends conservative
treatments as a first-line treatment approach in the absence of severe neurological deficits or cauda equina syndrome.
Doctors of chiropractic utilize many conservative treatment options for managing lumbar disk herniations.
World Neurosurgery X, February 2024
Mental Attitude: Late Cancer Diagnosis Is a Major Concern. University of Cambridge researchers report that in
a poll of 2,000 adults, 70% fear being diagnosed with cancer when it’s too far progressed for effective treatment.
University of Cambridge, July 2024
Wellness/Prevention: App May Help Prevent Type 2 Diabetes. A recent study found that app-based diabetes
prevention programs may be more cost-effective and even slightly superior to traditional in-person lifestyle
interventions for preventing prediabetes progression to type 2 diabetes. Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, July 2024
Quote: “Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter.” ~ Izaak Walton

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Rio Vista region.

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Rio Vista Chiropractor, 9-16-2024

Health Alert: Adverse Childhood Experiences Can Set the Stage for Future Pain. Using data from the China
Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study, researchers report they have identified an association between five or
more adverse childhood experiences—such as emotional, physical, and sexual abuse and emotional and physical
neglect—and a later risk for musculoskeletal pain. BMC Public Health, July 2024
Diet: Niacin-Rich Diet May Lower Stroke Risk. Niacin, also known as vitamin B3, is an essential nutrient that
helps support cellular metabolism and plays a role in maintaining healthy skin, nerves, and digestion. An analysis of
data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys conducted in 1999 and 2018 revealed an
association between a higher intake of niacin and a reduced risk for stroke. Foods rich in niacin include chicken
breast, tuna, salmon, brown rice, and peanuts. Frontiers in Nutrition, July 2024
Exercise: Eccentric-Only Resistance Training Can Lower Passive Muscle Stiffness. Eccentric-only resistance
exercises involve lengthening a muscle while it is under tension, typically during the lowering phase of a movement
(negative bicep curls, for example), helping to build strength, control, and resilience in the muscle. In a recent
experiment, researchers observed that participants who frequently performed eccentric-only stiff-leg deadlifts
experienced a reduction in the passive stiffness of the semimembranosus muscle—something previously thought to
only result from static stretching. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, July 2024
Chiropractic: Treat Knee Pain By Adjusting the Lumbopelvic Region? For patients with patellofemoral pain
syndrome, a recent meta-analysis of data from ten clinical trials found that manipulative therapy applied to the
lumbopelvic region is effective for reducing knee pain, especially when included as part of a multimodal treatment
approach. Doctors of chiropractic are well-versed in the use of manual therapies to manage musculoskeletal
conditions, including patellofemoral pain syndrome. Life (Basel), June 2024
Mental Attitude: An ICU Stay May Raise Risk for Later Mental Health Issues. An analysis of data concerning
more than 8,700 pediatric patients who had undergone treatment in an intensive care unit (ICU) revealed these
individuals had an elevated risk for various mental health disorders over the following decade, including posttraumatic
stress disorder (PTSD), schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and major
depression. Journal of Affective Disorders, July 2024
Wellness/Prevention: New Urine Test for Cervical Cancer? Scientists from Waseda University have developed a
urine test that can detect proteins produced by HPV 16, the virus strain responsible for most cervical cancers. With
further refinement, lead researcher Dr. Etsuro Ito notes, “This test could reduce the need for traditional Pap tests,
easing the screening process.” Microorganisms, July 2024
Quote: “There are opportunities everywhere, just as there have always been.” ~ Charles Fillmore

I found that Dr. Joe Megna is one of the best chiropractors I have found in the Rio Vista region.

WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE from your Rio Vista Chiropractor, 9-9-2024

Health Alert: Tampons May Possess Lead and Other Harmful Metals. Laboratory tests of 30 tampons from 24
brand product lines revealed lead in all samples in addition to the presence of arsenic, barium, cadmium, and
mercury in several. Due to the potential for these metals to enter the bloodstream unfiltered by the liver, the findings
suggest a greater need for regulatory testing of tampon and other period products.
Environmental International, July 2024
Diet: Produce Intake Lowers Fatty Liver Risk. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a condition that
occurs when fat accumulates in the liver from causes other than excessive alcohol consumption, and it is associated
with several poor health outcomes. A meta-analysis of data concerning nearly 500,000 participants from eleven
studies found a higher intake of fruit and vegetables can reduce the risk for NAFLD by up to 22%.
Frontiers in Nutrition, June 2024
Exercise: Exercise Brain Boost Can Last for Years. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a form of exercise
that involves short intervals of near-maximal effort—sprinting or stair climbing, for example—separated by intervals
of moderate-intensity exercise—such as jogging or fast walking. University of Queensland researchers report that
among a group of old adults, those who volunteered for a six-month HIIT exercise program experienced
improvements in cognitive function that persisted for at least the next five years. Aging and Disease, July 2024
Chiropractic: Treatment for Chronic Sciatica. For individuals with pain radiating into the leg lasting longer than
three months due to disk herniation, a systematic review that included four studies found that conservative care
should the first-line course of treatment in the absence of neurological deficits or cauda equina syndrome.
Chiropractic care has been demonstrated to be an excellent treatment option for patients with chronic sciatica.
Cureus, May 2024
Mental Attitude: Poor Metabolic Health Linked to Depression Risk. Lipid accumulation product (LAP) is a
metric that multiplies waist circumference by triglyceride levels to estimate the risk for metabolic disease (higher
score equals greater risk). Using data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, researchers report
that a higher LAP score is also associated with an elevated risk for depression. Frontiers in Psychiatry, July 2024
Wellness/Prevention: Respect Summer Heat Dangers. Experts from UT Southwestern Medical Center note more
than 120,000 people visit emergency departments each summer due to heat exposure, which unfortunately claims the
lives of more than 2,300 people annually. To stay safe during the summer season, it’s important to keep hydrated,
stay indoors during peak heat, and dress appropriately when you spend time in the sun.
UT Southwestern Medical Center, July 2024
Quote: “The first recipe for happiness is: avoid too lengthy meditation on the past.” ~ Andre Maurois

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